Episode 56

Published on:

5th Mar 2022

Your Body Just Wants To Be In Balance, Is Yours?

My theme this month is the power within – our body’s ability to heal itself when we create the environment for it to do so. Unfortunately, modern-day life has us too depleted, from poor nutrition, poor sleep, and high stress for our body to find its way back to balance on its own.   We also lack the education to know how our daily activities are causing these imbalances inside our body and we can’t see it for ourselves, and so don’t realize what is going on until we get whacked by a wrecking ball and some kind of diagnosis of chronic disease. It doesn’t have to be this way, and in this episode, I share how we can be empowered in our health journey, get the knowledge we need in order to understand any imbalances so that we can take action to support the body in coming back into balance at which point it will heal itself. I share at-home lab testing options with you, that help you get the answers you may be looking for, or give you the choice to be proactive and have this information when you feel amazing, so you know your baseline!   Knowledge is power and I love to share these options with you, so you can make informed choices in your health journey. 

Link to my YouTube Channel to see the information about the lab tests (and please subscribe while there!). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTYG85CdWUA5MZ0NDCs-Z3Q/videos

Your Guided Health Journey Membership – 1 month FREE Trial: https://yourguidedhealthjourney.com/membership-programs/

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Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz:  https://welcome.yourguidedhealthjourney.com/yourtoxicload

About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit, and many more!  She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started. 



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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTYG85CdWUA5MZ0NDCs-Z3Q/videos


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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

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if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be? Like? What

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would that be worth to you?

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What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your health

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isn't everything. But without it, everything else is nothing.

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And yet too many of us are taking it for granted until

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something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be diagnosed

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with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've never

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been taught how to be proactive in our health through our school

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system, or public health. As a registered health coach and

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integrative health practitioner, I believe it is time this

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information is made available to everyone. Combining new

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knowledge around your health and the ability to do my functional

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medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home will

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allow you to optimize your health for today and all your

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tomorrow's don't wait for your wake up call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to the don't wait for your wake up call podcast. I

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am your host, Melissa daily. Thank you for tuning in and

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listening. And this month, the month of March 2022, my focus is

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on the power within the power within our own body. Our body

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knows, it is never wrong. Sometimes we have imbalances in

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the body. And that is what I want to be talking about today.

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Because when we tune in to the power within our own body, and

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listen, we can truly be working in harmony with our body. So our

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body is simply incredible. And yet, many of us take it for

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granted day in and day out. We only get one body in this life.

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And we need to look after it. If your body is failing you though,

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it isn't your fault. There are many things in society today

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that are working against you taking care of your body. Well,

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that's lack of education in our health and how to be proactive

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and better caring for our body, high stress and the demands of

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society to you know, work harder, do more the 40 hour work

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week, that becomes the 60 hour workweek just based on demands

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and workload and expectations of your boss and other superiors.

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There's poor nutrition, look at what's offered in the

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supermarket shelves, there's so many foods that are nutrient

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deplete. And yet because they're in the stores, people buy them,

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they're loaded with sugars that are addictive that make us want

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more salt does the same thing. And we're not feeding our body

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and giving our body what it needs in order to be in a state

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of good health. We also have nutrient deplete soils. And so

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when the nutrients aren't in the soil, they're not then grown

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into the food, and therefore, we're not getting the nutrition

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into our body. And I share an example of this over and over

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again. But if we just take one food, oranges, and we look at

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the nutrient density of an orange back in the 1930s and 40s

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to today, we wouldn't need to eat nine oranges today to get

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the same nutrient density out of what they got from one orange

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back in the 1930s and 40s. And nobody does that there's too

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much fiber in that orange, you get full too quickly. But it

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goes to show you that if we're not giving our body the

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nutrition that it needs, it can't be functioning at the

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level that we demand of it. Right. And we also many of us

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have grown up with the belief that we don't really have to

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look after our bodies because if we get sick, we go to the

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doctor, they'll give us a pill and they'll make us better. But

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that system is failing us as well because very often that

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simply ends in chronic illness, which is our true epidemic in

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the world today. Look around you. Everybody knows somebody

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with some kind of chronic illness, whether it be heart

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disease type two diabetes, leaky gut, autoimmune diseases,

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Alzheimer's and dementia, some forms of cancer, obesity, these

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are all chronic illnesses. And they're all lifestyle illnesses.

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And when we know how to work with our body, we can choose to

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not end up in a state of chronic illness. But again, the

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education isn't there for you to easily find this information.

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and out. When I was in the corporate world, I didn't know

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this. I didn't know what I know, today, seven years later. And

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when I first started, and taking all of my health coaching

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courses, I kept having these aha, as of why didn't I know

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that? Why hasn't somebody told me this? How can I be in my 40s,

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and never have learned this before. Simply because it's not

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taught through our education system is not readily available

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through our public health system, we have to choose to

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take additional courses, to get the information we need to truly

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know how to look after our body. But if that isn't your planned

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vocation, or your planned interest at university, etc, you

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haven't necessarily taken those extra courses. So that's why I

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have this podcast. And that's why I'm here sharing with you

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today. Because I truly believe it is so important, as I said,

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we have one body, and we need to be looking after it.

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And our body really would just like to be in balance. And yet

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there are things that we do all day long. From the food we eat,

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as I've mentioned, to the stress, we are under to the lack

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of sleep, all of these things can create imbalances within our

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body. But because it's happening inside where we can't see it, we

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don't necessarily know that it's happening. Now our body does try

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to let us know it talks to us. And you might have heard me say

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this before, that at first, it whispers gently, like the touch

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of a feather. And if we don't listen, it might come along and

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thump us with a break. And if we still don't listen, watch out

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because it might whack us with a wrecking ball. An all of us know

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someone who's been whacked with a wrecking ball. Whether it be

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you know, they just can't get out of bed one morning, because

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their body has said enough is enough, you need to slow down,

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and it is time to heal. And I'm going to make sure you slow down

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by making you feel so awful, that you can't get out of bed.

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Maybe that's someone in a state of burnout. Or maybe it's

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somebody that, you know, has a diagnosis of a chronic illness.

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They didn't go to bed perfectly healthy, and then wake up the

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next morning with a diagnosis that chronic illness has been

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building inside their body over weeks, months, and in some

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cases, years. And the body has been talking them to them

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throughout that time. But we don't slow down enough. We don't

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hear the messages. Or perhaps we do hear the messages. But we've

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been programmed by society to believe it's just normal aging.

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It's my genetics, or seasonal allergies, or whatever other

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label we give it to allow ourselves to ignore the messages

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and keep going on in our busy lives. Doo doo doo in order to

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get everything done that's on our plate. But when we do this,

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what happens? The body continues to get more and more out of

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balance. And this triggers inflammation that causes cells

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to turn on disease. And at some point, we get thumped with a

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break or whacked by a wrecking ball. Now, I've talked about

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this on previous episodes, but I know not everyone's listened to

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every single episode. Although I have had several people reach

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out to me recently telling me they have listened to every

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single one of my episodes. And thank you to those of you that

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are tuning into every episode. I really appreciate that feedback

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too. So what I've talked about before is what Hippocrates said

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over 2000 years ago, that all disease starts in the gut. So in

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starting to pay attention to our body, we need to really be

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paying attention to this epicenter of our health. And now

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modern day science epigenetics has proven Hippocrates to be

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correct. What we now know, with epigenetics is that it is not

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just your genes that are a factor in whether you get a

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disease or not. We all have genes in our body that

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predispose us genetically to certain diseases. But what we

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now know is that's only five to 10% of the equation as to

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whether you actually get that disease. The other 90 to 95% of

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the equation is the lifestyle factors, and the environment you

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create inside your body in your gut. And I know these stats can

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sound scary. But I like to think of them as empowering is they

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mean that in 90 to 95% of the cases of all disease, you have

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the choice as to whether you let your cells turn on the genes for

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that disease.

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Because remember, it's five to 10% of the equation is your

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genetic predisposition. And 90 to 95% of the equation is the

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environment you choose to create inside your body. That is what

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dictates your health outcomes. So you absolutely have the

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choice, excuse me, you absolutely have the choice as to

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whether your cells turn on the genes for that disease, you

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might be genetically predisposed to heart disease, but that

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doesn't mean you will get heart disease. Instead, it means you

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have a choice to create a body that is imbalanced with normal

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levels of inflammation. So your cells never turn on your genes.

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And we see that all the time in siblings, right? One sibling

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might get the disease that both of their parents had, or their

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parents and their grandparents and another sibling might not.

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They have very similar genes because they're in the same

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family. But maybe their lifestyles are different. And

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that is why one ends up with the disease that their parents and

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grandparents have had. And the other one doesn't. We see it

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even with twins, there's research that shows that. And it

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comes down to the lifestyle factors, not the genes. So how

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do you ensure that you keep your body in balance and have normal

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levels of inflammation rather than chronic inflammation in

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your body? Well, it all starts with education, which is, as I

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said, Why I offer this podcast? So thank you for listening. And

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the reality is, is we don't know what we don't know until we need

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to know. But knowledge is power. So what if you could learn about

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your health now in order to start to take preventative

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action? Well, I presume that's why you're here. And this is

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what is unfortunately missing in society, we are not taught how

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to take preventative steps in our health. If you however,

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recognize that health is your true wealth, or your greatest

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asset, then you will want to take care of it. You take care

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of your house, don't you cleaning bathrooms and your

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kitchen, vacuuming the carpets fixing things that are broken

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painting it doing rentals and you take care of your car taking

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it for regular services and oil changes. But do you take care of

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your body in the same way? Okay, maybe you take a shower every

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day. Maybe you exercise every day. And if you exercise

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everyday kudos to you but you're still in the minority. What else

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are you doing to take care of your body? Do you know your

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inflammation levels? Do you know your cortisol levels? Are you

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taking care of them keeping them in balance? Do you know your

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mineral levels? One of the most common causes of heart disease

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is an imbalance in your electrolytes calcium, magnesium,

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sodium, potassium. Wouldn't it be nice to know these levels in

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order to keep them in balance? Seeing his death by

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cardiovascular disease? is the number one cause killer in North

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America? Do you know if your hormones are out of balance? Do

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you know all for thyroid markers. One in eight women will

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get thyroid disease in her life. And yet our medical system only

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looks at one marker not all four markers in an annual exam.

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Knowing all four markers allows you to see the early warning

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signs which allows you to bring the body back into balance more

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easily. By the time that one marker shows there's a problem

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with the thyroid, the body is far more out of balance and it

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takes longer to bring it back into balance. Do you know if

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your gut has Candida or bacterial overgrowth, mold,

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fungus parasites or H Pylori? Do you struggle with gas or

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bloating, acid reflux, constipation or diarrhea? Well,

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all of these are signs of an unhappy digestive system, a sign

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that the gut is out of balance. And nearly all of my clients

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struggle with one or more of these things. And then finally

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at a point where they're looking for answers because they're

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tired of having to deal with it or not getting answers. And so

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this is you know, maybe there that stage between the feather

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and the brick, and that's where I love to work with clients

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because it's much easier to help the body heal than before.

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Already at the wrecking ball stage. It is extremely common

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these days for people to be having digestive issues, simply

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because of our lifestyle factors that I talked about before. Poor

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nutrition, high stress, poor sleep.

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Our gut is an entire ecosystem of 40,000 species of bacteria, 5

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million species of fungi 300,000 species of parasites. This is

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six pounds of living species and over 100 trillion microbes in

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our gut or our microbiome. And they're all designed to work in

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balance to help break down our food, keep our immune system

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strong, fight off pathogens, and live symbiotically within us for

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our optimal well being. But as I've said, stress, poor

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nutrition, poor sleep, antibiotics, food sensitivities

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and intolerances, birth control, anti inflammatory products like

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Tylenol and Advil, and more, can create imbalances in our gut. So

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using all of these factors over the course of a lifetime, mean

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that many, many people in today's world are struggling

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with imbalances in their gut, which causes inflammation, and

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then can trigger ourselves to turn on disease. So is it any

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wonder that we have so much chronic illness in our world

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today? So how do you find out if your body is out of balance,

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aside from it talking to you, but then you not really being

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sure what that means? Well, the easiest and quickest way is to

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run at home lab tests, these labs are literally mailed to

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your home with instructions on how to do them. a urine sample,

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a blood spot card, meaning you prick your finger and you drip

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some blood onto a card with circles on it. Hair snipping

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from hair at the nape of your neck, or saliva tests where you

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spit saliva into a tube. All things that you can do at home,

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you don't have to make an appointment, you don't have to

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go to a clinic, you can do these at home. I offer my clients

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discount pricing on the labs when we work together over a

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minimum of four sessions. As we guide your body back into

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balance. Once we see what is going on where it is out of

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balance based on the results of your labs. That was the gap I

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saw in the market in working with my own naturopath and

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referring others to her they would get their results. And

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then they'd be told what to do what they should do. But did

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they actually do it? Unfortunately, they didn't,

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because they didn't know where to start. And it felt

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overwhelming. And it just felt too hard. So they did nothing.

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And there is no point in having the information from the labs if

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then you do nothing with it. So that's why I support my clients

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through a process of four sessions, using an app providing

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meal plans and recipes, if needed, and then answering

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questions through the app adjusting supplements as needed.

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As we guide the body back into balance. This high level of

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support is what gets results for my clients. And that is what I

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want for my clients. So whether you know your body is already

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talking to you, or you want to take proactive action, these lab

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tests are for you. They provide you so much information as to

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what is going on inside your body. And as we look at the

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imbalances, we then know the steps to rebalance the body. And

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once the body is back in balance, it will heal itself if

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that's what's needed. That is what the body is designed to do.

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heal itself just like it heals a cut finger or a broken arm. It's

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our daily life, though, that has us so far out of balance due to

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again, let's say it together, poor sleep, poor nutrition, high

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stress, We've burned through all our vitamins and minerals. And

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the body is in a state that is simply too depleted to be able

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to bring itself back into balance. And so then it can't

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heal itself. It needs added support. And so where are we, we

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use the labs, we determine those imbalances. And then we support

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what is needed to bring the body back into balance. A body in

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balance doesn't get sick, doesn't harbor disease, or hold

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on to excess weight. So let's talk about these labs. Anyone

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listening you might want to go to my YouTube channel because

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I'm going to share my screen here so that you can actually

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see the labs. I'll put the link in the show notes so you can

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watch this portion later. As I show you exactly what the labs

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look like. And while you're on my YouTube channel, it would be

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awesome if you could also subscribe I'm trying to get to

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100 subscribers so that I can actually brand my YouTube

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channel and then it would be so much easier for me to Just tell

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you here and now what the URL is. Because I hope one day, it

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will be youtube.com forward slash your guided health

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journey. But it is not that today. So I will put the link in

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the show notes, please subscribe, I'm almost at my 100

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just need a few more. And then next time around,

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I can that actually give you the URL verbally as well. So let me

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share my screen here. And we are going to run through these labs.

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So the first lab I want to talk about is the food sensitivities

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lab, this lab tests for over 190 Different foods, and assesses

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the immune response in your body, when you eat these foods.

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And immune response is also creating inflammation. When we

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have a cut finger, the body creates inflammation in that

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area to help heal the gut heal the wound. Same thing with a

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swollen ankle, right? When we have an immune response, it

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triggers inflammation. So if we are unknowingly eating foods

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that we have a sensitivity to day in and day out, we are

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creating inflammation in our body. And that over time, has us

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in a place of chronic inflammation, which we don't

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want, because remember, chronic inflammation triggers our cells

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to turn on those genes that we that triggered the disease that

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we're genetically predisposed to. And you might I have people

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come to me that have digestive issues, they have symptoms, and

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they say, well, it's not the food. Because I've been eating

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this food my whole life, and it can't be the food. But here's

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the reality, there's several factors going on here. First of

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all, as children, we innately know what our body likes, and

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doesn't like because we have that innate ability to listen to

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our body. But what happens is our well meaning parents, my

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parents did this to me. And I did this to my children, because

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remember, I didn't know then what I know now we'll put food

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on the table, the same meal for everyone because it's convenient

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to feed the whole family the same meal. And when somebody

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says I don't want this, we get told, eat everything on your

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plate because there's children starving in Africa. We've all

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heard that. But the reality is, is that a young child doesn't

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have the vocabulary in order to truly say how that food makes

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them feel. And explain that to a parent. And the parent isn't

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necessarily listening because the parent is reacting out of

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habit in the way they were parented talking about children

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starving in Africa. So over time, we start to override our

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body signals, we stopped listening to our body signals,

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and we eat the food. And because it's not an anaphylactic

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reaction, there's nothing dire going on, we might not feel

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great. The next day, we might have a tummy ache, we might have

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brain fog, we might have joint pain, but we don't associate it

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with the ongoing eating of this food or we don't communicate

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that to our parents. So we keep eating it. And over time over

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the span of a lifetime. This escalates and the body starts

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talking to us more loudly, or trying to speak with different

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symptoms to make us finally do something kind of we get to that

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brick stage where we now are like, Okay, this is so bad. I

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need to actually investigate this. But we still don't think

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it's the food. It's also very difficult to discover which

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foods are the culprit, because we eat so many different foods

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in any given day. And when it's a food sensitivity, the symptoms

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tend not to show up for 24 to 48 to even 72 hours later. And let

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me ask you this. Do you remember what you ate three days ago? Can

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you name every single food you ate? Probably not. And as a

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result, it's very difficult to figure this out on your own,

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even using a food diary. And so running the lab just makes it

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super easy because it tells you what foods you have a

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sensitivity to. The other thing that increases our risk of food

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sensitivities is our toxic load. Something else I've talked about

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often and if you're not familiar with toxic load, you can go back

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and listen to my episodes one through four of this podcast.

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As we increase our toxic load, we're also increasing our body's

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inflammation levels, and increasing the number of

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sensitivities we will have when it comes to our food because our

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digestive system is weaker. And we struggle to break down foods.

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So we further increase inflammation. So this particular

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sample report that you can see on the screen here just shows

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page one of this lab is going Through dairy, it's going

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through lagoons, it's going through fruits, it's going

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through grains, fish, seafood, meat, as well as nuts and seeds.

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And this particular person on this sample report has a lot of

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food sensitivities. So this tells me that they very likely

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have a leaky gut. And we need to be addressing their gut, while

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also eliminating the foods. When we eliminate the foods, we start

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to lower inflammation, we start to lower stress on the body. And

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when we lower stress on the body, the body can start

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healing. And once we heal the gut, we can then start to

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reintroduce these foods. Now, when we remove the foods, we're

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not removing them forever. We're removing them depending on the

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degree of sensitivity for six weeks, 12 weeks, or six months.

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And yes, we can reintroduce them. Once we've given the body

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a chance to heal. It simply may mean that as you reintroduce

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them, and you have newfound awareness around how you feel,

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and you're introducing one food at a time, you can assess over

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that 72 hour period, how that food makes you feel? Does it

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give you brain fog? Does it give you joint pain? Does it cause

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stomach aches? Does it cause Gasser diarrhea or bloating

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so that you know what that food does to you. And with a healed

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gut, maybe it doesn't do anything at all. Or maybe it

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does. And so now you have choices, you have the choice to

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eat that food less often, right, you're not going to eat it three

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times a day, seven days a week. Many people do eat grains three

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times a day, seven days a week. And if their body can't cope

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with it, we need to cut it back. So or maybe it's eggs, maybe you

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have eggs three days a week, five days a week. Well, now if

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it's eggs that are the problem. And eggs are the number three

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food sensitivity. First is gluten, then dairy, then eggs.

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If eggs are the problem, well, maybe you're going to have eggs

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once every couple of weeks, not three to five times a week. So

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it gives you choices. If you shouldn't be doing gluten and

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dairy, but the whole family is doing pizza and you're watching

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a hockey game together, whatever it is, and it's a Friday night,

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maybe that's okay, because over the weekend, you don't have any

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plans. And if you don't feel great or you have brain fog, it

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doesn't matter if you lie around on the couch. But if you have a

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really big presentation in three days, maybe you don't want to

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have that pizza just to make sure that you don't have that

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brain fog or that discomfort before your presentation. So

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again, it gives you choices. Having this knowledge is

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powerful because then you get to make the right choices for you

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knowing the ramifications, as opposed to not knowing in some

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days feeling good. And some days feeling like crap and not

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understanding why. So the next lab is the thyroid and adrenal

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hormones lab. And I love this lab because it gives us so much

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information in one place. It gives me all four sex hormone

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markers. It gives me four cortisol markers throughout the

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day. It gives me all four thyroid markers. It gives me

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both the fasted insulin and then 90 Day insulin markers as well

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as vitamin D markers. You can't see that because that's on page

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two. But all of this information in one place is extremely

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helpful for people, especially people that are struggling with

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low energy. Because I get to see what is your cortisol doing? Is

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it doing what it should be doing, which is it should be

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highest in the morning when you wake up between six and 8am. And

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then it should be dropping by about half by lunchtime,

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dinnertime. And then at its lowest at bedtime. Because we

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want cortisol low at bedtime. It's the invoice marker to

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melatonin. We want melatonin at its highest at that time so that

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you can get into a deep restorative sleep. And when

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cortisol isn't functioning that way, it's an indication of the

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stress on your body. And you may not feel that stressed. But the

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reality is, is stress stacks within our body. And our body is

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trying to cope with that stress. And not only the stresses in

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your daily life, but perhaps you've got a parasite that your

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body's fighting, you've got gut imbalances, maybe you're

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fighting a virus, those are all stresses as well that your body

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is trying to cope with. And perhaps it's not able to calm

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properly at night for you to get into that deep restorative sleep

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for your body to be able to make the melatonin that needs to be

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made and we need to support your body in calming before bed. And

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we can do that through the use of natural supplements. So when

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we see the imbalances in your cortisol, we know how to support

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the body and coming back into balance. Seeing estrogen and

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progesterone ratios is really important particularly for women

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because a when estrogen When is too high relative to

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progesterone and the balance is off, it puts us into a state of

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estrogen dominance. And when we're in a state of estrogen

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dominance, that can trigger other things inside our body, it

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can cause our thyroid to slow down. This is why so many more

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women have thyroid disease than men. As I said earlier, one in

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eight women will get thyroid disease in their lifetime. So if

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our estrogen is too high relative to progesterone, it can

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trigger thyroid issues. It can also put us on the path towards

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type two diabetes, it can also left unchecked cause breast

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cancer, it's one of the known causes of breast cancer. So

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seeing all of this information on one lab is really important,

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helpful information, in order for us to understand where the

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body is out of balance, and help bring the body back into

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balance. The next lab is the gut health lab. Whoops, I went one

Melissa Deally:

too far, too, too far.

Melissa Deally:

There we go. Our gut health lab. And this lab is also incredibly

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helpful. This is a urine sample. And it will show us whether you

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have bacterial overgrowth, Candida overgrowth, mold or

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fungus in your gut. That's all on page one. Page two goes into

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mitochondrial function. And of course, our mitochondria are

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energy powerhouses in the body. And if they're not functioning

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well, we need to be supporting them in order for you to have

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good energy. It also goes into neurotransmitter function.

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Because of that gut brain connection. If the gut isn't

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happy, neither is the brain. And if they got isn't happy, it's

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not producing neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin and

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dopamine at high enough levels for us to feel good and happy.

Melissa Deally:

And that's sometimes why people go to the doctor saying I feel

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blah, I'm just down and feel depressed, and they get put on a

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drug and anti anxiety or an anti depressive drug, as opposed to

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let's look at what's going on inside your gut. That could be

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triggering it to not be able to produce the right amounts of

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serotonin and dopamine levels for you to feel good. Again,

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when we understand this information, it's really

Melissa Deally:

powerful in being able to heal the body or bring the body back

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into balance, at which point it heals itself. I'm not healing

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anything, I'm not diagnosing anything. I'm simply looking for

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the imbalances, helping the body come back into balance, at which

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point it will heal itself. So this lab also shows us vitamin

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levels for key vitamins. And again, we burn through those

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under high stress. So we want to know if your body is depleted,

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and then support those levels so that the body can function

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optimally. And it also shows detox pathways are your detox

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pathways functioning well are they blocks do we need to

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support them more, we do live in a toxic world. And so the body

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needs all the support it can get when it comes to detoxing. The

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next lab is our middle metals and minerals lab tests. This is

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simply a hair clipping from the nape of the neck. And this lab

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will show us our electrolytes and all of our key minerals. So

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our electrolytes are our calcium, magnesium, sodium and

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potassium. And as I said earlier, when there's an

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imbalance there, that is a very common cause of heart disease,

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our number one killer in North America. When we are under

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stress, we also burn through our minerals, like we do our

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vitamins. And so we can very often be depleted in our

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minerals, including our zinc, or copper or manganese, or chromium

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or Selenium or phosphorus. And then the body can't bring itself

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back into balance. So we need to address this, we need to support

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the body by giving the body what it needs. But what's important

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too, when it comes to our minerals is it's not just about

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our deficiency levels, it's also about having them be in balance

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with one another. We don't want so much copper that we don't

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have enough zinc because they will push each other up and

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down, we need to have them in balance. The same for calcium

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and magnesium, for example. So again, this lab shows us all of

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that. And it also shows us metal toxic levels for five key

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metals, aluminum, arsenic, mercury, cadmium and lead. And

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it's important to know that too, because our body struggles to

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detox metals, which are not natural in the body by itself,

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so we need to support it with a proper heavy metal detox to get

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those metals out. Because if we don't, what do they do? They

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cause inflammation. What does that do? Over time that chronic

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level of inflammation will trigger ourselves to turn on

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disease. Not only that some of those metals are neurotoxins,

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meaning they get into our brain and they cause problems with

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our, our brain function. And we don't want that we've only got

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one brain as well, right? So we know aluminum is a known

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neurotoxin, so is mercury.

Melissa Deally:

So the next lab is our omega three lab test. And I love this

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one, it's measuring our level of inflammation in the body. It's

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comparing our levels of omega threes to omega sixes, these are

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our essential fatty acids. And they're essential because our

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body doesn't make them so we have to get them through our

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food. Omega sixes are the inflammatory, essential fatty

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acid and omega threes are the anti inflammatory. But here's

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the thing, Omega sixes are in everything in terms of our food

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is very easy for us to get omega sixes into our diet, whereas

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omega threes are harder to get. The best sources are wild fatty

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fish like sardines, anchovies, wild salmon, well, mackerel, the

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there are some plant based omega threes as well, but the body has

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to go through an extra process to break that down. And so it's

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harder for us to get enough through just a plant based diet,

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or we have to eat a lot more in order to get enough. So I love

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this lab, because it says right under that green line where it

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says total Omega three 8%. Right underneath that it says we want

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to be at 9%. If when we get to the desired level of greater

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than 9%, we are actually then reducing our risk of sudden

Melissa Deally:

death by cardiovascular disease by 99 0%. Now, that's powerful.

Melissa Deally:

Given that death by cardiovascular disease is the

Melissa Deally:

number one killer in North America, if we could get

Melissa Deally:

everybody in the world to balance their Omega three to

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omega six levels in order to have balanced inflammation in

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the body, we would lower our levels of heart disease

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significantly. So what else that I love about this lab is that on

Melissa Deally:

page two, it actually shows us does your body need more EPA or

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more DHA, which are two types within Omega three. And so when

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you go to get a supplement, you buy something supplements store,

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there's so many things to choose from, how do you know what's a

Melissa Deally:

good supplement? And is it actually giving you what your

Melissa Deally:

body needs. And so here we're getting that additional

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information. So that you know, I need a omega three supplement

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official a supplement that has more EPA than DHA, or I need one

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that has more DPA than DHA and EPA, right? It's just giving you

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more information, which again, knowledge is power. And then the

Melissa Deally:

last lab that I want to share with you is our stool test. This

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lab will also look for Candida overgrowth, bacteria overgrowth,

Melissa Deally:

and goes further it looks at for parasites, it looks for h

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pylori. And it also looks at digestive function. What's the

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pH level in your stomach? What's the enzymatic production in your

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stomach are the levels good or not. And so that's a lot of

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powerful information for people that are struggling with

Melissa Deally:

digestive issues or have symptoms of parasites or H

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Pylori, and we need more information. And sometimes you

Melissa Deally:

think parasites or H Pylori are just a problem in developing

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countries. But that isn't true. It's actually still very common

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globally. Because of course, we travel to developing countries

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and then come home again. But we can get parasites and h pylori

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locally within our first world countries as well from a number

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of different sources.

Melissa Deally:

So this is a three days through lab. And the reason that we do

Melissa Deally:

it as a three day lab is that the speck of stool that you take

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out of the stool and put into the container is a fairly small

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speck. And so from your bowel movement, you pick a spot, it

Melissa Deally:

could it's easy to actually miss the pathogen. But when we do it

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over three days, we have a much higher chance of finding the

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pathogen and at least one of those stool samples in order to

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know exactly what we're dealing with. And when we do just a one

Melissa Deally:

day test, there's a very high, false negative. So you get told,

Melissa Deally:

Oh, you don't have anything. There's nothing wrong with you.

Melissa Deally:

We've just done a one day test. But what I see in the three day

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Labs is I'll see the results across all three days. And I'll

Melissa Deally:

see Oh, day one, there was nothing but on the day two lab

Melissa Deally:

we found something and on the day three tests, we found

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something where sometimes we find it just in one of the

Melissa Deally:

samples of the three but at least we know it's there and

Melissa Deally:

what we're dealing with. So then we know how to eradicate it from

Melissa Deally:

the body. And then again, bring the body back into balance. So,

Melissa Deally:

I wanted to share all of this with you today, because again,

Melissa Deally:

we're talking about the power within our gut health or the way

Melissa Deally:

our body talks to us. And the way our body is designed to be

Melissa Deally:

in balance, and when we understand that when we know how

Melissa Deally:

to listen to our body, and when we also know the options that

Melissa Deally:

are available to us to determine whether our body is out of

Melissa Deally:

balance in any of these areas I've addressed through the labs,

Melissa Deally:

you have more choices, you have more choices to choose to be

Melissa Deally:

proactive in your health and get a baseline of all of these labs

Melissa Deally:

when you're feeling amazing to know exactly what your levels

Melissa Deally:

are. And then run the labs annually if you like to catch

Melissa Deally:

the early warning signs of things going sideways. Or if you

Melissa Deally:

are struggling with symptoms, then these labs can really help

Melissa Deally:

you understand what is going on, and then how we can address that

Melissa Deally:

in order to bring the body back into balance. So thank you so

Melissa Deally:

much for listening, I invite you to reach out if you would like

Melissa Deally:

to know more information, you can contact me via email at

Melissa Deally:

Melissa at your guided health journey.com or simply go to my

Melissa Deally:

website, which is your guided health journey.com. The other

Melissa Deally:

thing that I want to share is that I really appreciate you

Melissa Deally:

listening and love that you are here wanting to learn about your

Melissa Deally:

health. It is my mission this year to touch the lives of 1000

Melissa Deally:

people and create a healthier global community. But to track

Melissa Deally:

that I need to hear from you. So if you love what I'm offering

Melissa Deally:

either in my podcast, my blog, my workshops, my membership

Melissa Deally:

program, or my website, please send me an email or reach out to

Melissa Deally:

me through my website on the contact form. And just let me

Melissa Deally:

know because that allows me to track you as somebody who I've

Melissa Deally:

touched in in 2022 as part of my goal to create a healthier

Melissa Deally:

global community. Thanks for listening. And I hope you'll

Melissa Deally:

come back and join me for the next episode.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If

Melissa Deally:

you can take two minutes to share this episode with someone

Melissa Deally:

who you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their

Melissa Deally:

life. That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going

Melissa Deally:

to your favorite podcast listening app. And let me know

Melissa Deally:

what you enjoy or would like to hear more of it will support me

Melissa Deally:

in my effort to bring the possibility of natural healing

Melissa Deally:

to a wider audience and help disrupt the sick care system we

Melissa Deally:

have today and make human health the global priority. Health is

Show artwork for Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!

About the Podcast

Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!
with Melissa Deally, Integrative Health Practitioner
As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?

About your host

Profile picture for Melissa Deally

Melissa Deally

Melissa is an Integrative Mind Body Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issue. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures, but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements. Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing, so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.