Episode 122

Published on:

17th Jun 2023

She Healed Her Throat Cancer With Love | Ep 122

Continuing National Cancer Survivor Month, Lisa Manyon joins me as this week’s guest. She healed herself with love from throat cancer, without any chemo or radiation. She changed her lifestyle, she knew the power of her mindset was important and chose to stay out of the “fear” realm, and instead tap into guidance from source. On her 5-year anniversary of being cancer free, she launched her book, the #1 International Bestselling book Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love. Tune into this episode to be inspired by Lisa’s healing journey and know that you or your loved ones can do this too. Her book is a great resource for anyone going through cancer, with multiple tools, so you can choose the right ones for you, on your unique healing path. Lisa is also offering you a free gift, click below to access that.

Gift: Claim your complimentary Journey of Awakening audio and Journal Prompts as featured in the bestselling book Spiritual Sugar here https://spiritualsugar.com

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Health Kickstart Program: https://yourguidedhealthjourney.com/health-kick-start-detox/



About the Guest:

Lisa Manyon is The Business Marketing Architect, Founder and President of Write On Creative®, and host of the podcast Your Message Matters. She teaches, trains, and transforms via her philosophies for marketing with integrity and methodologies about healing with love. She pioneered the values-based Challenge. Solution. Invitation™ communication framework to create marketing messages with integrity with an emphasis on PASSION points. She specializes in taking the pain out of planning and pain points out of marketing. Her work has been featured in Inc. magazine and multiple #1bestselling books. Her marketing strategies are known to create million-dollar results. Lisa believes business is personal and is a cancer thriver. She is the author of the #1 International Bestselling book Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love (with a foreword from Dr. Joe Vitale and an afterword from Neale Donald Walsch). Learn more about marketing with integrity at WriteOnCreaive.com and Healing with Love at SpiritualSugar.com 













About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner and Master Practitioner in NLP and Timeline Therapy and a Board Designated Hypnotherapy Teacher Trainer, helping people get to the root cause of their health issues and then get lasting results. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.  Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 & 2022 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler.

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit and many more! She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started.


Linktree: https://linktr.ee/yourguidedhealthjourney


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Imagine getting up every day full of energy is if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be like? What would that be worth to you? What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your health isn't everything. But without it, everything else is nothing. And yet too many of us are taking it for granted until something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be diagnosed with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've never been taught how to be proactive in our health through our school system, or public health. As a registered health coach and integrative health practitioner, I believe it is time this information is made available to everyone. Combining new knowledge around your health and the ability to do my functional medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home will allow you to optimize your health for today in all your tomorrow's don't wait for your wake up call welcome back to another episode of The don't wait for your wake up call podcast. I am your host Melissa Daly and today I am here with my guest Lisa Manyon. Welcome, Lisa,

Lisa Manyon:

thank you so much for having me.

Melissa Deally:

I'm so excited to have you on the show because this show will come out during National Cancer Survivor month and I really want people to hear your story of healing because that will give them hope. But before we dive in, I just want to introduce you a little bit to the audience as well. Lisa is the business marketing architect, founder and president of right on creative and host of the podcast your message matters. She teaches trains and transforms via her philosophies for marketing with integrity and methodologies about healing with love. She pioneered the values based challenge solution invitation communication framework to create marketing messages with integrity with an emphasis on passion points. She specializes in taking the pain out of planning and pain points out of marketing. Her work has been featured in Ink Magazine and multiple number one best selling books. Her marketing strategies are known to create million dollar results. Lisa believes business is personal and is a cancer thriver which we will be talking about. She is the author of the number one best selling book spiritual sugar, which we will also be talking about the divine ingredients to heal yourself with love. So with that, Lisa, I would love for you to share your story from being diagnosed with cancer through to where you're at today.

Lisa Manyon:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, I'm gonna back up to even before my diagnosis because as with most things in my life, everything's divinely guided. And two years prior to receiving the diagnosis, I actually received a divine download that told me I was going to write a book called spiritual sugar, and that it was going to be about healing with love. To which I thought I'm not even remotely qualified. I don't know that I'm a Healed person. I think we're always on a continual healing journey. And I was overwhelmed because I had already received this divine charge to teach marketing with integrity. So I journaled about it, and I talked to decide. And I didn't really give it a second thought, other than I thought, that's way too big for me, I have no idea why the creator's giving me this message, because it makes no sense to me in this moment. So fast forward to that was in 2015, to 2017. And I was having some health issues, and I wasn't sure what was going on. But I knew there was something really big happening. And I was trying to navigate Western medicine, which can sometimes be a challenge, particularly when you're not really being listened to. So I felt something growing in my throat. I had squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue, so throat cancer, and I didn't know it at that time, but I felt something growing inside of me. And my my airway was starting to get obstructed because the tumor was growing. I didn't know exactly what was going on, but I was having all kinds of different symptoms. And so I was working with a general practitioner, nurse practitioner, and she kept telling me that I had an abscess tooth, which I knew was not the case, you know, and I was getting frustrated, and I would tell her my symptoms and she's like, Oh, well, let's just give you some acid reflux medicine or let's just do this. And I'm like, No, I want to know, the root cause this is not working for me. And finally I frustrated er, which I'm sure I did, because I was asking all these questions, and I was saying no, I don't want drugs. I don't want I don't want to just mask the symptoms. I want to know what's going on. So finally,

Melissa Deally:

exactly like me.

Lisa Manyon:

Yeah, I know. That's why That's why we connect with you know, yes,

Melissa Deally:

that is you know, I frustrate my doctor for the same reason because I say the same things. I don't want to mask the symptoms. I don't On the prescription drugs, I want the root cause and we should all know the root cause, because that's how we get to true healing. Anyway, I digress, keep going. I lad, you know, you know, to do that and to advocate for yourself, because sometimes we really

Lisa Manyon:

have to, well, we did. And then finally, she asked me if I thought I had cancer. And I was, I was really bothered by that, because I'm very smart and very intuitive, but a little thing precludes me from making that kind of diagnosis, like, oh, I don't know, never go into medical school. You know, that's I was there for her expertise, but I wasn't getting what I needed. And I don't blame her I want to I want to share that, you know, it's it's a broken system, people are pushed through, there's only a limited amount of minutes that a doctor can spend with you. So there's so many things we can unpack there. But we're not going to get into that today, we'll just get into a whole other episode is it's like that. That's another thing in and of itself. But so I ended up getting a referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist and finally had a had a scope. And they determined that there was a growth that was over two centimeters big, about the size of a walnut. And so immediately they scheduled a biopsy. And I went back in had the biopsy, and I was told, you know the three words that no one ever really wants to hear you have cancer, or it is cancer, one of those I don't know. But the three word combination is something I don't wish anyone to have to deal with. And so I had already prior to getting in with the en ti i was sitting in my office again and I was sitting in in grade I was thinking, oh my gosh, what if I do have cancer because I hadn't even imagined that could be a possibility. Until the doctor asked me if I thought I had cancer. And as I was sitting in my office, I got another message that said, don't worry, you're going to heal this with love. And at that moment, I remembered, oh my gosh, that journal entry in that message that I tried to ignore, but clearly can't ignore it anymore. And I went and pulled that up and bought the domain name on the spot. So in true entrepreneurial form, I'm trying to heal myself figure things out, not sure what's going on. But like, okay, clearly this is a sign. And I'm supposed to do something big with this. So it was cancer. Clearly I got that note, but even when, even when that was delivered to myself and my mom, we were there together. I, I didn't panic, because I had that thought and that hope that okay, we're gonna heal this with love. I was given that message for a reason. And the messages that I've given typically come to fruition. I have not been, you know, steered in the wrong direction yet. So I'm gonna go with that because it beats the alternative. So I really chose to focus on healing with love instead of rolling into fear because we know the power of the mindset is so huge. That had I had bought into the fear of everything. It would have just, it wouldn't have worked out well for me, right?

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely not because you buy into the fear the fear weakens the immune system as it increases your stress. And it's very hard for the body to heal in that state. It doesn't heal in a stressed out state.

Lisa Manyon:

It does. Right. That's exactly right. And so, you know, the doctor was really surprised that I kind of had I, you know, I didn't break down in tears and start freaking out. I was, I was kind of in shock. But I was also like, okay, now I know what I need to heal with? Well, you know, this is, this is it. And I of course had many conversations with the Creator like, Okay, listen, if this is it, thank you. Life has been very beautiful. I've done almost everything I want to do. There's a few things that I still want to do. But if this is it, thank you. And kind of I went into a place of surrender, right? So if this is it, this is it. But I think we have more work to do. And if we do show me what it is, right. So I ended up having a transoral robotic surgery. I did not do chemo or radiation. At that point, it was a choice that I made to not do that. And so as of August of 2020, to five years out, no evidence of disease declared cancer free. And I'm continuing on the path of healing myself with love because it's an ongoing journey and it's not easy to stay healthy. When when I was diagnosed, I was actually technically obese. I'm five seven and I was 189 pounds which put me over the technical technical benchmark Yes, such mark which when I saw that on paper, it freaked me out. I carried it well, of course, but it was still like that was a reality check. It's like, oh, you know what, clearly I'm not as healthy as I thought I was and now I've manifested this cancer and what am I going to do to heal so I started eating pure foods. I really eliminated I joke around and say eliminated my four favorite food groups coffee, wine, chocolate and cheese. If I did that cold turkey, I thought that alone would kill me, but it didn't. So I'm thankful. And I eliminated all processed sugar, I stopped drinking coffee was big. That was one of my favorite food groups, which I had no or not actually food groups. But it was a reset of how I was showing up for myself. Yeah, and even today, it's a challenge to stay on track, because society does not set us up to be healthy.

Melissa Deally:

It absolutely doesn't. And it's interesting that you said that it's not easy to stay healthy, because I was listening to another podcast the other day. And it's a fabulous podcast is by Eric Ari Witten of the energy blueprint. And he was interviewing Dr. James chestnut. And they were talking about mainstream medicine versus chronic illness. And it was a part one and then part two comes out this weekend, which I can't wait to listen to. And Ari Witten was saying that, you know, people will often choose the easy way, which is what society caters to us that convenience foods, the processed foods, you know, the foods laden with sugar that of course, we love, because it's so addictive, as opposed to the effortful way of looking after our health and exercising and choosing to eat clean, etc, etc. And it was interesting, because Dr. James chestnut said, I want to counter that, because don't think of not being healthy as the easy way, and being healthy as the hard way. Because it's actually very hard to be obese, to have diabetes to have heart disease. And it is actually easier to look after your health. When you learn how,

Lisa Manyon:

yes, that's true. That's very true. I love that you distinguish that I'm going to check that podcast out for sure. Because I'm always looking for really great resources. So you know, this whole journey, it changes you, as you know, facing mortality, you're never the same, you look at life differently. Every second, every moment counts. And so we want to make sure that we're making a really big impact. And so last year, I got the book done, the spiritual sugar book, and its relation. Thank you, thank you, it truly is my love letter to humanity. And it's really part memoir, you know, parts spiritual awakening, there's a ton tons of spiritual tools included, there's three parts. So there's kind of The Awakening, which is my personal journal entries and journey through this whole navigating Western medicine, making the choice not to do chemo and radiation, not rolling into the fear, everything that I navigated there. And then the second part is spiritual tools, because I integrated a lot of the natural healing modalities. And sometimes people will say they're unconventional, but truly, they're, they're ancient wisdom that we just haven't been incorporating into our lives because it isn't taught in the mainstream. So there's over 30 tools that I used, that people can look at, and pick and choose to see what might work for them. And then the final part is embodying spiritual sugar. And there's seven core areas that I encourage people to look at, to fortify their life to really make it count and to enrich how they're living. And so I'm just so delighted with the feedback that I'm getting from the book, it's changing lives, it's helping people and it was kind of, you know, sort of my my promise my handshake with the Creator, okay, if we're gonna do this, let's do this. And so it felt right to get it out on the same, you know, the same year that I was declared, you know, no evidence of disease and cancer free, which is a huge thing. Yeah. And so, you know, people have asked me Well, now that, you know, you're in the clear, how is that going to change things? And I said, I don't know that we're all ever in the clear. I think we have to continually take really, really good care of ourselves. And I'm still course correcting in that, you know, I was just rereading my book again, because I'm doing a presentation coming up soon. I'm doing now doing employee wellness presentations, people who have budgets for their employee wellness programs are bringing me in to purchase the book in bulk for their teams, and then have me share my story, do a reading and then guide them through some journal exercises to create a commit to me plan. So I have to, I have to continually embody this because it's again, I like I like the notion that it's easier to be healthier than it is sick, which is true, but it's not always easy to get on that path to staying healthy.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely. And there's so much information out there that it can be confusing what's the right way to stay healthy, which information is correct, which information isn't and you know, in my work, it's very much bio individual right. So what might be right for one person may not be right for another although there are some general things like removing processed sugar and reducing the amount of processed foods that we're eating if that applies to everybody in the world, right? And understanding that and then working with somebody that can guide you is what's so important. And that helps make it easy. So you know, you've got your book you, I don't know that you guide people through one to one because you've got your marketing business on the side, but people can use the tools in your book as a starting point. And, and then I myself, I help guide people through with those lifestyle changes to, you know, a hold people accountable, give them the accurate information, have them figure out what's right for them. Because when we create the environment for our body to heal, it will heal, we just need to know how, and then we need to stay on that track. And our health is our number one asset. If we don't have our health, we can't do all the other things that we want to do in our life. And so it does need to be a priority throughout our entire life. We don't just do it once and then I'm good.

Lisa Manyon:

Right? Oh, true. And I love it, you love that you said that it's an individual journey, because when I was putting the book together, so the title was spiritual sugar, which was given to me from source, so I can't really argue with that. The subtitle is the divine ingredients to heal yourself with love, because you have to pick and choose your own ingredients and be guided by someone who's an expert like you. So you touched on something else. I don't guide people through helping with the cancer journey, because I'm actually not qualified. It's just something that I did, right, you're qualified, there's a difference. And so I want to be really careful about that. And really, my goal is well, while spiritual sugar is partially about my healing with love Journey with cancer, it truly is, as I said, that love letter to humanity so that hopefully, everyone can start taking such good care of themselves so that they avoid that big wake up call and not facing mortality, like we had to do because it's not for the faint of heart. It really truly is not,

Melissa Deally:

it isn't. And you've just given me full body goosebumps, literally. Because your book will have people start to love themselves. And when you love yourself enough, you will take action. Because you know you're worth it. If you're enjoying my content, and someone that wants to step into being proactive in your health and learning more, I would love to invite you to join my membership community. There's a link in the show notes for only 1999 a month, you get access to all of my content. And there's a lot as well as weekly calls that you can come and get your health questions answered. It's truly priceless. I'd love to see you join the community, check out the link in the show notes.

Lisa Manyon:

It's so true. It is so true. And you know, just knowing that when people read the book that they're inspired, a friend of mine read the book, and she knows me really well. And she said to me, oh my gosh, this book is so much more than I even imagined all the journal prompts in there. Thank you for reminding me of who I am. And even just that alone was oh my gosh, it touched my heart. It's like, you're welcome. You know, so I wrote the book. Yeah, right. It's from my heart to yours. And I'm glad that it helped. And that's really important to me, I want people to take charge of their health. And you said something too, about, you know, loving ourselves and really committing to ourselves. So one of the messages that I received through the journey was, your number one job is to commit to yourself to take care of you. And so often we don't do that, you know, our careers, get in the way, family, other obligations. And realistically, and you know, many people say this, but you cannot get from an empty cup. So we have to fill ourselves up first, or we have nothing left to give

Melissa Deally:

100%. And it's interesting because I used to be in the corporate world. And so I was there with everybody else, you know, busy raising my family and being a wife and building my career and not looking after me. And when I got into health coaching after very much being guided here, and that's a whole other story. And if someone wants to hear it, they can go back to Episode One of the don't wait for your wake up call podcast. One of the first things I learned was that self care is not selfish. And I had always believed that it was and that I had to look after everybody else first. And that was huge. For me. That was like the big aha right in the first week. And I created a mantra around it so that I could shift my mindset. And I could keep repeating that mantra to myself until it became ingrained. And that was that self care is the most selfless act, because it allows you to show up and give the world the best of you instead of what's left of you.

Lisa Manyon:

Oh, that's beautiful. I love that that's so true. And it's so important, you know, and I think society is just set up in a way where everything is so fast paced, and you know, sometimes I even roll back into that energy and I have to pull back and unplug from technology and really think about it think Wait a minute, Lisa, what are you doing here, you're not supposed to be stressing out, you're supposed to be taking really good care of yourself, you know, you have to kind of practice what you preach, so to speak. And sometimes it's a challenge, I'm not gonna say that it isn't, you know, there's times when I would like to not have to be as regimented. And it's not regimented in a bad way, by the way, once we start choosing to fuel our body, and our soul and ourselves and everything with these wonderful nourishing foods that are real food, instead of some of the package poisonous food and sounds harsh, but the truth of the matter is, I always tell people, you know, read labels, if you can't pronounce it, it's probably not food. And once we start eating that real food and nourishing ourselves about real food, it makes such a difference. And it does become habit, and it does become part of our routine and our ritual. And really, our bodies were designed to, you know, to operate on real pure food. That's why it grows on, you know, fruit grows on trees, you know, vegetables come from the ground, you know, it's all natural. And we've gotten away from really our roots, I guess that's the best way to say it.

Melissa Deally:

We absolutely have. And I agree with all that you're saying and share that as well. And, again, I didn't know any of this when I was in the corporate world, right. And I've been out of the corporate world for eight years now. So in eight years, I have learned all of this and reading labels and changed the way that I eat. And I didn't do it all at once on one day. I did it over time.

Lisa Manyon:

Right, we have to do it over time.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. And that's how we build habits. And so don't expect to do everything all at once. Give yourself some grace to fall off and flounder. But know that each day you come back, you're one day ahead of where you were before. And as a result, eight years later, I have more energy I feel so much better than I did 20 years ago, when I was 35. I just turned 55 And because of the way I fuel my body and look after myself, and I had to learn to calendar my self care time. And I love to unplug to I was out yesterday evening all my paddleboard just sitting out in the middle of the lake, you know, I paddled around for a while. And then I just sat down and chill and enjoyed the sunset. And that's what I love to do for me or getting out back country hiking into nature, I ski for me nature calls, and I have to be in it every day. And I love it because it really helps us drop out of our chronic fight or flight system and into our parasympathetic nervous system. And what is it that you can do that brings you joy that allows you to unplug that you can start to create a practice around and it will take some time. But a year from now you can have made huge progress.

Lisa Manyon:

It's so true. And nature is something that we both love, deeply. And that was another one of the messages that I received when when I was getting all these messages and writing the book and getting it ready. And it was a lot of it flowed. And I know that it was given to me from source and one of the messages that I was given was humanity has lost faith, and particularly over the past few years, because it's just been crazy. And there's been so much division. And so people really aren't sure what to believe in anymore. And the message I got was continued to show people how to get back out into nature. Because once you're out in nature, and you just look around at the wonder of nature, the trees, the birds believes the water, everything. There's no denying that there's something bigger than us, right. And it and it grounds us and it centers us. And so I thought well, that's something I can do, because I'm always in nature. You know, when I first received my diagnosis, and I told friends and people that I was going to heal, this was low, but they thought it was nuts. They really did. They had no idea what I was talking about. But I started walking every day. I walked more than an hour every day at that time. And I was taking pictures in nature. And finally a friend of mine said I finally got what you meant. You know, it made sense. You were just taking care of you. And another person said to me, oh my gosh, you got sick. So you lost weight, because I released about 40 pounds in less than a year. And I said no, I got healthy. So I lost weight. Right? There's there's so many misperceptions around that. But I love how you said that you're feeling better than you've ever felt. People tell me that I'm starting to look younger. What I went through the whole cancer journey because I started taking so much better care of myself, right? And I'm in my 50s as well. So it's like okay, great. You know, I'll take it and I don't take anything for granted either. I mean, I think we've really we've been given this precious life to make a difference and so now I'm making a difference with spiritual sugar. Yes, I'm still doing my marketing business and ironically helping people find their voice and interesting that I had throat cancer right so it goes kind of down to all connected, it is like what are you saying? What are you not saying? What do you really need to be saying out in the world. So there's lots of things happening and evolving. And I'm just really blessed to be able to do the work that I do.

Melissa Deally:

And I love that you were able to tap into that inner wisdom, and the downloads from source that and allow them to guide you. And that you were quiet enough to hear them. And to then follow them. Yes. Because too often, we still are in that go, go go, stressed out state. And when we're in that state, not only are we not healing, but we're not able to hear the guidance, we're not able to tap into our own intuition, let alone hear any downloads. And so it is so important to be able to slow down and do that. And I'm sure walking in nature for an hour every day, that during that time, you were getting a lot of downloads or tapping into your intuition, and getting a lot of answers and guidance with each and every walk.

Lisa Manyon:

Absolutely. And connecting with my body more and more. You know, I was pretty tuned in I thought it was clearly I thought it was more tuned in than I was. But you know,

Melissa Deally:

you're very tuned in when you can say I could feel like growing in my body, right? Yeah, I pull or not that tuned into, to know that that is true.

Lisa Manyon:

And I wrote about that in the book too. Because it was so strange. There was a time where I actually felt it move and spiral out. And it felt kind of like a spiderweb moving. It was so strange and I journaled about it because it was such a distinct feeling. It was like, wait a minute, you know, something's really going on here. And I want to get to the bottom of it, because it doesn't feel right. You know, I didn't I had no idea what what it was. But yeah, so I am glad to be able to share all this because we are not promised tomorrow, right? And I'm grateful for every moment that I've had, and I try to live each day, as if it were my last, not recklessly, but really in a way where I cherish it. Right. Am I fulfilling? Yes. Am I spending my time the way I want to spend it? Am I spending it with the people that I want to spend it with? Am I making the impact that I want to make in the world without stressing myself out and without overtaxing myself and sometimes I have to bring myself reel myself back in, right because there's only so much time and energy. And we do need to really take care of ourselves, especially once we bet on a healing journey.

Melissa Deally:

And I love that you recognize that and that you do. Because sometimes people don't believe that they can reel themselves in or that they feel like they're stuck on the path that they're on. And the reality is, is that we always have a choice. Because you're in it, you might feel like you don't have a choice because you can't see the choice. And that's when you need to reach out for support from a coach from others that are outside of your world. And that can look in and highlight the choices for you to help you continue navigating your path.

Lisa Manyon:

So, so true. And there's so many great resources out there. You know, I mentioned this in my book, too. One of my favorite books was not was still is radical remission by Dr. Kelly Turner. And I think you're familiar with her as well. And I was I was honored. I think it was last month that they featured spiritual sugar is recommended read in their newsletter. And I was easy. I love it. So I 100% really promote her work because she connected the dots. She was a cancer counselor. And she saw all these what they called spontaneous remissions. And she thought, oh my gosh, something has to be happening here. There has to be a common thread. So she went back and got her PhD in cancer research, and then wrote the book and connected all the dots and tells all these great stories. And she's got another book out called Radical hope. But I'm plugging her because it's it was one of my healing Bibles throughout. And she really is doing a great service to humanity to show that sometimes in the medical profession, they overlook things, because the doctors don't always talk to each other. But if you start connecting the dots, there are plenty of things that we can do that can help accelerate our health but aren't necessarily under the umbrella of Western medicine.

Melissa Deally:

And I love that you brought up that book because I am familiar with Dr. Kelly Turner's work and my podcast that comes out next week, which has just been recorded as well. That guest also recommended that

Lisa Manyon:

book, but I love it.

Melissa Deally:

Audience. That's the book that you need to read or share. If you have someone in your life that has just received a cancer diagnosis or is you know a bit further along their journey or in their healing journey. It doesn't matter where they're at reading that book. will change their life for the better. So I love that. And I also love radical hope, because I love to say that without hope. The body can't heal, right? The body will heal. And we always have hope. When we haven't tried everything, if we feel like I've done everything and I give up, you know, that's the end of the healing. But, oh, there's always one more thing I could do one more thing I can try. You know, in your book, you've got you said 30 different things that you tried from all forms of medicine, right? And it's not that you have to do all 30.

Lisa Manyon:

Right. In fact, don't try and do all 30. Once.

Melissa Deally:

Much, right. But start off with the ones that resonate with you at the first reading of the book, do those you can build on that you can go back and read the book, again, you can try some different ones. So absolutely, I love all of this. And kudos to you for the choices that you made. And having the faith and understanding the power of your own body, and being able to step away from the fear. And I love sharing you with my audience, because anybody listening, that knows anyone that is dealing with cancer, is find that one person that's healed themselves, because that means you can do it too. Don't think about the numbers the doctors tell you and how many people might not have, that doesn't matter. Find the one person who has, and know that that means you can too.

Lisa Manyon:

That's so powerful. And it's so true. That's many people have said to me, you know, tell me again, tell me what your recipe was, what did you do? And I say, Listen, I can tell you what I did. But every cancer is different. Every person is different. And you have to find your own ingredients to create your own recipe, it would be negligent for me to say yeah, just do this, this and this, and you'll be fine. Because I don't know that and until individuals can tap into their own intuition, and really know when something feels right, or feels off, they're not going to be able to heal. So it's important to have that hope, and have that faith, but also to question everything. And always get second opinions. And don't just take everything at face value. Western medicine is wonderful. And I am so grateful to my healing team. And there are, you know, they stay in their lane, they don't get a lot of training on nutrition, I would never ever get advice from my surgeon about nutrition because it's not his wheelhouse, right? So we want to make sure that we're pulling from different resources and not just putting all of our faith and hope in one area. But really, again, I like to say break the trance, challenge the status quo and engage critical thinking it's vital, it will save your life.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely. And so, so true. I love that break the trance, what was the next one?

Lisa Manyon:

No, I'm not gonna be able to say break the trance, challenge the status quo and engage.

Melissa Deally:

I love that the challenge the status quo? I might have to use that to love that. So is there anything else that you would like to share about the book, or I would love for you to also let people know how they can get the book?

Lisa Manyon:

Yeah, I mean, the best thing to do one here, imagine that is to go to spiritual sugar.com. And you can get the book there, you can get signed copies, you can also order on Amazon. It's in bookstores. Now. I did a signing at Barnes and Noble, which is pretty exciting. Congratulations, thanks. But when you go to spiritual sugar.com, you can also receive a journey of awakening audio from me and some journal prompts that are in the book. So if you're not quite ready to get the book, but you just want to have some of those journal prompts and a little taste, sign up and you'll get updates from me. And you know, just also support your independent bookstores, go to your local bookstore and ask for it. They can order it for you too. I love bookstores. So I'm going to plug wherever you want to get it get it it doesn't I'm not attached to that. Just get it and it makes a great gift for many people as well. I've had people who ordered it for Christmas gifts for people and are now gifting it just like I gifted Dr. Kelly Turner's book to everyone I knew as soon as somebody told me they were facing any kind of cancer and even not even cancer, all of the things that she teaches are things that we should be doing anyway.

Melissa Deally:

I love it. And I also love supporting local bookstores so I always go to mind first. So definitely recommend that and I've also put into the show notes your free gift which Thank you very much for that the journey of awakening audio with the journal prompts, so I do recommend everybody check that out. And I would love to ask you the question that I love to ask all of my guests which is what does don't wait for your wake up call mean to you.

Lisa Manyon:

It means to start taking care of yours Self today, now and don't wait. I mean, really, our health is truly our wealth.

Melissa Deally:

And it doesn't get any more complicated than that. Start now. Right? shift that mindset as to the value of your health. How important is your health to you? And think about how would you live your life if you didn't have your health? There's a saying, and I believe it was the Dalai Lama who said it, that man can have 1000 dreams until he doesn't have his health. And then he has, but one.

Lisa Manyon:

Interesting, yeah, that's so powerful.

Melissa Deally:

And any other tip that you would like to leave the audience,

Lisa Manyon:

get out in nature today, if you can seriously, just go breathe some fresh air, put your feet in the grass.

Melissa Deally:

So powerful. Love that. Well, thank you so much for your time coming on the show. Lisa, I really, really appreciate it. I love that you share your story to help others. And I highly encourage everyone to get your book, check out the free gift, gift that book to people who need to read it. And if anybody is interested in the marketing side of your work, that's also listening because you never know. Please let people know how they can get ahold of you.

Lisa Manyon:

Oh, absolutely. You can go to write on creative.com, which is like your writing WRI te write on creative.com. I also have a really fun quiz called the messenger quiz at the messenger quiz.com. So if you want to elevate your message, you'll get a special messaging exercise. And you'll learn your messaging style with some action items that you can take to amplify that message and magnetize your ideal soulmate clients.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. And is that also it right on? creative.com?

Lisa Manyon:

Yeah, it's there as well, where you can go directly to the messenger quiz.com. Yeah.

Melissa Deally:

Wonderful. I have all of that in the show notes. So thank you again for sharing all of your wisdom, your experience, your journey and for giving others hope that thank you for having me be so powerful. My pleasure. And thank you to my audience for tuning in each and every week listening to this. I hope you're enjoying this series from cancer survivors and thrivers. I have one more episode next week, so be sure to tune back in.

Show artwork for Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!

About the Podcast

Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!
with Melissa Deally, Integrative Health Practitioner
As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?

About your host

Profile picture for Melissa Deally

Melissa Deally

Melissa is an Integrative Mind Body Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issue. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures, but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements. Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing, so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.