Episode 68

Published on:

28th May 2022

Give Yourself Permission To Play! | Ep 68

In this last episode of my “play” theme, Deb King of “The Wisdom Playground” and I discuss ditching your B.C. (Before Covid) ways of doing things and instead choosing to step into doing this differently, designing the life you want to live, a life that includes more play, more fun, more ease! Deb shares her journey to becoming what she dubs a “Happiness Ambassador” and “Human Enthusiast” and her last 20 years as a transformational life coach. She specializes in working with coaches and creating collaborations that will allow everyone to rise together, supporting each other in this new world order. Tune in to learn how you can start to create this transformation in your own life.

Deb’s free gifts:

For Coaches & Healers: https://thewisdomplayground.com/insights-from-the-worlds-best-coaches/

For Everyone else – “Play More!” : https://thewisdomplayground.com/play-more

Your Guided Health Journey Membership – 1 month FREE Trial: https://yourguidedhealthjourney.com/membership-programs/

 Health Kickstart Program: 


Complimentary 15-minute consult:


Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz:



 About the Guest:

Deb King is the Co-Founder of The Wisdom Playground, a new era business incubator that supports Coaches and Healers to create greater ease, profit, and impact.

Deb describes herself as a 'Happiness Ambassador' and enthusiastic human, with a passion for music, travel, life, people, and all things uplifting! Her unconventional career includes being a bouncer and nightclub manager in London, through to other leadership, sales, and marketing roles, and across the past 20 years has coached, mentored, and trained thousands of people globally, as a transformational master coach in Australia. 


Linktree https://linktr.ee/debking

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/debking-happiness-coach/

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BestPossibleFuture

Insta: https://instagram.com/thewisdomplayground


Finding your passion/purpose and making it fun and playful is where we find success in life and of course have you tell your story of why you are building the Wisdom Playground and sharing any upcoming programs you have on offer.

About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit, and many more!  She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started. 


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissadeally/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Guidedhealthjourney

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/guidedhealthjourney/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTYG85CdWUA5MZ0NDCs-Z3Q/videos


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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

Melissa Deally:

if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be like? What

Melissa Deally:

would that be worth to you? What is your health worth to you?

Melissa Deally:

Think about it. Your health isn't everything. But without

Melissa Deally:

it, everything else is nothing. And yet too many of us are

Melissa Deally:

taking it for granted until something goes wrong. No one

Melissa Deally:

wakes up hoping to be diagnosed with a disease or chronic

Melissa Deally:

illness. And yet, we've never been taught how to be proactive

Melissa Deally:

in our health through our school system, or public health. As a

Melissa Deally:

registered health coach and integrative health practitioner,

Melissa Deally:

I believe it is time this information is made available to

Melissa Deally:

everyone. Combining new knowledge around your health and

Melissa Deally:

the ability to do my functional medicine lab tests in the

Melissa Deally:

comfort of your own home will allow you to optimize your

Melissa Deally:

health for today and all your tomorrow's don't wait for your

Melissa Deally:

wake up call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back. Melissa, Delia here the host of the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call podcast and I'm excited to bring you

Melissa Deally:

another wonderful guest today. Today I'm introducing you to Deb

Melissa Deally:

king of the wisdom playground. Welcome, Deb.

Deb King:

Thank you, Melissa. So excited to be here.

Melissa Deally:

Though, as you can probably hear her lovely

Melissa Deally:

Australian accent. It's very early in her morning as we're

Melissa Deally:

recording this episode. So extra special. Thanks for being here.

Melissa Deally:

And Deb is the co founder of the wisdom playground a new era

Melissa Deally:

business incubator that supports coaches and healers to create

Melissa Deally:

greater ease, profit and impact. Deb describes herself as a

Melissa Deally:

happiness ambassador. How amazing is that? And

Melissa Deally:

enthusiastic human with a passion for music, travel life,

Melissa Deally:

people and all things uplifting. Her unconventional career

Melissa Deally:

includes being a bouncer, nightclub manager in London,

Melissa Deally:

through to other leadership sales and marketing roles. And

Melissa Deally:

across the past 20 years, she has coached, mentored and

Melissa Deally:

trained 1000s of people globally as a transformational master

Melissa Deally:

coach, as I said, from Australia, so no wonder Deb has

Melissa Deally:

become a wonderful friend of mine over the last couple of

Melissa Deally:

years since we met online. And given that this month is the

Melissa Deally:

theme of play. I thought that Deb and the wisdom playground

Melissa Deally:

would be a fabulous episode for everyone to be further inspired

Melissa Deally:

to bringing more play into our lives. So welcome, Deb.


Thank you, and how great Yes, to encourage everyone


to bring more play into our lives can't have enough.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. And they've been working on this

Melissa Deally:

theme myself, it's really made me realize, you know, like,

Melissa Deally:

where did that little six or seven year old girl go, right?

Melissa Deally:

And we have these societal norms or expectations of adults. And,

Melissa Deally:

you know, what if we just let our inner child out to play and

Melissa Deally:

didn't care about what other people thought and then we could

Melissa Deally:

have so much joy in the moment instead of feeling like, we

Melissa Deally:

can't show that wonderful emotion and I love the idea of

Melissa Deally:

just walking past the schoolyard. And you hear the

Melissa Deally:

laughter. So much laughter. Right. So I want to encourage

Melissa Deally:

people to get back to that.


Blackley in general, it's kids that are having the


most fun, we're actually asked to bring our our more laughter


more play. In the wisdom playground, we call it an adult



Melissa Deally:

I love it. There you go. I love it. So I would

Melissa Deally:

love for you to share your story because as you said, you've got

Melissa Deally:

a little bit of an eclectic background that has brought you

Melissa Deally:

into being this human enthusiast and happiness ambassador, so

Melissa Deally:

please share.


So okay, so I grew up in Sydney. And I feel like I


always was on a happiness inquiry. I wanted life to be fun


and and I was a big party animal as a late teen like 17 to 30


actually. And I really, really did give that a good crack. As


as you said, I lived in London, I worked in nightclubs in music


industry, and I really had some big time partying and eventually


realized that I wasn't fully fulfilled. And that's when I


started to look within and in 2003 I came back to Sydney to


become a life coach. And then I've been on this huge personal


development, spiritual development entrepreneurial


development journey ever since And what I had realized is prior


to this journey I had been seeking externally for


happiness. And that's not where you find it. And so it has been


a really interesting journey. Because I also was very


judgmental of myself, I was very much critical to myself very


mean to myself, and thankfully have learned not to do that. But


also, I just

Melissa Deally:

want to stop you there, because how many people

Melissa Deally:

relate to that right now. Because that's kind of the way

Melissa Deally:

we naturally tend to go is to beat ourselves up for every

Melissa Deally:

little thing, and be super judgmental and super critical of

Melissa Deally:

ourselves and not giving ourselves any grace, or any

Melissa Deally:

space or stopping to celebrate the baby steps. And yet, we

Melissa Deally:

don't do that to others. Right, we're celebrating others. And we

Melissa Deally:

don't allow ourselves to celebrate ourselves.


Yeah, two really key things there. One is to we judge


ourselves, time to stop it. And the other thing is to celebrate


more be, celebrate all day, every day and appreciate and


celebrate. And when we focus on that, we get more of that. So


yes, those things are actually super key, key pieces to having


a better life and a healthier life.

Melissa Deally:

It's something that I'm learning this year,

Melissa Deally:

actually, at the end of last year, I was on an event, I don't

Melissa Deally:

even remember what it was. And somebody said, to have a wind

Melissa Deally:

wall. So I've created a wind wall for 2022. And I have it

Melissa Deally:

over here and I see it every day. And, you know, that's kind

Melissa Deally:

of where I celebrate my little wins doesn't matter how small

Melissa Deally:

they are, but they're my wins, right? I achieved something, et

Melissa Deally:

cetera, et cetera. And it goes on my wall. And so I thought

Melissa Deally:

that was a brilliant idea in a way to bring that more to the

Melissa Deally:

forefront for me, right. So even as you and I talk about this, I

Melissa Deally:

hear you saying it's a journey, it's been almost 20 years for

Melissa Deally:

you, right? And so for other people listening, we're all

Melissa Deally:

still working on this.


It's not a destination. It's an ongoing practice, to


keep noticing how we're feeling what we're saying to ourselves


and keep choosing because if we can fall into old habits of


being mean to ourselves or judging ourselves, Well, I'm


gonna assume it's old habits for everyone from now, okay.


But yeah, to actually notice that because we can then choose


differently, we can choose to focus on what we actually want,


rather than what we don't want, we can actually choose to what


we could celebrate or appreciate rather than what we want to


complain or whinge about. And it makes it an incredible


difference of where we're focusing. That's

Melissa Deally:

absolutely. And to your point, too. Sometimes

Melissa Deally:

people don't know what they want, because they spent but

Melissa Deally:

they do know what they don't want. But because they're

Melissa Deally:

spending so much time focusing on what they don't want, they

Melissa Deally:

haven't ever looked at it from the other side of what they do

Melissa Deally:



And it's worth considering if you are looking,


you don't know what you want. But you know what, you don't


want to actually go well imagine you don't like that's not


happening anymore. What would you love to have happening? And


even if you don't get the answer straightaway, just being the


inquiry, of allowing that the messages to come to guide you to


that. And you'll notice how you feel when it's expensive and


light versus contractive. And heavy start to notice in your


body. Because our body is guiding us and I think that I


make the joke that everything that happened BC before COVID


needs a refresh. Trying to make that stick Melissa. But we're in


a new era, we are and I agree with you. Anything that is bc we


were very much about thinking and being in our head and doing


and and, and there's some value in that. But it's actually even


more valuable when we bring our whole selves to the to the


party, like our energy, our body, our everything is guiding


us not just our head, our head can be very limited. When we can


really tune into our heart and infinite wisdom and potential


that we have access to. magic can happen and very quickly. And


so it's starting to get to know how to tune into that more. It's


so powerful.

Melissa Deally:

And sometimes it's the heart and sometimes

Melissa Deally:

it's also the unconscious mind, right? We get stuck in the

Melissa Deally:

conscious mind. But when we get out of the conscious mind and

Melissa Deally:

into our unconscious mind, we can also allow ourselves to be

Melissa Deally:

guided and as you say it's very powerful and that's where the

Melissa Deally:

quantum leap forward can happen.


Yeah, I just told him Got it from the heart, because I


think it's an easy way to access that unconscious. Right? I can


using the breath, right? Yes, leaving just focusing on


breathing, imagining you're breathing in through your heart


and out through your heart. And very quickly you're present,


you're in your heart, you're out of this small conscious mind


limited to accessing the infinite possibilities and


solutions that are available in every moment. It's so cool, we


have so much more potential than we've been accessing. And it's


very exciting to actually start to give ourselves permission to


play with that and explore that.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. I love that. And a couple of

Melissa Deally:

episodes ago, I had somebody on who was talking about this as

Melissa Deally:

well, it was Lisa Brewer, and she was talking about, you know,

Melissa Deally:

being in the flow, right. And then she actually, her mantra,

Melissa Deally:

if I don't screw it up is give permission to your purpose to

Melissa Deally:

provide for your purpose.


Nice, which I

Melissa Deally:

really liked as well. And when we do get into

Melissa Deally:

that place of flow, and we're in our heart, and all of these

Melissa Deally:

resources are available to us, as you said, we can do so much

Melissa Deally:

more. And with greater ease. Yes, and with more fun.


That's the thing, that's that's actually what's


available to us. If it's not easy. If it is struggle, then


it's possibly a sign that's not the path that that moment, it's


like we're actually being guided all the time. It's noticing and


being aware and allowing, allowing the, like you say the


flow, really, the ease,

Melissa Deally:

exactly. And that's also something I'm

Melissa Deally:

working on, because I'm very much someone who was raised and

Melissa Deally:

spent, you know, all of my corporate years in my head, it's

Melissa Deally:

kind of the expectation, it was just the norm as a not to

Melissa Deally:

mention the norm of, well, we pay you for 40 hours a week

Melissa Deally:

because you're on a salary, but we actually expect you to get

Melissa Deally:

all of the work done that we're giving you. And if it takes 60

Melissa Deally:

hours, then you got to do it, you got to stay in work for 60

Melissa Deally:

hours, right? And that whole societal mindset that you're

Melissa Deally:

supposed to work harder to show your dedication, as opposed to

Melissa Deally:

that it's actually meant to be easy. So like, I'm having to

Melissa Deally:

undo all of that learning as well. Maybe that's part of my

Melissa Deally:

adulting adulting adulting.


Yeah, well, I think that most of us have been


conditioned, to work hard to be in the struggle to always be in


our head, that it's actually we haven't, we haven't actually,


it's not been okay to feel your feelings. It's not been okay to


be vulnerable. It's starting to be there's a growing


consciousness of that, which is fantastic. Because emotions are


important. It's energy, emotion, we are energy, and so actually


not needing to judge emotions, and we don't need to suffer in


them and be them. But to actually allow ourselves to feel


and express is a very healthy thing. Because if we don't, as


you know, we don't allow those feelings to be expressed, then


they're going to store in the body and come out in some level


of dis ease.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely. It's interesting, because they're

Melissa Deally:

running a detox program right now with some people. And it's

Melissa Deally:

amazing how quickly some people start to release the emotions in

Melissa Deally:

a detox program. Right? That's not why they started doing it.

Melissa Deally:

It's not what they were expecting. But it's what's

Melissa Deally:

coming up. Which is wonderful, right? Because they're in a

Melissa Deally:

place where they're now allowing those those emotions to start to

Melissa Deally:

release, which that's


the pathway to them being in full health. Right,


exactly. How is it? They haven't expressed them that they're


having whatever challenge they're having? So it makes


total sense to hear that? Yeah.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah. So it's been 10 years of a journey for

Melissa Deally:

you. Can you share some highlights some aha moments or

Melissa Deally:

pivotal moments as you have been on this path to creating the

Melissa Deally:

wisdom playground? Because I know the wisdom playground is a

Melissa Deally:

BC. Business, right? Sorry. pandemic, baby. Yes. That's

Melissa Deally:

relatively new. So what were the pivotal moments that got you to

Melissa Deally:

where you're at today?


Yeah. So yeah, the last 20 years I've been in the


coaching industry. And absolutely, you know, back then,


when I started, lots of people hadn't even heard of what that


was. It's so great that there's been such a growing evolution of


awareness of lots of people kind of actually learning to become


more self aware and interest Did in their own growth and, and


things like that. So I have been doing many great things through


that time in coaching and training. And

Melissa Deally:

I'm gonna jump in there too, as well, just to

Melissa Deally:

say that it's there's a greater awareness in people that they do

Melissa Deally:

better when they work with someone else who's already been

Melissa Deally:

there, right. And there's not any shame in that it's actually,

Melissa Deally:

you know, courage to go, Hey, this is what I want to do. This

Melissa Deally:

is where I want to go, who can get me there the fastest. So

Melissa Deally:

again, it's looking for that ease, right, and recognizing

Melissa Deally:

that everyone needs coaches, we have coaches in from community

Melissa Deally:

sports as a child or school sports, right. And we've had

Melissa Deally:

business coaches for years, and all these different types of

Melissa Deally:

coaches. And now people are recognizing, it's okay to have a

Melissa Deally:

coach in my life, and it's actually going to advance me

Melissa Deally:

faster, which is


a great thing to have multiple coaches in. To focus on


absolutely and. And we're as humans, we're not meant to do it


alone, we have been conditioned to be very independent and


compete. But actually, we're here to collaborate and bring


each other's the best of each other out. And I suppose that's


what happened with the wisdom playground is when, when the


world changed. My beautiful businessman and Gary and I were


talking and and we wanted to focus on reinvention and


consciously creating new and better ways, rather than just go


back to the old. And rather than what happens if we don't


consciously create something new, we will just repeat what we


know. And so here is an opportunity, anything is


possible, the fact that what happened in 2020, if you ask


yourself, would you have thought that was possible before it


happened? I would say most of us would say absolutely not, I


totally would not have thought that could have been possible


what has happened in the world? I would agree. I would agree.


Yeah, that shows anything is possible. So we can actually


create the dream, we can actually create the most amazing


world where everyone is supported and thriving, that is


actually possible. And it takes a conscious creation, and it


takes us all tapping into the best of our humanity. It takes


us tapping into collaborating together. So I like that you


said you know we Yes, we we all benefit from coaches and support


and doing things together rather than some things. It's good to,


you know, it's also you need some stuff alone. However,


there's too much independence and competition in the VC world.


That keeps us separate, divided and conquered, you know, it's


time to unite, collaborate and actually co create. And so the


pivotal moments have been, I've always been unconventional. So


I've always wanted things to be done in different ways. I


haven't really followed the path of the mainstream or the way


they say you should, should do it, whoever they are. But yeah.


So I was always gonna mature then. This happened in 2020, on


very different plans, I was on my way to wanting to spend a lot


more time in Hawaii. And anyway, this has happened and what


happened with the wisdom playground has been quite


magical. Because it's sort of it unfolded through us. It's not


like Gabby and I said, let's create a business together. It


was just through conversation and ideas that when we were


playing with started with the singles party on Zoom called


singles. I think I attended one of them. I don't think you


attended that one. But you did attend one of our collaborative


learning parties, which has then led into us having a beautiful


new era business incubator membership, with amazing


coaches, healers and New Era wisdom teachers that doing


incredible things on the planet, and were always explored, like


it's a really healthy environment, to explore how to


do new and better ways in business that make business


easier and more profit and greater impact. So yeah,



Melissa Deally:

I love that you're creating that to support

Melissa Deally:

the coaches that are trying to do more, right, because

Melissa Deally:

sometimes it's hard to get out and be heard and be seen, above

Melissa Deally:

all the noise that's out there. But when you collaborate, and

Melissa Deally:

you find your tribe and everybody's working together, it

Melissa Deally:

makes it much much easier. That's right.


And it's typically in general, the coaching industry,


coaches and healers are not making a lot of money and we


want to change that so they're fully thriving. They can help


more people now navigate these crazy times and have everyone


thriving. So it's it's driven by that. And we have some unique


wisdom around supporting them in that. But it's also those that


might be not even coaching yet. So say they're in corporate, and


they've got all this wisdom and experience, and they need


support to package their wisdom. That's another opportunity.


Because everyone has wisdom to share right now, whatever


experiences we've been through not just the recent training


we've done, our whole life has had wisdom, experience and ways


we can contribute to another human. And it's time for


everyone to start sharing that.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely. And I look at it as everything is

Melissa Deally:

happening to us for a reason, and bringing us to the point in

Melissa Deally:

time where we're at. So everything that happened,

Melissa Deally:

whether you deemed it as good or bad, is something that adds to

Melissa Deally:

your wisdom that you now have to share with others.


Exactly. And that's what you said, whether you if


you deem it good or bad, we label things good, bad, right?


We're the ones creating the judgment. And it's just time to


drop jugs, judgments and transcendent judgment is the


thing that's in the way of so much goodness, really. It's so


incredible. I love it. And actually, you know, you said a


critical moment. One of them was my very first life coaching


course. I actually heard this chant the story of the Chinese


farmer about judgment. Have you heard of it?

Melissa Deally:

Please share, I will share


my version. So essentially, this Chinese farmer


and he had a his son living with him and a horse and the horse


ran away. All the neighbors came around and go, Oh, isn't that


terrible, your horses run away. And the Chinese farmer said


maybe the next day, the horse actually came back with seven


wild horses. And so now they have eight horses, and they


thought the neighbors come around. And so he's amazing. You


go to these horses and the farmers like maybe the next day,


the sun is breaking in one of the horses and falls off and


breaks his leg. And all the neighbors come around, say, oh,


isn't that terrible, your son's broken his leg and the farm is


like maybe the next day, the military come along, trying to


get everyone all the abled men to join the military and they


couldn't take the sun and all the neighbors great. He's on


can't go off to military up. The farmer says maybe so I that that


story has just, I just love because I was very judgmental. I


was very judgmental person. And I'm if I don't check myself, I


can still be judging. However, it's so peaceful when I don't


judge and it's so powerful. And it's something that I feel is a


pathway to an amazing life when we can transcend judgment. And


so and it is yeah. Definite. Helps helps being more playful


when we don't judge ourselves.

Melissa Deally:

And it's funny because I have heard that story.

Melissa Deally:

And I've heard it very recently. And it wasn't a Chinese farmer.

Melissa Deally:

I heard it as an Albertan farmer, but the same


well, then clearly was told by Canadian

Melissa Deally:

but the same messaging, right, which, you

Melissa Deally:

know, is so important. It's maybe let's see what happens

Melissa Deally:

especially when we take it as everything's happening for us.

Melissa Deally:

Why is this happening? What can I learn from this? You know,

Melissa Deally:

you're not going to know it in the moment as in the case of the

Melissa Deally:

story, they realize the next day right and it might not be the

Melissa Deally:

next day for you. It might be a week down the road, it might be

Melissa Deally:

a year down the road. Look back. There's so many moments in your

Melissa Deally:

life that you look back with that 2020 hindsight and you're

Melissa Deally:

actually grateful for them. In the moment you're like, oh my

Melissa Deally:

god, this is awful. This is the worst thing ever. So how much

Melissa Deally:

time was wasted and emotional turmoil did you go through

Melissa Deally:

thinking oh my god, this is the worst thing ever as opposed to

Melissa Deally:

like you say getting into that place of non judgment and

Melissa Deally:

finding peace and acceptance instead.


Yeah, I'm I have found when I remember everything is


happening for me even when it's really shitty. It's so helpful


to get through those times and when we do look closely, there


is always gifts blessings, positives that come from


everything. And I noticed that as well working with Gabby in


the wisdom playground every time we come up with a what we would


see as a block. It hasn't gone the way we wanted. It's always


an upgrade. Yes. Incredible. It is so incredible. It's not


exactly what our mind thought we wanted to see the bigger


picture, it's actually better and leads to better in the


future. So it's such a, it's a gorgeous, gorgeous way to look


at things.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. So every time we think it's a block

Melissa Deally:

or something holding us back is actually just getting us to take

Melissa Deally:

the leap forward.


Yeah, and especially for I see coaches, healers, New


Era wisdom teachers that are wanting to support people in


their area of wisdom. When they come up with a challenge, it is


often something to learn so they can help their clients, they


don't have to make themselves wrong or bad, or like, it's so


interesting how that happens all the time, as well. So it's


really cool when we're aware of that, because it does make the


journey of the challenging bits a bit easier.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly, exactly. If you're enjoying my

Melissa Deally:

content, and someone that wants to step into being proactive in

Melissa Deally:

your health and learning more, I would love to invite you to join

Melissa Deally:

my membership community. There's a link in the show notes for

Melissa Deally:

only 1999 a month, you get access to all of my content. And

Melissa Deally:

there's a lot as well as weekly calls that you can come and get

Melissa Deally:

your health questions answered.

Melissa Deally:

It's truly priceless. And love to see you join the community,

Melissa Deally:

check out the link in the show notes.

Melissa Deally:

So talk to me about how you bring play into the wisdom

Melissa Deally:

playground, but into your daily life.


Cool. Yeah. So I feel that as I mentioned before, that


heart breathing and really noticing what is going on for us


and our body and our, our what feels, what feels the yes, what


feels the know and to be guided as much as possible, as often as


possible throughout the day. I mean, we can be guided every


step if we choose to, which is so cool. So that is playing with


the universe, from my perspective playing with with


it, because it's just so fun when we do it. But it's also


doing the things that light us up that is and so the more


tuning we are we the more we know what does and what doesn't.


And there's so many common things to look at. Like for me


dancing, I love to dance, I love to laugh, I love nature, getting


in nature, exercising, moving, and body. All those things are a


beautiful ways to play and allow more possibility into into our


world as well. Some people like to do creative projects, I think


that's something that I, I have been quite focused on working


and I have some creative projects. Now it's like, Okay,


it's time to actually carve out some time and prioritize some of


that, because we're actually always creating that's as humans


we're always creating, so why not consciously create and be in


the playfulness of creating, and it comes back to not judging it


because I remember one time I went to first time I went to


life drawing where there's a nude model, and you bring your,


whatever you want to draw with, like the paper and whatever,


using pencils and crayons, whatever. And I just love it, it


was so it was just so fun to be doing that. And I was looking at


my thing going, I'm not bad at this. And then when I walked


around so some people who are like proper artists, I can help


with this. I was like, oh, okay, I'm not great at it. But however


art it can it's in the eye of the eye of the viewer, right?


What's something good to someone not to say? And it's like, well,


that's the same with life as well. Right? And so just to have


fun with it means it's a great use of time. And other other


insights can come to us when we're not trying to focus and


push and struggle and, and, and really work hard. I feel even


this month of a that I've had just the month that's gone. I


had more time off and actually have done better financially and


I've had more fun and I've had and it's like ah, so good to


have this. Working harder is not always better. And so yes,


that's sort of lifestyle wise, it's good to have our own


practice of making sure we're doing some stuff that we love


that makes us feel good that that lights us up. In the wisdom


playground. We like to bring that vibe to at all, all things


that we do in our communications and in our events, which we call


parties, we like to bring that energy. And it's something that


we can always add more ideas to, and how to do it. One of the


things that we like to do now and then is a, an improv game,


you know, with that? Where we Yes, and, yeah, so it's like a


topic. And then I say something, and then you would say yes, and


then you'd add to it, and then I say yes, and and add to it, and


then you kind of it's a brainstorming thing that allows


really crazy, crazy answers. But those crazy answers can actually


be really brilliant, you know, some of them comes up with new


things. So,

Melissa Deally:

or a smarter? next idea. Right? Exactly. It's

Melissa Deally:

actually comes back to what you were saying earlier for people

Melissa Deally:

that, you know, they know what they don't want, but they don't

Melissa Deally:

know what they do want. And you're saying, you know, sit

Melissa Deally:

with that and think about it and spend some time with yourself on

Melissa Deally:

that. And what's really important there is to treat that

Melissa Deally:

like you would any other brainstorming session. So allow

Melissa Deally:

any idea to flow. If it sounds too outlandish to you don't shut

Melissa Deally:

it down and push it away. Let it flow. And then you can even

Melissa Deally:

build on that. You can do the Yes. And with yourself with the

Melissa Deally:

thoughts that are coming. And yes. And and then what's next,


right? And another one is what if so what if


everything? Because what if it could just magically become


better than you even imagined? And what if it was blah, blah,


blah. And so that's a similar kind of concept, but it might


resonate even more. Right.

Melissa Deally:

And it just allows the mind to keep opening

Melissa Deally:

and opening and opening and opening? And get into that

Melissa Deally:

expansive place.


Yeah. And that's, that's the beauty of empowering


questions, though. The what, who, where, how, when that into


possibility, those empowering questions are really cool to


expand, expand our mindset. So that we can tap into far greater


than what's happened before. And that's the that's the


opportunity, we have so much more, as I said, before, so much


potential, every single human has access to far more potential


than we're tapping into. So that means you, me, everyone, like we


will and expand beyond where we have before it can keep getting


better, can keep getting more magical. It's so, so exciting.


We are we are at we are living at a very, very exciting time on


the planet.

Melissa Deally:

We are and I agree that there's so much more

Melissa Deally:

realization to this right now. And more and more people are

Melissa Deally:

opening to the expansiveness of it to the fact that there is

Melissa Deally:

abundance on this earth. And we can just, you know, get into

Melissa Deally:

that place of ease and flow to build that abundance. And as we

Melissa Deally:

do it in collaboration, we're helping other people get there,

Melissa Deally:

too. And we all rise up together.


Absolutely. And actually say, saying that, you


know, I'm, I'm a big fan of the open questions. I'm also a fan


of the empowering affirmations. Because I said, it's been a


great month.


I've been saying to myself, my life is fun. And it has been,


it's like really work getting that one stuck in your head.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. And How simple is that? How simple

Melissa Deally:

is that? Right? And, you know, what, if you stop and think

Melissa Deally:

about the thoughts that you're typically saying to yourself,

Melissa Deally:

how much more fun is it to say that thought to yourself instead

Melissa Deally:

of what you're typically saying to yourself,


and it's extra fun when you've said it for a little


while, and then you stop noticing, oh, this is far more


fun than what was before. Like, it's actually amazing.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah. So do you have any suggestions for people,

Melissa Deally:

whether they're, you know, coaches, or solopreneurs, or

Melissa Deally:

even still in the corporate world, that, besides the mantra,

Melissa Deally:

anything else that they can take and easily implement in order to

Melissa Deally:

bring fun into their work environment? Is it like maybe

Melissa Deally:

it's breaking up their day in some way? What do you suggest?


Yeah, so we, we talked about judgment. So it's one of


the things it's time to let go of. So notice when we're judging


and instead of judging, get curious, so and get curious with


those questions of I like what you said, What am I here? What


am I? What can I learn from this? Or how is this serving me?


Or I don't know, the any open question or the wadi thing or


the yes ending or the, you know, the it's like move out of


judgment into curiosity as often as possible, really notice,


because also notice when we're doubting ourselves, who many of


us are actually, really like, we're all capable of incredible


things, we're so amazing, yet we get in our own way, by doubting


ourselves. And so if you notice down in yourself, just laugh


every time you doubt yourself, laugh at it, because the first


time I had that strategy, I was laughing a lot that day, so it


was good.

Melissa Deally:

And we knew how healthy laughter is for us. And

Melissa Deally:

I've said this many times before. So regular listeners

Melissa Deally:

will have heard me say it before, but it's worthy of

Melissa Deally:

repeating that just one Fun Minute of laughter boosts your

Melissa Deally:

immune system for 24 hours. And one minute of fear or stress, or

Melissa Deally:

anger will weaken it for four hours. And in that fear, stress

Melissa Deally:

and anger, I would even put doubting ourselves. Because when

Melissa Deally:

we're doubting ourselves, we're probably drumming up a little

Melissa Deally:

bit of fear and a little bit of stress, right? Or that there.

Melissa Deally:

And that's why we're doubting ourselves. And that's weakening

Melissa Deally:

our immune system for four hours. So yes, erase it with

Melissa Deally:

laughter. That's brilliant.


Yeah, and so also know about doubt. If you're doubting


that potentially means you're actually trusting in the belief


you don't prefer. So perhaps there's no doubt perhaps it's


just trust in something. And you might as well trust in what you


want, rather than that belief that you don't prefer the doubt


because that does not feel good. doubting ourselves does not feel


good. So stop it. Let it go back to BC and from now on, no more


doubt, and just go for it and play because it's like it when


we can let go of judgment of the result. It it means if it goes


bad or wrong, bad wrong, which we're labeling it, it doesn't


matter. So there's a beautiful movie on Disney called Soul.


Have you seen that one, Melissa? Okay, so go check it out. It's


such a reminder that our souls come here to experience life to


experience the senses, to taste the pizza, to smell the roses to


do all the things, and they fall over and hurt themselves. But it


doesn't matter. It's like, it's like, we're just here to live


and experience and create and enjoy. And and that comes back


to if we can just not make a big deal about everything, and not


make it like that let go of the making the meaning and the


judgments about everything. It just becomes so much easier. And


so I would say practice that really noticing, are you


judging? Or are you in curiosity, and just really start


to tap More into curiosity with asking better questions, playing


with possibilities, using your breath, choosing what feels good


to you, what lights you up, giving yourself permission to do


that celebrating and appreciating every step you take


in that direction. And let me know how you go.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. I love that so many gems in that

Melissa Deally:

last five minutes right there that are brilliant. Thank you.

Melissa Deally:

And I just want to come back to somewhere in there you were

Melissa Deally:

talking about, you know, the judgment. And I was hearing like

Melissa Deally:

the not doing thing, the doubt is because we're fearing

Melissa Deally:

something right? And the feeling is coming up because it's not

Melissa Deally:

the right path for us potentially. And so we need to

Melissa Deally:

stop and figure out what the right path is. But also to know

Melissa Deally:

that we don't need to fear what might happen. And so often

Melissa Deally:

that's fear of failure or not achieving the goal or whatever

Melissa Deally:

it is because there really is no failure. Yeah, it's simply an

Melissa Deally:

opportunity for feedback. That's right, from which we learn and

Melissa Deally:

then keep moving forward. And so that's a huge piece of that of

Melissa Deally:

being able to choose that recognize that and step into it

Melissa Deally:



That's right. So it's like be present in the moment to


feel if it's a yes or no for you to take that action. So you will


know if you feel lighter and more expansive. Or if you feel


heavier and more contracted. You can start to learn your yes and


no. If it's a yes, you just go for it. And it doesn't matter


what happens. Like let go of the outcome, the judgment of


whatever happens all of that and trusting. It's the next And


it's, it's all good, then take the next step. It doesn't have


to be that odd, our mind can make it really challenging.


Yeah, we don't have to do that anymore. Yeah,

Melissa Deally:

I love it. Well, I love all of the work that you

Melissa Deally:

do, and the wisdom playground and the support that you're

Melissa Deally:

giving to coaches and others that are, you know, in their

Melissa Deally:

businesses so that everyone can collaborate and serve more

Melissa Deally:

people as a result, right. And so, as we start to wrap up here,

Melissa Deally:

I love to ask my guests, what does don't wait for your wake up

Melissa Deally:

call mean to you.


For me, that means be proactive in designing the life


we want, actually, our health is so important. And actually, we


can make positive steps towards that today. And if we don't, as


you say, if we keep going down a path that is unhealthy, we will


get a wake up call. And it happens from the the universe is


total, I say universe, some people say, God or whoever,


whatever they want to call source, different all the


different names for for that. But for me, the universe will do


it for now. So the universe will give us messages, and it starts


with a whisper. And then it gets louder can become a pebble in


any kind of a brick and bouldering brick house on top of


us and that wake up call is not pleasant. So why wait for that?


Like, why? Why Why? Why not listen now?

Melissa Deally:

Back to what you're saying? Yeah, you know,

Melissa Deally:

listen now and tap into your body and learn that yes or no

Melissa Deally:

role. And when we work with our body in this way, that's when we

Melissa Deally:

do get to be in that flow state. And it's when we get to have

Melissa Deally:

optimal energy and optimal health because we're in

Melissa Deally:

alignment. That's not fighting ourselves. Love that


thing, that energy alignment is so powerful and


such a fun way to live life. And we all have that ability to


choose that. It's so it's available to every single one of


us. And that's why it's so great. The work you're doing,


Melissa, because for those who haven't listened can get on


track now with you. But those listening to the podcast well


done, because yeah, you don't have to wait till it gets really


bad, like, start doing the fun stuff now.

Melissa Deally:

And I love what you said too, is choose you get

Melissa Deally:

to choose, right, everything is a choice. And that comes back to

Melissa Deally:

when we believe that things happen for us, not to us, we're

Melissa Deally:

not blaming, right, and we can see the choices. That's right.

Melissa Deally:

And there are always choices, even when we think it's the

Melissa Deally:

worst day ever. There are still choices, right? choices on how

Melissa Deally:

you respond to that and choices to how you move forward. So

Melissa Deally:

that's a really important point as well, that it's, it's all a

Melissa Deally:

choice. So I love it, love what you're doing. So thank you,

Melissa Deally:

thank you so much for being on the show. But before I let you

Melissa Deally:

go, please tell the audience how they can get ahold of you. And I

Melissa Deally:

believe you have a free gift for the audience as well.


Yes, we do. So our website is the wisdom


playground. So T H E wisdom playground.com. And I'd be


delighted to connect with anyone on social media and all those


types of things. I'm Deb King, we have a freebie. If you're a


coach or healer of some description, we have an amazing


guide for you that shows you what the greatest coaches on the


planet do differently to everyone else, the ones that are


super successful, what they do to everyone else. And that's a


free guide. It's 19 pages where you get to see those things and


rate yourself on those things. So that would be the first


freebie for everyone else. We have a little play cheat sheet


for us with some reflection questions just to kind of


actually play with in terms of your inquiry around playing


more. So that's available as well and very excited to connect


with anyone who wants to discuss this topic or share actually,






if you apply anything we've talked about, I'd love to hear


how you go. So yeah, very excited to always meet like


hearted humans that want to thrive.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. Thank you so much. And I'll make

Melissa Deally:

sure the links to both are in the show notes. And yeah,

Melissa Deally:

Pleased to the audience if you are implementing any of this

Melissa Deally:

from our discussion today, please share it on social tag

Melissa Deally:

Deb tag myself, because we'd love to celebrate that with you.

Melissa Deally:

It's definitely something to celebrate. And Deb, what last

Melissa Deally:

tip would you like to leave the audience with to have them step

Melissa Deally:

into this and get started today?


I would love to say is you are here, there is no


mistake that you are here right now you have so much love in


your heart and wisdom to share more than you even realize. And


actually just give yourself permission to now live your best


life ever moving forward.

Melissa Deally:

Love that. Beautiful way to end the show.

Melissa Deally:

So inspirational. Thank you so much for joining us here today,

Melissa Deally:

Deb. And thank you to the audience for joining us here and

Melissa Deally:

tuning in week in and week out to the don't wait for your wake

Melissa Deally:

up call podcast. I appreciate every one of you to thank you.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If

Melissa Deally:

you can take two minutes to share this episode with someone

Melissa Deally:

you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their life.

Melissa Deally:

That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going to your

Melissa Deally:

favorite podcast listening app. And let me know what you enjoy

Melissa Deally:

or would like to hear more of it will support me in my effort to

Melissa Deally:

bring the possibility of natural healing to a wider audience and

Melissa Deally:

help disrupt the sick care system we have today and make

Melissa Deally:

human health a global priority. Health is your true wealth.

Show artwork for Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!

About the Podcast

Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!
with Melissa Deally, Integrative Health Practitioner
As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?

About your host

Profile picture for Melissa Deally

Melissa Deally

Melissa is an Integrative Mind Body Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issue. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures, but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements. Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing, so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.