Episode 51

Published on:

29th Jan 2022

Julie Jones Shares How To Get More Shit Done In Less Time!

Julie Jones of “Get Shit Done” joins me today to discuss slowing down in order to get more done!  If you would like to stop being in “reaction” mode and start to feel in control of your day and how you spend your time and actually celebrate how much you are getting done, then tune into this episode to hear all of Julie’s tips in setting yourself up for success in 2022!  It is definitely not about “doing more”!  Julie is a great friend, she practices what she preaches and she can help you Get Shit Done! 

Don’t forget to reach out to Julie and let her know that you heard about her on this podcast, and she will mail you a copy of her book! 

Free download on productivity from Julie: 


Boost Your Immune System Workshop: https://yourguidedhealthjourney.com/workshops/

Your Guided Health Journey Membership https://yourguidedhealthjourney.com/membership-programs/

Complimentary 15 minute consult: 


Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz:  https://welcome.yourguidedhealthjourney.com/yourtoxicload


About the Guest:

Julie Jones is an Award-Winning International Speaker, International Best Selling Author, and Intuitive Coach, of the Get Shit Done Platform, and a master connector of people who is passionate about supporting purpose-driven entrepreneurs to live their best life NOW without regrets. As a former police officer and SWAT member, Julie knows that there is no promise of tomorrow, and coaches individuals to face the fear and live in the moment. Julie has been featured on several podcasts including Mindful Conversation with Dr. Lori Monaco, Lead Up for Women and Why Can’t You. She has facilitated women’s conferences, serves on the board of OCJ Kids, a non-profit for foster children, and is a director with BNI, Business Networking International. Within her short 3 years with BNI, Julie has been awarded the Education Coordinator of the Year(2019) as well as the Leadership Team of the Year and the first-ever back-to-back Member of the Year(2020 and 2021). Julie has a podcast series where she highlights business owners throughout the country to inspire her audience that anything is possible. In the last 15 years, Julie has influenced thousands of clients in achieving their passions and getting comfortable taking risks in their pursuit of a better and bolder quality of life.








About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, and the Aim Higher Summit, and has guested on over 30 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started. 



LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissadeally/

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Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/guidedhealthjourney/


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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

Melissa Deally:

if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be? Like? What

Melissa Deally:

would that be worth to you? What is your health worth to you?

Melissa Deally:

Think about it. Your health isn't everything. But without

Melissa Deally:

it, everything else is nothing. And yet too many of us are

Melissa Deally:

taking it for granted until something goes wrong. No one

Melissa Deally:

wakes up hoping to be diagnosed with a disease or chronic

Melissa Deally:

illness. And yet, we've never been taught how to be proactive

Melissa Deally:

in our health through our school system, or public health. As a

Melissa Deally:

registered health coach and integrative health practitioner,

Melissa Deally:

I believe it is time this information is made available to

Melissa Deally:

everyone. Combining new knowledge around your health and

Melissa Deally:

the ability to do my functional medicine lab tests in the

Melissa Deally:

comfort of your own home will allow you to optimize your

Melissa Deally:

health for today and all your tomorrow's don't wait for your

Melissa Deally:

wakeup call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to the don't wait for your wake up call podcast. I

Melissa Deally:

am Melissa dealey your host and super excited to bring you yet

Melissa Deally:

another amazing guest today. Julie Jones of The Adventures of

Melissa Deally:

Julie Jones. Welcome, Julie.


Oh my gosh, I am so excited to be here. Thank you so


much, Melissa, for having me here today.

Melissa Deally:

It is my pleasure. And you're such a

Melissa Deally:

perfect person to have on the show during the month of January

Melissa Deally:

when you know everybody is thinking about what their goals

Melissa Deally:

are for the year, how they're going to get it all done. And

Melissa Deally:

you know, trying to set priorities, et cetera, and time

Melissa Deally:

management. What is that? Right? So I just want to introduce you

Melissa Deally:

to the audience. And then we're going to dive right in with your

Melissa Deally:

story. But Julie Jones is an award winning international

Melissa Deally:

speaker, International Best Selling Author and intuitive

Melissa Deally:

coach of the get shit done platform, and a master connector

Melissa Deally:

of people who is passionate about supporting purpose driven

Melissa Deally:

entrepreneurs to live the best their best life now without

Melissa Deally:

regrets. And as a former police officer and SWAT member, Julie

Melissa Deally:

knows that there is no promise of tomorrow. And coaches

Melissa Deally:

individuals to face the fear and live in the moment, which I

Melissa Deally:

absolutely love. So that's just a tiny, tiny little introduction

Melissa Deally:

of who you are Julie and your journey and how you came to

Melissa Deally:

being this amazing person today. I love the name of your program,

Melissa Deally:

they get shit done program, please just introduce yourself

Melissa Deally:

to the audience. How you came to be where you're at today.


Oh my gosh, well, how much time do we have? Melissa?


Be a long time. So, you know, like, like everybody, you know,


you have these these dreams and aspirations. Right. And I have


to say, growing up, I was strong in the math and science field.


And so I thought I was gonna go into some type of medical field.


And about the ninth hour when I was deciding on college and what


I wanted to major in, I decided on criminal justice. So I have a


Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a minor in


psychology. Now knowing what I know about people while I should


have done a major key, right. And so I went ahead and


initially, I have to say I wanted to be secret service or


FBI. And I found out what secret service you have to have almost


perfect vision uncorrected. And I didn't. And so I'm like, Okay,


what am I going to do, and I really wanted to be on patrol.


And you know, as I look back, and I'll share a few things, but


from early on, it's always been about serving people like really


wanting to help and serve people. So I thought I could do


that with law enforcement. And I loved my career. I really did. I


mean, I was a police officer for 10 years. SWAT team member for a


somewhere between two and three years that I was a SWAT team


member. I haven't been a police officer for 21 years. So it's


like, it's kind of hard sometimes to remember, that was


part of my journey. And it was an exciting part of my journey


because it gave me so many skill sets that I applied today. And


then from that point, I'm just gonna, you know, like run down


the spectrum of everything that I've done, because I'm very


passionate about health like you. So I've been a chiropractic


assistant taught some lifestyle, you know, classes, that kind of


thing. I've been a property manager. I've been a makeup


artist, you know, but deep down in my heart again, always


serving people but what I love best is I love being an


entrepreneur. So in the last 15 years in some capacity, I've


always been speaking and coaching individuals and back


during the pandemic, I said enough is enough and decided to


full bore launch My speaking coaching business and so I


started in November of 2020. formed my LLC, I had been


branded as the adventures of Julie Jones for a long, long


time, but opened up my LLC and then started to get shit done


coaching platform, which I just love, I just love what I do. I'm


so passionate about helping people to live their best life.


Because as a police officer, I just saw how quickly life can


change, you know, here today gone tomorrow, and everybody


thinks they have forever, I'm here to tell you, they don't.

Melissa Deally:

But there's so much that you can do in order to

Melissa Deally:

extend what you have to write. Absolutely living your best life

Melissa Deally:

now is so important. You don't want to put everything off for

Melissa Deally:

the future and then find out there isn't that future. So it

Melissa Deally:

is finding that balance and making the most of every day.

Melissa Deally:



Absolutely. Because when you wake up in the morning,


and I do gratitudes in the morning, so when I wake up and


you know, almost every single day is some form of I'm grateful


to be alive, I'm grateful to have woken up, I'm grateful to


see the sunrise, right. Because of course, this is a podcast and


you don't visually see, but I'm six feet tall. So I always say


that I'm grateful to be you know, six feet above ground. You


know, kind of thing. So, and you know, we can joke around about


it. However, again, it's one of those things where I just look


at and I say, oh my gosh, you know, if if today is all I have?


How am I gonna make the best of it. And you know, like, even


when you walk out to your car and you find you have a flat


tire, is it like a bad day or a bad moment, right? And it's


always, like, I look at it as a bad moment. Because if you turn


it as a bad day, every other bad thing is going to come your way,


like you will just attract all this negativity that you weren't


planning on because you just deem that, oh my gosh, I'm


having a bad day. And I'm not a Pollyanna by any, you know,


means like, my life is not full of sunshine, rainbows and


unicorns. So, you know, sometimes I'm, you know, you


look at something like that. And it's like, oh, okay, well, you


know, to you know, it's a bad, you know, it's a bad day. Well,


it's a bad moment, usually.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah, I really, I really like that attitude.

Melissa Deally:

Because you're absolutely right, you know, where you lay your

Melissa Deally:

focus, you attract more of. So if you've just got it's a bad

Melissa Deally:

day, it's a bad day, it's about day running through your head,

Melissa Deally:

of course, you're going to get more of that bad day. But if you

Melissa Deally:

accept, okay, I've got a flat tire it sucks is gonna make me

Melissa Deally:

late, I got to deal with it. But it's a bad moment. So you can

Melissa Deally:

deal with it and move beyond it. And the rest of the day doesn't

Melissa Deally:

have to be ruined,


right? Because maybe, just maybe, and again, this is


probably that Pollyanna thinking, but it's really not.


Maybe having that flat tire prevented you from being in that


spot where there was a massive accident that just happened. And


so you could have been there instead, the flat tire prevented


you from being you know, at that moment. So

Melissa Deally:

there's 100%. And you might think that, you

Melissa Deally:

know, say it's that Pollyanna moment, and some people don't

Melissa Deally:

buy into it. But it's so true. I am a big believer that

Melissa Deally:

everything happens for a reason. And we don't always understand

Melissa Deally:

it in the moment. But often with that 2020 hindsight, we do and

Melissa Deally:

is a flat tire really big enough to be you know, researching

Melissa Deally:

that, but it's it's so interesting, because, you know,

Melissa Deally:

my journey to coming here was through my daughter's

Melissa Deally:

concussions. And I remember the day my oldest daughter got her

Melissa Deally:

concussion that that happened right in the second half of the

Melissa Deally:

game at the beginning of the second half, like five minutes

Melissa Deally:

in. We weren't even meant to be there for that second half, I

Melissa Deally:

was meant to be taking her out of the game and going to

Melissa Deally:

Vancouver. But she didn't want to leave. And so we stayed and

Melissa Deally:

then we have the concussion. And so there was that part of me

Melissa Deally:

that was like, only I'd left if only I'd made her leave, we

Melissa Deally:

wouldn't have had that. And I had a neighbor say to me stop

Melissa Deally:

thinking that because you could have driven down the highway and

Melissa Deally:

got in an accident. And she could have still had a

Melissa Deally:

concussion. Right? Right. So you know, there is a piece of that.

Melissa Deally:

And so if you just accept the moment for what it is deal with

Melissa Deally:

it and then let it go. That allows us to, you know,

Melissa Deally:

obviously release the bad day, but also release the stress that

Melissa Deally:

we carry with us through these moments, right, and the

Melissa Deally:

overwhelm, and the frustration, etc, etc. And it ties in

Melissa Deally:

beautifully to, you know, this whole conversation that I want

Melissa Deally:

to be having with the audience in January, and this theme of

Melissa Deally:

slowing down and we get more done. When we slow down, right?

Melissa Deally:

Because we can get ourselves out of that stress state. So I know

Melissa Deally:

that one of the areas that you specialize in and there's many,

Melissa Deally:

but one of them is, you know about getting things done, get

Melissa Deally:

shit done. Right? And you've got some tips for the audience on

Melissa Deally:

how people can do that more effectively.


Well, yes, I do. And actually, one of the things that


as you were, you were talking that come to mind, is this whole


idea of like, you know, when you're reducing your stress


levels, is the idea of like a morning routine. And I know


you're a big proponent of a morning routine, right? Because


we, we've talked about this before. And it really does set


the day for, you know, this idea of slowing down, right. Because


if you jump out of bed, and you start running like a chicken


with your head cut off, like your whole day is like that


hectic, frantic, you know, issues are coming up. Like you


just feel like you're always behind the eight ball that


you're not getting anything done.

Melissa Deally:

You can earth the day and reactionary mode.

Melissa Deally:



right. And so but like, even if it's just a simple 15


minutes that you take for yourself first thing in the


morning, to really set the pace of how your day is going to be.


Because like, here's one of my tips that kind of goes along


with this idea of slowing down. Is Believe it or not people we


are not designed to be multitaskers Whoa, tip number


one multitasking, right? Because here's the the truth about it.


And sometimes it's even been like a badge of honor. You know,


like, especially for women, oh, my gosh, I got so much done. And


I was doing this and doing that and multitasking all day long,


right? The brain can only focus in on one thing. So as much as


you think that you're getting done, you're really not. It's in


the slowing down that you find that you're more productive.


See, we can be Whoo, busy as I call it, I love Ooh, busy,


right? We're we're busy doing this and doing that. And we're


running around all over the place. And again, we get to the


end of our day, and we look back and we think oh my God, what did


I really get done. And so productive time productive


moments, is so much more important. So really taking that


time to be focused in on one thing. And that's going to be


like leading into my tip. So a lot of times we have this idea


when we if we do calendar blocking. I know I know, not


everybody does it. That's like a whole separate topic that we


could talk about for hours. But if you are doing calendar


blocking, a lot of times people will set two, three hours aside


for, you know, some kind of like task or project or during these


next three hours, this is what I'm going to get done. And we


find that we have a million distractions that come at us.


And then all of a sudden, you got nothing done during those


three hours, right? So if you really just set a timer, or you


know, some and don't use a timer on your phone, because your


phone is one of your biggest distractions. I'm just here to


tell you very good point. Yes, yes. So because we can get lost


in all those apps and social media and like scrolling


through, and then all of a sudden it's like, well, how did


five hours pass?

Melissa Deally:

Okay, because, and all of which are

Melissa Deally:

deliberately designed to addict you and keep you on them?


Yes, yes, it's an addiction of people. So yeah,


because just as a side note, I just recently discovered that


one of the new addictions that are out there, we think of


alcohol, we think of drugs, we think of all this stuff, it's


social media, that's a new, that's a new addiction that is


out there that they are now having to address is, you know,


being so tied to our technology and our phone. Anyway, I


digress. So the the the 15 minute increments. So what that


looks like is that you eliminate all distractions, you you know,


shut off your phone, put it on, do not disturb. If your computer


dings at you, make sure it's not dinging at you or be in a place


where your computer is not going to distract you. And the


subconscious is so unique and like when it knows you're going


to get serious about something, all of a sudden you feel like


it's time to clean the refrigerator. I don't know why


but you do. And so then or like you have to go to the bathroom,


all of a sudden you're extremely thirsty. Okay, whatever it


takes, just eliminate the distractions and all I'm saying


is do 15 minutes. Ideally, if you can do it first thing in the


morning because that's when a lot of people are most


productive. And put your head down and work for 15 minutes.


When the timer goes off. I want you to celebrate like I'm


serious, like do a little dance, celebrate Whatever it looks like


and don't cooperate To find or qualify what you got done, you


showed up for yourself, you took action. And if that's all you


get done, but you worked on, like, for 15 minutes, whatever


it was it, maybe you normally set two or three hours for you


do this five, six days a week, you're so much further ahead and


setting up those huge chunks of time. Trust me, it works.

Melissa Deally:

If you're enjoying my content, and someone

Melissa Deally:

that wants to step into being proactive in your health and

Melissa Deally:

learning more, I would love to invite you to join my membership

Melissa Deally:

community. There's a link in the show notes for only 1999 a

Melissa Deally:

month, you get access to all of my content. And there's a lot as

Melissa Deally:

well as weekly calls that you can come and get your health

Melissa Deally:

questions answered. It's truly priceless. I'd love to see you

Melissa Deally:

join the community, check out the link in the show notes.

Melissa Deally:

Well, I love that. And, you know, it sounds I'm listening to

Melissa Deally:

you talk and I did my workout this morning. And it actually

Melissa Deally:

sounds really similar to you know, I did it at home, I got

Melissa Deally:

the mirror, the Lululemon mirror, which is very cool at

Melissa Deally:

Christmas time, my daughter's work there. And the trainer is

Melissa Deally:

saying, you know, you showed up for yourself, whatever you do

Melissa Deally:

here, you're winner, because you're here and you've done

Melissa Deally:

this, right. And so I love the idea of not quantifying it. Just

Melissa Deally:

give yourself that 15 minutes and focus and get it done. And

Melissa Deally:

over the course of time, you will find you're just getting so

Melissa Deally:

much more done, than if you allow all of those intrusions on

Melissa Deally:

your time. And then that creates more time in your day for other

Melissa Deally:

things. And one of those might be self care, because so often I

Melissa Deally:

hear people go, I don't have time to exercise. But guess

Melissa Deally:

what, what if we were able to focus on getting those, you

Melissa Deally:

know, three tasks that we need to get done during the day done

Melissa Deally:

at work first thing in the morning, and it's taking us 15

Melissa Deally:

minutes, as opposed to three hours, we've just bought all of

Melissa Deally:

this extra time in our day.


Right? Because here's the thing, like when when you're


so focused in, you're focused in your being Uber productive. See,


because when you are working on a task, and let's say you've


been in it in it for five minutes, and then you allow like


that text message that you look at, or you look at that email


that just flashed across your computer right? Now you just got


distracted, you may or may not look at that. But even if you


don't respond to it, the brain has gone off in that direction


and starts this whole like spin cycle of thinking about what


what was that about? What do I do, I need to do that right now.


And yada yada yada, and it takes you a good 10 minutes to refocus


back in on what your you know, your original priority was. And


so think about how much you do that during the day. You know,


we are we are constantly distracted, you know, with a


million different things at any given time. And so if the brain


has to continue to refocus, that's why it's such a


challenge. And you find like, sometimes you just don't get as


much done, because you didn't set up that you know that that


increment of time. And people don't think that 15 minutes as


possible, I do the 15 minutes, because it's a it's a short


time, but you really can be productive. And again, like if


after the first 15 minutes, like you're ready to set up another


15 minutes and set up another 15 minutes and maybe do an hour's


worth of increments, you know, for 15 minutes, whatever works


for you. It's you know, it's it's figuring it out, but then


being consistent with it. because consistency is the key


in order to then to make it a new habit. Because 95% of all we


operate our habits. And so like if you don't like a habit, you


think it's a bad habit, and you want to incorporate something


else. Well now you've got to still spend that amount of time


to you know, to implement a new habit.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly, and then implementing that new habit

Melissa Deally:

anytime we want to get rid of a bad habit, we have to replace it

Melissa Deally:

with a good habit. Right. And that's where habit stacking

Melissa Deally:

comes in and triggers that remind us of the new habit. So

Melissa Deally:

is that an area that you work on as well?


While I work on a lot and you know, it's it's about


productivity, because if we want to live our best life now, you


know, we really need to know how to maximize our time without


losing our sanity. And you know, like a lot of times people talk


about this whole like work life balance well, again, hate to be


you know, like the party crasher. Our there is no such


thing as a balanced I like to call it like balance, sometimes


counterbalance because sometimes we're going to be really focused


in on work. And then you know, and then we still want to have a


life, right? Well, the key around that is like boundaries.


So like, what are your working hours going to be our, you know,


our, like Saturdays, Sundays, non negotiables? Like maybe


you'll work Saturday don't want to work Sunday, what does it


what does it look like, but really sticking with your your


boundaries and you know your commitments around those kinds


of things. And again, that focus comes into play when you're when


you're with your family, be with your family, or whatever you're


doing at that moment, give it 100% Put away the technology,


you know, don't be like you know, because it's not fair to


the other, the other person if you're with them, but you're


really not, because you're focusing on what's happening on


your phone and your work and everything else. Work, work,


family, or personal life or self care. It's, you know, you're in


that moment, as well. And then everything goes hand in hand.


And I believe how you do one thing is how you do everything.


So that's where, you know, I do coaching around life and


business and blowing up the box, like, let's like, like, not even


think about the box, like, let's just blow up the box and get



Melissa Deally:

outside. Right. That's, I love that. And it's

Melissa Deally:

definitely something that I practice and I'm more productive

Melissa Deally:

in the morning. And what I find that, you know, I need to do is

Melissa Deally:

I really do shut off all those notifications. And if I can, and

Melissa Deally:

I'm not working in email, I just close it. Because then I'm not

Melissa Deally:

getting those notifications. And you're right, if they're, if

Melissa Deally:

it's open, it does pull you just that little bit, even if you

Melissa Deally:

don't act on replying to that email, the brain is alerted to

Melissa Deally:

something else, and it pulls you out of that zone of focus. And

Melissa Deally:

so I love how productive I can be when I set myself up to not

Melissa Deally:

have any notifications come in. And then yeah, the celebration

Melissa Deally:

at the end of that is important to right. It's we have to, as

Melissa Deally:

part of creating the habit take that time to celebrate,


right, because as human beings, we have a tendency to go


to, if you want to say the negative. I really heard this


very interesting. Presentation not too long ago by a friend of


mine, who's a hypnotherapist, and she talks about the


subconscious. And you know, we're talking to ourselves and


giving ourselves like messages all day long, right? And she


said that for most people. Now I say most because like I know,


I've worked on this and have that positive attitude. But for


most people in the subconscious 70% of the messages that we're


telling ourselves are negative. And so that is I like I thought


about that. And I was like, wow, you know, so no wonder sometimes


it's like, oh, my gosh, I didn't, you know, I didn't get


anything done. Because we look at we go to the negative, we


look at what didn't get done, instead of celebrating what did.


Because I've been and I know you're doing this in the month


of January. And we I've been really talking to people about


doing their urine review. And you know, and I, you know, of


course, what I what I what I preach, I'm practicing and like


I started going through, you know, my 2021 and seeing


everything and I have a huge list of things that I have


accomplished and that I was able to do in 2021. And I think that


that's really key, again, to celebrate and look at what we


did get done, because sometimes we're so quick to be like, okay,


yeah, that's done, you know, Next, Next Next, instead of just


being, I always say we're human beings, not human doings. I

Melissa Deally:

love that. I absolutely love that. And you're

Melissa Deally:

so right, you know, we finish something and move on to the

Melissa Deally:

next but then, you know, maybe we haven't reached that big

Melissa Deally:

lofty goal. And then we beat ourselves up because we didn't

Melissa Deally:

achieve that without taking the time to recognize everything

Melissa Deally:

that we did do along the way. Right. So that was talking about

Melissa Deally:

the your year in review, which I love the idea of doing that. But

Melissa Deally:

I know you're also a proponent of success lists.



Melissa Deally:

Let's talk about success lists.


Well, this is this will probably be the topic that like


throws everybody off and they're like, What the heck is that?


Julie Jones talking about? Right? So we've all heard about


the to do list. Okay. And so, let me just tell you what a to


do list is it's, you know, it's a scattery category. Okay,


that's what I'm going to talk about. So What it looks like is


that on a to do list goes everything. Like everything that


pops into your brain, there's no priority behind it. The list is


usually like, you know, 500 things long, because it's all


these things that just popped into the brain. So the


difference between that and a success list is really taking a


look at kind of like, what is it that most people have an


overriding target overriding goal, if you want to say, of


what they want to accomplish in any given year, or maybe in the


next quarter. Sometimes for people, that's another thing


like shortening up how we look at stuff, SAP looking at the


whole year, and maybe just break it down into quarters, like 12


weeks. Okay, what is it that I really want to get done in the


next 12 weeks? And so what the success list, you're going to


put things on the success lists that are going to bring you


closer towards that. And so like every time you're doing


something, it's important to ask yourself, is this taking me


towards what I'm working for? Or is it taking me away from what


I'm working towards? And so the success list is very short. It's


a priority list of like, this is taking me closer to what I'm


looking to achieve. And again, I know for a lot of people, it's


hard to get away from the to do list and there are so many


people who I tell this to and they love making the lists and


they love making the checkoff, right. It's it's a visual type


of thing, because so many people will add stuff to their to do


list and then be able to check it off because it was something


that they got done, right? Like no, no, no, no, no. So I get it.


So like I tell people take a very small post it note not like


not something huge, take a small post it note if that's going to


help you and write down like three or four things for your to


do list. Or put them if you do electronic calendaring, you


know, put them on like, you know, maybe you've got an hour


blocked off that you're going to do to do things, put it in


there. Because then and then crumble it up, especially a post


it note, throw it away. Because basically, when you look at that


to do list to me, when you see all the things, again, that you


didn't get done, it chips away at your self esteem. And again,


it's so easy for the brain to go to oh my gosh, look at what I


didn't get done, versus what I did get done success list. But


no, you're being successful, because you're working on that


priority activity, that's going to be result producing, that's


really what it is, what do you want to you know, accomplish?


With, you know, your success list?

Melissa Deally:

So I have a question for you there. Can you

Melissa Deally:

have a to do list and a success list, because the to do list is

Melissa Deally:

kind of the things that you're just writing down because you

Melissa Deally:

don't want to forget to do them. Right, they're gonna get done at

Melissa Deally:

some point. And the success list are the things that that's

Melissa Deally:

what's moving you forward, that's what you need to focus

Melissa Deally:

on. And potentially, those are the things that you're doing in

Melissa Deally:

15 minute increments of Uber focus,


right? Does that say Use caution, like, cuz like I


hear and I see where you're going, you know, with that. It's


just that you're like you don't want to mix up. So let's just


say that the to do list could be chores, errands and things you


don't want to forget, that are not like maybe such a big


priority. So like your success list is what is my priority. The


To Do List is I got to pick up dog food, dry cleaning, you


know, those kinds of right like tasking things that may not be


necessarily driving you towards? What are some of the things that


you're looking to achieve? And you know, we'll just say 2022,


right? Because it's, again, like to do lists usually combine the


two, like, you've got some priority things, you've got some


non priority things. And then because you're staring at that,


chances are that you're going to be going through that list and


be focused possibly on the non priority because they're easy to


do. It's, you know, again, because you have to be self


disciplined to be working on those things that are on your


success list. Right.

Melissa Deally:

So it's interesting, because part of

Melissa Deally:

that is also the habit change, right? Because I have a notebook

Melissa Deally:

where I just write everything down to your point. But then I

Melissa Deally:

will go through and be like, Okay, what are the three things

Melissa Deally:

I have to get done today? And so that's my success list.


Yes. Are the three things I get to do? I get

Melissa Deally:

to do I got to the three things I get to do

Melissa Deally:

today, right because and I have my sticky notes here. So see my

Melissa Deally:

sticky notes and have them right here. and celebrate the faith

Melissa Deally:

three things I get to do today.


And really, and that is that, you know, people are like,


Oh my gosh, what do you mean? Celebrate? I'm like, I'm


serious. And celebrate doesn't mean like you're throwing a big


party, I'm like, just celebrate, and what is it then that you


like to do? So then take 15 minutes as you wrap up the end


of your day on something that really fuels your fire for the


next day? You know, like, I mean, we're all so a lot of us


are, you know, reward driven. And it should be more pleasure


than pain, you know, kind of things. So, I think that that's


really important and key to, you know, to take a look at.

Melissa Deally:

Definitely, and I know, I am personally, one who

Melissa Deally:

is learning to celebrate the things along the way and

Melissa Deally:

recognize that journey, as opposed to just keep pushing,

Melissa Deally:

keep pushing, keep pushing. So we were talking about

Melissa Deally:

boundaries. Earlier, we've been talking about the to the success

Melissa Deally:

list, somewhere in there is setting priorities. Do you have

Melissa Deally:

suggestions on how people can set the priority to get that

Melissa Deally:

success was done to have their focus time and work within

Melissa Deally:

boundaries? How do we pull it all together?


Well, it's a lot, and then this isn't going to happen


overnight. So for people who are listening, again, my suggestion


is to take one thing that really resonates with you, and


implement it, some people say, you know, there's books on 21,


you know, 21 days, 30 days to a new habit. Average is 66 days.


And I really believe that's why I like the 12 weeks the


quarterly, because I really believe it's about 90 days to


implement something new. So take one thing and decide what it is.


And so when it comes to priorities, again, that goes to


the idea of the success list, what is taking you towards what


you're working towards, you know, for, versus what you know,


what is going to D track you from, you know, what it is that


your end result, called, like life goals, dreams, designing


the life that you know, you desire. And when it comes to


priorities, this is always something that I say, and you


kind of alluded to it before self care is not selfish. So you


really want to take a look at your life. And for everybody


this is, you know, unique and individual put into your


calendar, what are your non negotiables? Like, you know, you


don't work Sundays, you go to church on Sundays, you know,


what is it that for some people it's working out, you know, that


those kinds of things go in, because you know, that if you're


not working out, or you know, your whatever, like, you're


going to be a basket case, and you're going to be angry all


day, whatever it is. And then whether you do paper, that stuff


goes in and pattern. Like there, there is no changing and it's an


appointment with yourself. If it's in your calendar, there's


no like negotiating. Well, I'll, you know, take this out, because


here's what happens, you take it out once, and all of a sudden,


before you know it, it's like two weeks. And gosh, I haven't


been to the gym in two weeks. Right? It's a it's a priority


for you. And like the biggest way that I look at priorities,


and how I'm going to do things, is the order of importance, you


know, for what's taking me towards my big picture, my big


picture dreams, you know, for for 2022. So, again, best


question to ask yourself, I love this question, taking me towards


taking me away, you know, it's it is that will help you a lot


of times to decide, is this a priority at this moment or not?


And priorities can change in the given moment. You know, but


again, here's another tip, somebody else's, you know,


emergency is not your crisis. So like, there is no point in


dropping everything, you know, for somebody else, you know,


it's like, really, again, just take a look at can this be


addressed? At a later point, of course, we're all going to have


things that happened, like when your daughter got the


concussion? Well, that took priority over everything else


that was happening. But for sometimes we just have to look


at it like, well, you know, you didn't, you know, plan or


prepare, you know, like somebody else, that doesn't mean that I


have to drop everything to you know, help or support you.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. So when one of my daughter's suddenly

Melissa Deally:

decides that, oh, can I drive them somewhere right now?

Melissa Deally:

Because that's when that's their emergency. It's not my crisis,

Melissa Deally:



Absolutely. Absolutely.

Melissa Deally:

That's what I'm trying to teach them if they

Melissa Deally:

want me to drive them anywhere I need 24 hours advance notice.

Melissa Deally:

And it has to fit in my schedule that I've already prioritized,

Melissa Deally:

right? Right. So yeah. So coming back to weight. Well, first of

Melissa Deally:

all, I was there I totally agree with, you know, all that you've

Melissa Deally:

said, I love it and that self care is not selfish. And I just

Melissa Deally:

want to highlight that when you're creating that success

Melissa Deally:

list to build that self care in, that's not something for later,

Melissa Deally:

you can only be your best self, if you're first looking after

Melissa Deally:

yourself. Right? Right. listeners that have been

Melissa Deally:

listening to the podcast for a while will have heard my one of

Melissa Deally:

my favorite quotes, which is that self care is the most

Melissa Deally:

selfless act because it allows you to show up and give the

Melissa Deally:

world the best of you instead of what's left of you. So that's on

Melissa Deally:

my success list. And I really think that should be on

Melissa Deally:

everybody's success list in some way, shape, or form, because it

Melissa Deally:

is very individual. And once you've looked after you, then

Melissa Deally:

what else is on your success list for the rest of that day.

Melissa Deally:

But I just want to loop back to what you had talked about

Melissa Deally:

earlier. And that was the morning routine. And I know that

Melissa Deally:

we've been working together and you let me know today that

Melissa Deally:

you've got your morning routine in place, which is awesome. So I

Melissa Deally:

would love for you to share what that is, if you would like to

Melissa Deally:

and then how that's been benefiting you over the last

Melissa Deally:

month or so.


Yeah, so thank you, because it's, um, if anybody has


ever read the book, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, and I have


taken, you know, taking a guess a page out of his book to


establish my morning routine. So right now my morning routine is,


you know, getting up and one of the first things I always have


to do, which is not part of my morning routine is feed my dogs,


because if I don't see myself away, they're like, what, what


you're up and you know, it's like five minutes in and we


haven't eaten yet, right? But I'm serious. No. So it looks


like I'm in the process of reading the book to think


thinking grow rich. And so there's like a desired


statement. So it's basically my desired plan, what I'm working


on this year, so I read that out loud, you know, it's almost like


an affirmation that I'm reading out loud, and that I'm doing


that I do a little bit of reading, either thinking grow


rich, I'm also in the process of some other things. And I do the


reading, the big thing for me is some journaling. So I do my list


of gratitudes, I have a list of like 10 gratitudes, that I do


every morning, as well as a little visualization around


that. I also have another journal that has these


questions. And so like, I just randomly open it to a page and I


journal and I answer, you know, I answer my questions. And then


I also, I do a little exercise right away. Okay, so I have one


of these. I don't know exactly the appropriate like, like the


term to use, but it's like a vibrating machine. So you stand


on it for 10 minutes, and you edit vibrates your entire body.


And it's like supposed to be equivalent to working out for


about 45 minutes, it's really good for the joints. I'm not


saying that like replaces cardio or anything like that. But it


really is, like I like it, because I noticed a difference.


Like I have a little knee issue and stuff like that. So I always


feel better. And I can feel it. Like you can actually do like


squats on it and, you know, lunges and all those kinds of


things. But I usually just stand there, you know, for 10 minutes


and let it vibrate? Well, I think I

Melissa Deally:

really I haven't heard of that before. But I'm

Melissa Deally:

thinking that is really cool in the morning. Because of course

Melissa Deally:

the body's detoxing overnight, and then that vibration is

Melissa Deally:

getting your lymphatic tissue moving first thing in the

Melissa Deally:

morning to help you know, get those toxins that the body's

Melissa Deally:

tried to clean up overnight, flushed down to be removed from

Melissa Deally:

the body.


Absolutely. That's it, you know, and if you want


because if you do show notes or something, I can get the name of


it, like, you know, and put it in there because it's actually


it's actually, you know, it's a pretty cool machine. So all in


all, like right now because, you know, people are like, Why don't


have any extra time in the morning. Right? Like, all in


all, like everything that I'm doing right now for myself is


taking about 30 minutes. 30 minutes. Yeah, you know, to to


set myself up for the day. And, and I just because it doesn't


always have to, like Hal Elrod talks about it being like an


hour 10 minutes on like six different things, right. But


then he also has like the abbreviated version, which is


like 10 minutes, you know, like a minute and a half on like


certain things and then a minute on one thing, right just as long


as you're getting yourself into your routine. Whatever your


routine looks like for you is the importance and the key that


you know you're not right away again, going into that frantic


hectic state. Like you said reacting instead of okay, this


is how I'm going to set you know My day up, usually, like, you


know, closing my eyes and a little meditation, you know,


that kind of thing. You know, imagining how I want my day to


unfold and look is really important as well, too. So,

Melissa Deally:

yeah, and I love all of that. And when I, what I

Melissa Deally:

hear from so many people is that they use their phone as their

Melissa Deally:

alarm clock. So a the phone is in the bedroom. And which I

Melissa Deally:

don't love from the EMF perspective, and Bluetooth and

Melissa Deally:

Wi Fi, and all of that, that we know that can cause harm to the

Melissa Deally:

body. And some people are quite sensitive to it, and I'm one of

Melissa Deally:

them. But because it's your alarm clock, that's what's

Melissa Deally:

waking you up, and then you pick it up, to turn off the alarm,

Melissa Deally:

right. And then boom, you can see all your notifications that

Melissa Deally:

have come in overnight. And now all of a sudden, you're looking

Melissa Deally:

at those emails, and you're starting to scroll Facebook, and

Melissa Deally:

you just end up in that, you know, overwhelmed state, and

Melissa Deally:

you've the alarm went off 30 seconds ago,


right. And so

Melissa Deally:

many people are doing that. And it's just the

Melissa Deally:

way we've been programmed is well, the phone does everything.

Melissa Deally:

So I'm going to have it with me 24/7, right. And I really

Melissa Deally:

encourage people to go and buy like that $10 alarm clock that's

Melissa Deally:

either battery run or plugs into the wall. And you know, when I

Melissa Deally:

do my sleep course, I go into a lot more on that. But use that

Melissa Deally:

to get the phone out of the room. Because the alarm wakes

Melissa Deally:

you up, maybe you can choose you know, wake up to the radio or

Melissa Deally:

whatever, you can turn it off, and then start your morning

Melissa Deally:

routine. Or if you don't mind the music in the background

Melissa Deally:

during your morning routine, you can you know, continue listening

Melissa Deally:

to that. But that right away is a huge shift in habit for people

Melissa Deally:

that allows them to not immediately go into that

Melissa Deally:

reactionary state. It's just right.


And I will say I'm a work in progress. And so like


here has what I've been doing because I I am I'm a bad girl,


Melissa like I that bad habit, bad habit, I do use my phone as


an alarm clock. But here's what I do when I shut it off. It's in


like a Do Not Disturb mode. So show me all my notifications.


And so what I do is I leave the bedroom, and I leave the phone


in the bedroom, because I do my morning routine outside of the


bedroom. So right, like I'm in my living room, that kind of


thing. So then the phone isn't even anywhere near me to


distract me with anything with anything else. And so that's


worked really well. And honestly, like that I've been


getting into this morning routine, I haven't really had


the need to like be checking my phone because I'm so into what


I'm doing that that's become my new skill. Right? Right, right


social media for myself. Right?

Melissa Deally:

And that sounds like you're in that zone of

Melissa Deally:

focus. Right? Right. As you're doing something for yourself,

Melissa Deally:

that's bringing you joy, that, you know, makes you feel better

Melissa Deally:

as you go into the rest of your day. So I love it, you're

Melissa Deally:

starting your day out slowing down in order to be more

Melissa Deally:

productive, right? And I know that so counterintuitive to

Melissa Deally:

people, right? We're just trained, do more, do more, do

Melissa Deally:

more, work harder, get more done. But the reality is, is we

Melissa Deally:

have a plan and we slow down. So the tortoise and the hare,

Melissa Deally:

right? Instead, he gets the job done. So awesome, awesome. So I

Melissa Deally:

love your morning routine that you've set up and that you're

Melissa Deally:

working on that. And I've really enjoyed working with you through

Melissa Deally:

our program that we've done together. And you're someone as

Melissa Deally:

you said that you've been focused on your health for a

Melissa Deally:

long time you prioritize it. And I love that. As someone who's

Melissa Deally:

prioritize it for a long time, you still want to do more in

Melissa Deally:

order to be ensuring that you stay healthy. And because you're

Melissa Deally:

an entrepreneur, and how do you build your business if you don't

Melissa Deally:

have your health. So I really appreciate that about you. And

Melissa Deally:

that's part of my message that I want to be sharing with the

Melissa Deally:

world is that if you have your health, everything else else can

Melissa Deally:

flow. And if you don't have your health, then you're struggling

Melissa Deally:

to get it all done. So between slowing down, creating your

Melissa Deally:

morning routine, focusing on self care, focusing on health,

Melissa Deally:

that's how people can have an amazing 2022 And if they need

Melissa Deally:

help with time management, time blocking success lists getting

Melissa Deally:

shit done, then they need to reach out to you. So has someone

Melissa Deally:

how would someone do that?


Well, the probably the easiest way that you can go to


my website, which is simply Julie Jones dot biz. So you can,


you know, find out all the information about me and email


me connect with me. And you know, I'd love, love, love, love


making new friends and having conversations.

Melissa Deally:

And I love that. And I know that there are, you

Melissa Deally:

know, some people that this comes really naturally to. And

Melissa Deally:

there's so many people that struggle with this. And so

Melissa Deally:

though for those people that struggle with this, don't beat

Melissa Deally:

yourself up, don't think that you can never do it. Truly reach

Melissa Deally:

out to Julie because she will give you the tools and the

Melissa Deally:

support to for you to be able to implement so that you can turn a

Melissa Deally:

new leaf and be really productive and get shipped.


Absolutely. And so yes. So please come to the website.


You can book a 30 minute complimentary call with me, I


promise you I'm a lot of fun. And you know,

Melissa Deally:

maybe even wear a costume or googly eyes. No, I.


Yes. So 30 minutes with me. And then as a special offer.


I just recently wrote a book. And so if you come on and you


know, you say during our call that you heard about me through


Melissa, I will send you a free copy of my book. Oh,

Melissa Deally:

thank you that's so generous of you. And I know,

Melissa Deally:

I know that you sent also a free download on productivity that

Melissa Deally:

I've put into the show notes as well.


Yes, yes. So that is an offer there as well. So I'm just


not feeling all kinds of generous today. Because I just


love Melissa. And I've loved working with her. You know, I


mean, she's helped me with some of my health. And one of the


reasons why I have a morning routine is because I did work


with her and realize the importance because of some of my


cortisol levels being off kilter first thing in the morning. So


that was really key to helping me, you know, get my mind


wrapped around my health. And thanks to Melissa, I'm right on



Melissa Deally:

Well, thank you, it's been awesome working with

Melissa Deally:

you. And just you know, the different skill sets that we all

Melissa Deally:

have that we can bring to the table to support other people

Melissa Deally:

is, is really powerful. So thank you. Thank you. So before I let

Melissa Deally:

you go, though, I have two questions. I love to ask my

Melissa Deally:

guests before we wrap up. And that first one is what is don't

Melissa Deally:

wait for your wake up call mean to you.


Oh my gosh, again, life happens. And so it can turn on a


dime, like, don't wait until you're 95. And you're on your


deathbed. And you're you have these regrets of what you didn't


do, versus what you did do. And so that's what it means to me.


It's like live each and every moment. But live in gratitude


and live in health and live your best life. That's really what it


means to me.

Melissa Deally:

I love that and living in that higher vibration

Melissa Deally:

to that vibration of joy, love happiness. Right? Absolutely.

Melissa Deally:

And that comes when you're living in gratitude. So and then

Melissa Deally:

my other question is, what message would you like to leave

Melissa Deally:

with the audience to inspire them to take action today? After

Melissa Deally:

all, we've talked about how do we inspire them to slow down so

Melissa Deally:

they can get more done?


You know, it's, I see it in the background for you in


the background for me. And I just love to tell people that


you are enough, you know, it's really not about going to a


point of beat up mode. Like, again, we always talk about


Hindsight is 2020 Because now all of a sudden, we have all


this information that we didn't have before when we made a


decision, right. And so just knowing that you have all the


tools that you need to be anything that you want. And so


just remember like that is like that is such a big message is


step going to beat up mode and know that everything that you


offer this world that you are enough and sometimes it just


takes a little tweaking and a couple of little things to make


all the difference in the world.

Melissa Deally:

I love them. Thank you so so much. So thanks

Melissa Deally:

for being here. Julie Jones. This was a powerful episode. I

Melissa Deally:

look forward to coming out and to all of my listeners thank you

Melissa Deally:

so much. And please share this episode with others that you

Melissa Deally:

think might benefit from hearing from Julie all of her wisdom,

Melissa Deally:

all of her expertise and potentially working with her if

Melissa Deally:

they need some help in slowing down to get more done. get shit

Melissa Deally:

done. Thank you Julie Jones. Thank you. Until next time

Melissa Deally:

thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If

Melissa Deally:

you can Take two minutes to share this episode with someone

Melissa Deally:

who you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their

Melissa Deally:

life. That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going

Melissa Deally:

to your favorite podcast listening app. And let me know

Melissa Deally:

what you enjoy or would like to hear more of. It will support me

Melissa Deally:

in my effort to bring the possibility of natural healing

Melissa Deally:

to a wider audience and help disrupt the sick care system we

Melissa Deally:

have today and make human health the global priority. Health is

Show artwork for Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!

About the Podcast

Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!
with Melissa Deally, Integrative Health Practitioner
As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?

About your host

Profile picture for Melissa Deally

Melissa Deally

Melissa is an Integrative Mind Body Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issue. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures, but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements. Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing, so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.