Episode 64

Published on:

30th Apr 2022

Give Permission To Your Purpose To Provide For Your Purpose!

In this episode, Lisa Brewer, Doctor of Metaphysics & Divinity, CEO for Heart of Inspiration, shares her brilliance in stepping out of our 3D world, and stepping into a world of energies, that we can’t see, feel, taste, touch smell, but allow us to be in flow by surrendering into our purpose, letting go of control and in doing so finding more joy and happiness in our daily lives. She shares how she discovered her purpose, and in realizing that, how she started doing things differently. She started choosing to prioritize her health, and her health improved, she started choosing to wake up joyful and happy each day and her days were joyful and happy. We get to do the things we want to do, we get to be the things we want to be, it all comes down to choice. If you are struggling with this in your life, reach out to Lisa for inspiration to change you and the life you are living, because you can! She has, and now she helps others do exactly that and you can too!

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About the Guest:

Doctor of Metaphysics & Divinity, CEO of Heart of Inspiration, & Founder of The Practical Light Worker Program, and YouTube Creator of her channel Heart of Inspiration, Lisa Brewer teaches Light workers that making a difference can be rewarding empathically AS WELL AS financially.

Linktree to all Lisa’s social links:


About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit, and many more!  She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started. 



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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTYG85CdWUA5MZ0NDCs-Z3Q/videos


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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

Melissa Deally:

if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be? Like? What

Melissa Deally:

would that be worth

Melissa Deally:

to you? What is your health worth to you? Think about it.

Melissa Deally:

Your health isn't everything. But without it, everything else

Melissa Deally:

is nothing. And yet too many of us are taking it for granted

Melissa Deally:

until something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be

Melissa Deally:

diagnosed with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've

Melissa Deally:

never been taught how to be proactive in our health through

Melissa Deally:

our school system, or public health. As a registered health

Melissa Deally:

coach and integrative health practitioner, I believe it is

Melissa Deally:

time this information is made available to everyone. Combining

Melissa Deally:

new knowledge around your health and the ability to do my

Melissa Deally:

functional medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home

Melissa Deally:

will allow you to optimize your health for today in all your

Melissa Deally:

tomorrow's. Don't wait for your wake up call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to the don't wait for your wake up call podcast. I

Melissa Deally:

am Melissa Delia, your host and very excited to bring to you

Melissa Deally:

today. A new friend of mine, Lisa Brewer. Welcome, Lisa.

Lisa Brewer:

Well, thank you for having me what Thank you for

Lisa Brewer:

having me. I'm super excited about this.

Melissa Deally:

Me too. It's so perfect that I've recently met

Melissa Deally:

you and your work is in the field of inspiration and this

Melissa Deally:

month is my focus is on inspiration. And it just turns

Melissa Deally:

out that April has five Saturdays, and I needed an extra

Melissa Deally:

show. And you popped into my life. How amazing is that? So I

Melissa Deally:

just want to introduce you to the audience. Lisa is a doctor

Melissa Deally:

of metaphysics and divinity CEO of heart and heart of

Melissa Deally:

inspiration and founder of the practical lightworker program

Melissa Deally:

and YouTube creator of her channel heart of inspiration.

Melissa Deally:

Lisa teaches Lightworkers that making a difference can be

Melissa Deally:

rewarding both empathically as well as financially. I love

Melissa Deally:

that. So yes, you popped into my life for a reason. And you were

Melissa Deally:

gonna say something a moment ago about that. So I'm gonna let you

Melissa Deally:

share that and share your story. How did you come to be a doctor

Melissa Deally:

of metaphysics and focusing on inspiration in the way that you

Melissa Deally:



Yeah, thank you, I was just going to say that the


universe always conspires, right and make sure that we get to


meet the wonderful beings that were meant to at the absolute


right time, you know, if you practice being in that flow, and


that's a huge part of my story is being in the flow, right? So

Melissa Deally:

I'm very definitely working on practicing

Melissa Deally:

now and surrendering into and I love it when I do when I

Melissa Deally:

surrender into it, the answers come the resources show up the

Melissa Deally:

people are there.


And yes, and, and it's interesting, because at first


when we do surrender to the flow, so we could just let's


just go here, when we surrender to the flow, what happens at


first is, we naturally feel a little bit nervous, right?


Because we are kind of our third dimensional selves, our third


dimensional brain and ego is kind of is releasing


relinquishing control to an energetic, whatever soup if you


will, that it can't see taste, touch or feel or hear, right.


And so when we do that, we don't really recognize that we're


actually surrendering ourselves not to some external force, but


to ourselves, we're actually just kind of allowing our spirit


or our Higher Self that is eternal, has been here from the


beginning of time to be here to the end, because you can't, you


know, you can't destroy or create energy. And so that


energetic essence is what's having a human experience. So


really, it's our own humanity that's having this experience


that we just kind of say, Okay, I'm not going to actually


control everything. I'm gonna allow the eternal energy,


wisdom, love, light, beauty, all of those things. What's of my


highest good to actually move me into the right direction. So


scary at first because you're like, Well, I don't know where


that's coming from. I've got to make it right. I've got to like,


get in here and do or something.

Melissa Deally:

Especially if you have all that dialogue of

Melissa Deally:

doo doo doo and you got to work hard for success and all of you

Melissa Deally:

know I have a lot of that going on. And I'll admit, I'm a little

Melissa Deally:

bit of a control freak. And so, you know, learning to let go is

Melissa Deally:

you're right. It's scary. And it's hard. Yes. But it's

Melissa Deally:

rewarding to.


Absolutely. And in letting go, what the coolest


thing is, is I've recognized as I actually gain more control.


And let me explain that to you. So, because I don't feel on a


consistent basis that I have to make things happen, right,


because I was told the same things that you were told. And


you know, and it's been Mike growing up, right, it was


always, for me, being a melanated woman, young woman at


the time child, that I had to work twice as hard to get half


as much. So you know, because I had all these strikes against


me, I'm female, I'm a melanin in my skin, right? You know, all


these things. These are strikes, and heaven forbid, actually had


children, I didn't stay married to the person I had children


with when I'm single parent strikes, right? didn't finish


college. Because, you know, the original College, Northwestern


University, studying about chemistry didn't finish that,


because I got pregnant my senior year and ran out of financial


aid all at the same time, strike, there's all these things


that I was told that I should not be able to ever have been


successful in corporate America, be a minister, and ordained


minister in the nondenominational church go all


around the country raised three kids climb the corporate ladder,


you know, but I also though, had all of these entrepreneurs had


these entrepreneurial failures, I started to gain a ton of


weight, I started to not eat very healthy, didn't have very


healthy habits, no time for exercise, no time to eat good,


no time to do this. No time to do that. And then my body, you


know, develop high blood pressure, diet, pre diabetic,


like all of these other things, and that even of itself, even


gaining the weight, then there's a strike against you in


corporate America, right? Because you're not a certain


size, right there. Are there all of these biases that exist?

Melissa Deally:

And how many people listening are relating to

Melissa Deally:

this right now? Right? It's not like you're the only one and yet

Melissa Deally:

it is a strike against, you know, all of these things are

Melissa Deally:

strikes against so many people. And the reality is, is that some

Melissa Deally:

of those strikes trigger, you know, the responses, and the

Melissa Deally:

actions taken by you, which lead to the next strike and the next

Melissa Deally:

strike. Right, in this messed up judgemental world that we live

Melissa Deally:

in. Yeah, yeah. Which is still a wonderful world. But we, you

Melissa Deally:

know, when we come from that place of love, and curiosity and

Melissa Deally:

inspiration, as opposed to judgment, that's when it can be

Melissa Deally:

a wonderful work.


Absolutely. But you have to do that for yourself


first before you can do with anybody else. Yeah, that was the


thing that I that if I was kind of like, the theme, right? Is at


some point, I had to learn how to have compassion for myself


first, I had a ton of compassion for everybody else. A ton gave


gave gave gave gave to corporations, to people to


children as to that all that. But I didn't have any compassion


for me. Right. So all the stress I was putting myself under some


of it was like, normal, okay, we got to put food on the table,


keep a roof over our head, you know, being a single parent.


Yeah, okay, I get that. But really, it because I didn't


truly love myself. And I didn't have a good passion on myself,


that showed itself in over eating and making bad choices


not doing these things. Because on all honesty, I didn't feel


like I deserved any of that. I didn't deserve to have this


life, whatever this life was, the body then was experiencing


all of that. And when we put ourselves under so much stress,


you know, we're going to hang on to write the visceral fats and


we're going to, you know, we're gonna go to the comfort that


quote unquote, comfort foods, you know, before we choose to


eat in a healthy manner, because our brain hasn't like kind of


turned all the rest of that garbage off and said, You know


what a salad can kind of be a comfort food, like, actually now


I'm like, Oh, let me just go make a salad. That feels real


good right now, but I just switched my whole thing rather


than that piece of chocolate cake to. Oh, that sounds pretty


good. You know what I'm saying? And just become that


compassionate person oneself and really feel like I deserved to



Melissa Deally:

Yeah, yeah. So there's a lot of personal growth

Melissa Deally:

in there a lot of mindset shifts that are happening through that

Melissa Deally:

process as well as even potentially tapping into the

Melissa Deally:

unconscious mind to release some of what has been deeply stored

Melissa Deally:

in there from those formative years of zero to seven.


And that then has been put upon and put upon letting


you know when I think of the layers of the programming that


we receive, not just from zero to seven, but from seven to 70


and 70 into whatever right. It's so multilayer it's just line


upon line, precept upon precept, that we have to make that some


point we make a conscious decision. Hopefully, to say,


this does not need to be this way, I do not need to live my


life this way. And a lot of times what will happen is, you


know, some people will go on a weight loss journey or a health,


a healthy living journey, and not even realize that the true


journey is the spiritual journey that is happening, right? That's


where you get to the core of everything is by going through


the spiritual journey. In our world, we will call it the dark


night of the soul, right? We go through this, like, oh my god,


right. But we've got to do that to root out all of these


programs and the energies and emotions. And the guilt that we


hold on to that doesn't belong to us. The shame, that doesn't


belong to us. I mean, women we were that we imagined men to


write, we were that around our belly, I learned that belly fat


was because I was holding on to I was holding on to like this


guilt and the shame. And this was a protection device. So


people wouldn't come close, right? That's like, that's


crazy. To me, it was absolute craziness to me. But it's so


true. is so true. And then as I began to be willing to shed that


protection, get into the flow, it's kind of all goes back,


right? Get into the flow and release the need to control


because the more I try to control every person and every


energy, and every ounce of my life, the more out of control,


freaking god, I did not get the results I wanted, right, because


I was actually pushing away the very thing that I wanted, which


was just to live in peace and love and harmony and neutrality


itself. So it started moving in slow, and I'm like, okay, then


the little things happen. I was listening to one of your


podcasts, and you were talking about admiring the sunrise and


how we would never use your wake, right for the sunrise. I'm


listening to you describe, sitting on that dock, right? And


watching the sun come up, what a beautiful and amazing moment in


time, and what a beautiful energy to make yourself a part


of him to be in concert with, without having to think about


anything else. Just gonna watch the sunrise and the dawn of a


new day, that now I get to do all these new wonderful things.


It's a new adventure, but you put yourself in that flow in


that adventure, and didn't worry about what else was going to


happen for the rest of the day. I thought was that just to like,


wake up and not and enjoy this? To start my day? How


inspirational is that? You kidding me? Just doing those


things, then open things open so much more up for us.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah. Yeah. And you're right. And that that was

Melissa Deally:

an amazing experience. And I'm grateful to my daughter for kind

Melissa Deally:

of bully me into being willing to get up early enough to

Melissa Deally:

experience because it was pretty early. We didn't want to miss

Melissa Deally:

any of the sunrise. So we had to get up when it was still pitch

Melissa Deally:

black right so that we could then see those light colors

Melissa Deally:

start to come across the sky. And and it is it's it's the dawn

Melissa Deally:

of a new day where it doesn't matter what's happened before?

Melissa Deally:

No, this is a clean slate. We can start fresh. Yes. And it

Melissa Deally:

happens every 24 hours. And Mother Nature is always there

Melissa Deally:

doing its thing, despite what we as humanity are doing, right. I

Melissa Deally:

mean, we only have to look at the last two years and the

Melissa Deally:

craziness in the world from the perspective of what we humans

Melissa Deally:

have had to deal with. But everything in nature has

Melissa Deally:

remained unchanged. Although they've had The benefits of us

Melissa Deally:

slowing down a little bit in the world getting a little bit

Melissa Deally:

cleaner. Absolutely. But they just keep doing their thing.


Absolutely. And then if you think about that, and


internalize it and bring it into the esoteric, right, every day,


your son or your solar plexus, every day your son dawns, every


day, it dawns. It's a new dawn. So when you allow your son to


rise up over the horizon, and you allow your light to be


turned on, and your power, then to be emanated from you, every


day is a brand new adventure, every single day. So what are


you going to do today with today, and not worry about what


happened yesterday, because that's dead and gone already. By


the time you're any of the listeners right now, by the time


you're listening to this, by the time you process, the words that


have just exited my mouth. It's that time has already passed.


It's already in the past. So we're actually when we say we're


being like mindful and present. We're actually living in a


perpetual time loop of President past president past, yes, the


key is to get out of that time loop and allow the flow of the


future, to allow your consciousness to be in the flow


of the future. So that it inspires, and it molds and it


shapes every moment as you become aware of it in the


present. And then alters your past. So that's the place to get


to. Yeah, yeah,

Melissa Deally:

I love that. And so tell, tell me more tell me,

Melissa Deally:

like, how does one get to that or tell me more about the

Melissa Deally:

courses that you offer, if that's what gets you there. But

Melissa Deally:

I'm just intrigued to know more about the practice of getting to

Melissa Deally:

that place.


Well, getting to that place is all about learning to


live in neutrality and learning to live in your higher self.


Some people might be familiar with the hermetic, seven


hermetic principles. And, you know, we find these principles


actually in in different religious texts and things of


that nature as well. But it's really learning that you are a


energetic or spiritual being having a human experience, it's


not the other way around. So for me, and every given moment in


time, I have surrendered to the flow. So I just know that


whatever I am experiencing in this moment, has been ordained,


right? And is of my highest good, and that my energetic


being, is guiding it in concert with creator with God with


source, whatever name you wish to associate, however, the


universe or God has revealed itself to you. So that that


conversation is always going on. Right? So I talk a lot about


that on my YouTube channel, heart of inspiration. And on my


Instagram, which is at heart of ANSP. We do a lot. I haven't


quite cracked the tic tac code. Maybe I'll get on there for the


young folks at some point. But so those two my main two places,


right, and my website, we put out a weekly newsletter, we


talked about that kind of stuff, harder inspiration, dotnet. But


what I do is I help Lightworkers or people that are of light,


people that wish to be transformational. Coaches,


healers, teachers, mentors, that they want to put their stamp on


humanity. Right, right. Yup. This is who I am. And yup, this


is why I want to do with my life. And maybe you're wanting


to become part of the great resignation and actually be an


entrepreneur. Like, like I am, right and, and like many others


of us. So I help you do that I happen to step into your


purpose, I help you gain the esoteric tools, if that's your


what you'd like to do gain esoteric tools to live in your


purpose, and then also create an actual business. That's what's


called the practical lightworker. So it's not just a


hobby, right? It is, who you speak it to what what


transformation, like I take you through every bit, every bit of


it, so that you can have a solid foundation to have a thriving,


create a thriving six figure business. So that's what I do.


It's called the practical lightworker. And I'm, go to my


website. I'd love to chat with you. It's wonderful. I love it.

Melissa Deally:

I love it too. And I think it's such a needed

Melissa Deally:

service right now because so many people are really heart

Melissa Deally:

centered and they're wanting to give and serve more people, et

Melissa Deally:

cetera, et cetera, but they're finding it hard to make money.

Melissa Deally:

Look at that, right? Absolutely. And so having people be able to

Melissa Deally:

bring the two together. And very often it's, you know, again,

Melissa Deally:

coming back to those blocks from our younger years that are

Melissa Deally:

getting in the way, right. And I was just doing some tapping this

Melissa Deally:

morning on this very subject, right. And because I'm working

Melissa Deally:

on it myself for myself, too, and it was just, you know, part

Melissa Deally:

of it is that realization that it's, it's okay to make money

Melissa Deally:

serving others, because when you make that money, then we'll a

Melissa Deally:

it's a sign that you're serving more people, and be you can do

Melissa Deally:

more with the money that you're making.


Absolutely. Right. And it's not about the money. I


think that's what people need to like, we it's an energy


exchange. And so this is what I teach as well. And you know,


there's a, there's a fabulous transformation that happens in


Sox as we work together, and really step into your purpose.


Because my mantra is to give permission to your purpose to


provide for your person.

Melissa Deally:

I like that.


And so at some point, I had to get permission, right?


And so that's what we did it help others. But when you grow


so much, you want to my inner child healing, and you went


about that, is that get in there because a lot of that has to


surrounds money. I mean, even in, in any religious text you


read, anytime the prophet or the teacher came to town, did they


just let them come to town and not feed them not clothed them


that give them money for their trip on their way? That they did


not bring them something as a gift or a token of their


appreciation? Of course they did. It's just now the token of


our appreciate appreciation rather than a goat or a fine


linen, or some some frankincense or myrrh other oil is in the


form of money. Yeah, it's no different

Melissa Deally:

as you say, it's the exchange. Exactly. It is.


Absolutely is. Yeah.

Melissa Deally:

So I'd love to go back and have you share a

Melissa Deally:

little bit of your story and how you came into this work and how

Melissa Deally:

your own spiritual growth has impacted your health and well

Melissa Deally:



Awesome. So you don't have a long sordid tale here.


But what I can tell you is so I'm the mother of a single


mother of three wonderful adult children, two daughters, one


son, and the grandmother of two beautiful granddaughters. My


eldest granddaughter is going to be eight this year. I've been an


ordained Christian minister. I've been in corporate America,


all these great things and wonderful things, right.


However, I lost my father when I was 40 years old. He was only


65, almost 66. At the time, he died of a in a diabetic coma. He


had battled diabetes, he was adult onset diabetes, he never


would eat right Dad never would like he just refused. So he


could have actually type one, nipped it in the bud and didn't.


And then ended up insulin dependent. And eventually that,


you know, that took him and my mother has his Crohn's disease


is that Crohn's disease for as long as I can remember. And so I


lost that at 40. And then short not too long after that. My son


and his girlfriend at the time, were pregnant with my eldest


granddaughter, and I was almost 300 pounds. I was severely I


really, really bad high blood pressure. And I was pre diabetic


high cholesterol. And I was so she'll be so I'm 33. So I was


like, 4546. So it's been five years after dad passed. And I


realized that if I didn't change, I wasn't going to be


able to see my grandma, my granddaughter. Become a woman.


Like I didn't know how long I was gonna live. Right? And that


shook me into changing my lifestyle. You know, over the


years, I've lost probably I'd lost at that point. 85 pounds,


probably put a few more pounds back on, you know, her I'm 53.


Now, so that's that battles a little tougher. But during that


time of weight loss and transformation, and then as when


she was born, I realized this, I'm holding her. I'm like, This


is my legacy. You know, your children. Yeah, either. But your


grandbabies are really your legacy. And I said, I'm going to


teach you everything that I wished I had known. Great. Your


father was little right. And that really catapulted me into


this inner child work. And this inner child discovery and this


spiritual discovery outside of whatever religious norms and


everything else and to finally get into a place where I


actually loved myself. Because yeah, your kids love you. But I


don't know if your grandkids but the grandbabies love you in a


whole new way. You literally can do no wrong, you are a saint.


All sins are forgiven, you are a saint to your grandchildren. And


it really teaches you how to love yourself. Unconditionally.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah, because that unconditional love is being

Melissa Deally:

mirrored right back at you from them. Yes. And probably from

Melissa Deally:

your own children when they're really, really little. But at

Melissa Deally:

that point, you're just so busy trying to do everything that you

Melissa Deally:

need to be doing to care for them that you're not noticing

Melissa Deally:

it, you don't have the same awareness of it as you do with

Melissa Deally:

your grandchild where now you've, you know, got some time

Melissa Deally:

and you're not having to care for them. 24/7. And it just

Melissa Deally:

shows up and mirrors right back at you.


Because it's beautiful.

Melissa Deally:

It is beautiful. And I really love what's so

Melissa Deally:

beautiful is to is that in, you know, she's teaching you as much

Melissa Deally:

as you're teaching her.


Absolutely. And yes, and she's teaching me reminding


me how to be young again. Yeah, the other thing I've found out


through this spirituality, this like journey, and really get


into this quantum living and just living in a space of


neutrality without stress and strain. And all this stuff is I


feel like I'm turning back the clock. In other words, I'm


living a healthier lifestyle. Why? Because I want to take care


of my body a little bit more. And I want to put less of


certain things and energies into my being. Because you know, I


want to remain in tune with the universe at all times and my


higher self. And then what happens is, you get younger,


it's kind of crazy. But like where I had osteoarthritis and


my knees, I don't have that anymore. You eat better for


other reasons. And now all of a sudden, all the inflammation has


left your body and you're like, Wow, I feel pretty darn good.


You have so much more energy. And people on a regular basis


are like your house? No, no way. And I'm like, Yeah, and I don't


know how it's supposed to feel that I certainly don't feel it.


So it is made a huge difference. I mean, I'm no longer pre


diabetic, I've perfect cholesterol, we're almost off


all of my high blood pressure medications like I might, I am


in probably the best house at 53. That I have been in probably


three decades, to be honest with you.

Melissa Deally:

And I love that. And I particularly love it

Melissa Deally:

because that's actually the work that I do with my clients all

Melissa Deally:

the time. And it's it's who I am, too, I say that as well. I'm

Melissa Deally:

the same age as you are. And I, you know, I feel better than I

Melissa Deally:

did 20 years ago, because in the last seven years, as I've moved

Melissa Deally:

into my health and wellness journey, I've slowly taken the

Melissa Deally:

baby steps to implement all the learning that I've had in how to

Melissa Deally:

take better care of my body. And the desire to want to take

Melissa Deally:

better care of my body and to recognize that my body is my

Melissa Deally:

health, and my body is my greatest asset. And so why am I

Melissa Deally:

not prioritizing it as my greatest asset? Right?

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely. Instead of taking it for granted and thinking, I

Melissa Deally:

don't have to worry about my health, if I get sick, I'll go

Melissa Deally:

to the doctor, they'll make me better. It's not their job to

Melissa Deally:

make me better. It's my job to look after this asset. Just like

Melissa Deally:

I buy a house I look after the house, I take the garbage out

Melissa Deally:

and I do the vacuuming and the sweeping and I you know, fix

Melissa Deally:

things when they're broken. And I renovate when I need to or my

Melissa Deally:

car, you know, I clean that I take it for oil changes, et

Melissa Deally:

cetera, et cetera. Yeah. So when we align and we respect our

Melissa Deally:

health in the same way and treat it as an assets, like our other

Melissa Deally:

big assets in our life, our body is incredible, because it is

Melissa Deally:

designed to self heal. And it when we create the environment

Melissa Deally:

for it to heal, that's exactly what it will do. So

Melissa Deally:

congratulations to you for being able to get you know, bring your

Melissa Deally:

cholesterol levels down to being normal and almost off your high

Melissa Deally:

blood pressure medications and you're you're gone away, et

Melissa Deally:

cetera, et cetera. So amazing. It's truly amazing. Thank you

Melissa Deally:

what the body can do when we step into that. So how did you

Melissa Deally:

find the inspiration yourself to step into your purpose? It's

Melissa Deally:

your granddaughter's part of it. Is there more to it than that or

Melissa Deally:

that was she was really that was the answer. ration.


I think the next biggest thing was when my second


marriage broke up near I thought I had the life perfect life in


my late 40s, right. And then my second marriage, completely


exploited and imploded. And all in the same 30 days, to break


up, move him out. And then I was downsized from my corporate job


at the time because I stood up for someone in my organization


that was being bullied. And so all of a sudden, in 30 days, my


perfect life was in shambles. And I couldn't find solace in


anything that I had ever found it in before it was all fake and


phony to me. And finally, as I finally said, Well, what do you


want to do lease? What do you want to do with your life. And I


didn't even know at first fully what that meant. All I knew is I


wanted to help other people find themselves love themselves and


not get into toxic relationships over and over in any toxic


romantic, or, or career or friendship, or familial. Like, I


recognize that there was toxicity that littered my whole


landscape. And I kept choosing and kept getting in these


situations, the pattern that we keep repeating, yes. And my


desire, my need my absolute, like, I've got to get out of


this, get off this hamster wheel, right. And live life is


what propelled me into starting to find my purpose. And so


that's when I started the YouTube channel. And then I


started working with women in different ways. And men, some


men as well, but that were like going on this path, right? of


toxic, toxic, toxic and just like suffering all this stuff,


right. And I was I needed to help them out of their trauma.


That's how I started. And then it over three years, four years


now, it's become my life, and it's become everything that it


is now, and I'm really able to be in it. But yeah, take that


first step, this is going in flow, take that first step,


because you don't know what it's going to evolve to. Mm hmm. And



Melissa Deally:

love that the sharing in that story there

Melissa Deally:

because I actually just bought Darren Hardy's journal, living

Melissa Deally:

your best year. And I bought it because I'm reading the book,

Melissa Deally:

atomic habits. And, you know, I have my to do list books like

Melissa Deally:

this one here for those watching on video. But I haven't really

Melissa Deally:

sat down and deeply contemplated what I want my year to look

Melissa Deally:

like, you know, I kind of just pull it off the top of my head

Melissa Deally:

in my rush, rush, rush, go world, right? And I thought, no,

Melissa Deally:

I need to sit down and do this. And so I love this book, because

Melissa Deally:

it actually takes you through eight steps in designing your

Melissa Deally:

year. And one of the things that he said was when he was talking

Melissa Deally:

about relationship and family is that your spouse really meet can

Melissa Deally:

meet 80% of your needs, right? But we focus on the 20% that

Melissa Deally:

they don't meet. And then we might leave that relationship

Melissa Deally:

and go to another relationship where initially it might feel

Melissa Deally:

better because they're meeting the 20% that weren't being met

Melissa Deally:

before, but still only another 60%. So there's still going to

Melissa Deally:

be a 20% gap, right? And the reality is, is that it's us that

Melissa Deally:

have to change, not the other person. But so often, we spend

Melissa Deally:

all of our time and energy focusing on what's wrong and how

Melissa Deally:

the other person has to change. Yeah. And we do, and then we're

Melissa Deally:

not able to move forward. Because we're not growing, we're

Melissa Deally:

blaming, we're not taking responsibility. Absolutely. And

Melissa Deally:

so it's just a really interesting way that he put that

Melissa Deally:

because I've never seen that stat before if 80%


Yeah, I haven't either. It's interesting, though,


because I look at relationships a little bit differently. I


don't feel that your partner should meet a need of yours at




No, interesting. Yeah,


I feel like relationships should it's really it's not 5050 or


8020 or 6040. It's 100 100. And if you can come into it or grow


while you're in it. Yeah. To a point where you recognize that


what we perceive as a need, typically, I find is an area of


unhealed energetic trauma. Right? Right. And so we somehow


feel like we need someone to fill that gap when that's really


That's really where we're at. To me, this is Lisa. So I come into


it, like, let's get you as whole as we can. So that I can present


myself then as here. I'm not looking to you to make me happy.


I mean, right now, because happiness is my choice. Yes,


definitely. Just like happiness is yours. I can't make you be


happy. Right? Like that song says, I can't make you love me


if you don't, great. I can't make your heartbeat something


that it won't. Right. So they can't make you that feel that


either. So I come to it in a sense of, I would say for me, if


I was going to get at 20 There's probably 80% of stuff that I can


like, I'm cool with like, it's no problem. And there's probably


that 20% That grades on my last earthly nerve. And I gotta


decide whether I'm just gonna like be like, Okay, that's, you


know, we got 80 Over here. We're cool. Yeah. But yeah, there's


more that we need to do within ourselves. Absolutely, I would


rather be wanted than needed.

Melissa Deally:

If you're enjoying my content, and someone

Melissa Deally:

that wants to step into being proactive in your health and

Melissa Deally:

learning more, I would love to invite you to join my membership

Melissa Deally:

community, there's a link in the show notes for only 1999 a

Melissa Deally:

month, you get access to all of my content. And there's a lot as

Melissa Deally:

well as weekly calls that you can come and get your health

Melissa Deally:

questions answered. It's truly priceless. I'd love to see you

Melissa Deally:

join the community, check out the link in the show notes. Yes,

Melissa Deally:

I totally agree with I totally agree with that approach. And

Melissa Deally:

what you're saying there as well. And I think there's some

Melissa Deally:

form of fusion between the two. And definitely while you've said

Melissa Deally:

it there. But really what it comes down to is taking

Melissa Deally:

responsibility ourselves, yes, for our own happiness, for our

Melissa Deally:

choice as to how we view the world and how we asked who the

Melissa Deally:

other people in our world, it's out. There, we choose to focus

Melissa Deally:

on the negative or two instead, which could only be 20%, or

Melissa Deally:

focus on the 80%. That is super positive.


And that's empowering in your entire life of choice


chosen to listen to the statistics, and the this and the


that and the narrative that the world wants to put out here


about me, as a melanated. Woman, I could have chosen that, as a


single mother could have chosen that could have chosen to do


that for my kids or whatever. But I chose a long time ago not


to, and I absolutely, now vehemently refuse to. So when


people come to me about certain situations that are happening in


the world. I hear it. But that's not my life. I make a conscious


decision every moment of every day, that that's not my life.


And that's not my experience. Now something comes in that's


looks similar to what that other world is I'm now you're not part


of my story. So I can approach it from a place of neutrality


and power, because you I'm not allowing myself to devolve into


the fear. Right. And the control. Yeah, we can choose


this life. Yes. And I wish we would more often like this a


fabulous way to live.

Melissa Deally:

It is a fabulous way to live. And I really I wish

Melissa Deally:

this was taught more through our school system. Absolutely.

Melissa Deally:

Honestly, you know, I'm stepping into all of this personal growth

Melissa Deally:

and learning and figuring out who I am and my purpose and my

Melissa Deally:

passion and understanding that yes, this is what I was put here

Melissa Deally:

on this earth to do. But in my 40s and 50s. I know, how much

Melissa Deally:

nicer would it have been to you know, have been figuring this

Melissa Deally:

out when I was 10?


Absolutely. But isn't it beautiful that we now get to


teach the younger generation that's raising the 10 year old?


Exactly. It's why it's okay to let them dream. It really be all


right. You know, and let them just explore. Yeah, that's



Melissa Deally:

And it's okay to have mindfulness in the

Melissa Deally:

classroom. And yeah, so beneficial. And, you know, there

Melissa Deally:

was a time here where yoga couldn't be taught in our

Melissa Deally:

schools because it had religious connotations. And that has now

Melissa Deally:

changed, which I'm very grateful for. And at the time I was

Melissa Deally:

laying, okay, let's call it stretching. Yeah, right. Right.

Melissa Deally:

So we're definitely moving in the right direction. And there's

Melissa Deally:

so much more awareness around all of this and so your message

Melissa Deally:

is getting out in the message of others, but maybe share with the

Melissa Deally:

audience how living in purpose has really helped you overall,

Melissa Deally:

move forward.


It is renewed not only just my faith in humanity, but


most importantly, my faith and self. I wake up every day,


knowing that today, I'm going to impact hundreds of people's


lives every day. And I'm excited to find a new way to do it. I'm


excited to like meet new people, and help them in their purpose.


I don't feel like I'm in competition with anyone, because


I'm not, I'm living my own purpose. So that has just given


me such an energy and such as stability. And you know, my


light just shines, because I'm like, like God, because what I


get to do today, and then when I see the results from the people


that I've worked with, and helped, and all the healers and


the teachers, and I mean, I've got like, you know, I've had


like, medical, like doctors and nurse practitioners and


counselors, all kinds of people come in, like, Hey, could you


help me do this? I want to do this in a real, authentic,


holistic way. And the impact they're having. So the you don't


think that your purpose while maybe it's just to do this isn't


isn't? Lisa? Maybe I'm not meant meant to have a huge tribe? I


don't know. Maybe you're not. But guess what? The people that


you do touch, and that you do impact that has an exponential


effect on the entire world,

Melissa Deally:

like the domino effect, or the ripple.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely. And you may never know what that is. And yet, it

Melissa Deally:

is happening. Yes.


Yeah. So that's how it's just giving me I feel like


a new lease on life. Like I literally feel like, my son came


to me other days like, Mom, they're saying that people are


living to 150. I'm like, Yeah, I guess I'll be one of those



Melissa Deally:

I'll be there with you. I've always said I'm

Melissa Deally:

going over 100.


Why do we have to die? Anyway, that's a whole nother



Melissa Deally:

Exactly, exactly. But I love what you've

Melissa Deally:

said there and to the audience to have them here that yes, you

Melissa Deally:

can wake up every day, excited, and passionate about why you're

Melissa Deally:

here, what you're doing, and the ability to help others. And if

Melissa Deally:

you're not there yet, then work with someone who can help you

Melissa Deally:

get there, because we are given one life. And I heard someone

Melissa Deally:

say about I don't know, seven years ago when I really took it

Melissa Deally:

to heart that we are placed on this earth to serve others, to

Melissa Deally:

find our passion or purpose and to never stop learning. And when

Melissa Deally:

we have those three, we truly are fulfilled. And we can wake

Melissa Deally:

up and choose to be happy every single day as you do as I do.

Melissa Deally:

But for that person who's still, you know, maybe in that place of

Melissa Deally:

wondering, what is my purpose? What message do you have for

Melissa Deally:



It might be counterintuitive to everything


else that we've said today, I find that we did we the first


inkling of what our purpose is, is what has been the pain that


we have come through and overcome and healed. Mm hmm.


Right. So the pain of growing up in a household for me, that was


filled with domestic violence and all kinds of things, right.


And fear and control that began to lead me and then as an adult,


having toxic relationships, that began to lead me to my purpose


of helping women who've come out of abusive toxic relationships.


Right. So and then that just helped. And then and then it


just evolved and it just grew. But usually the first step is


what's the pain that you yourself have come through, and


that you have begun to heal? Right? That's where you can


start finding your purpose.

Melissa Deally:

And it's so true. And that's how I found

Melissa Deally:

mine it it was watching my girls go through their concussions and

Melissa Deally:

supporting them through their concussions just after I'd been

Melissa Deally:

let go and two concussions at the same time in the same

Melissa Deally:

household. Like when does that happen? Right when I got the

Melissa Deally:

phone call, two months after the first one about the second one

Melissa Deally:

from grade eight gym class. I was literally like, wow, really?

Melissa Deally:

This is how you show me my path. Stop taking out my children.


Well, hopefully it's not that dramatic.

Melissa Deally:

Well, exactly. But again, it was that, you

Melissa Deally:

know, it's like what did I go through in through that process?

Melissa Deally:

I went through realizing there was a gap in the market in the

Melissa Deally:

medical market or model, I should say, of people need to be

Melissa Deally:

supported on that healing journey. It's not enough just to

Melissa Deally:

go to a practitioner, listen to what they have to say, and then

Melissa Deally:

see them in a week or two weeks, especially with concussion,

Melissa Deally:

because they didn't have the cognitive ability to come home

Melissa Deally:

and tell me what they've been told I was already forgotten. I

Melissa Deally:

was going to their appointments with them. So I heard the

Melissa Deally:

information, so I could then support them between the

Melissa Deally:

appointments and then realizing what other people do. Right? All

Melissa Deally:

of that is what led me into my journey to becoming a health

Melissa Deally:

coach, and then an integrative health practitioner, etc. As I,

Melissa Deally:

you know, watched and went through this with my kids. And

Melissa Deally:

that was the learning that I needed to have in order to step

Melissa Deally:

into my purpose. Wow, in this world, and my second career, and

Melissa Deally:

so yeah, so for anyone listening, what's going on in

Melissa Deally:

your world? What are the lessons that you are being taught? What

Melissa Deally:

are the challenges that you're facing that you when you come

Melissa Deally:

out the other side, you will have the lesson with that 2020

Melissa Deally:

vision. And then that is what your purpose is likely going to

Melissa Deally:

be as you then share that with others. And help them through

Melissa Deally:

what you've just been through? Because you know exactly where

Melissa Deally:

they're at. And you know how to guide them through? Absolutely.

Melissa Deally:

So yeah, well, thank you so, so much for your time. Today. This

Melissa Deally:

has been a really fun interview. And I love to ask all of my

Melissa Deally:

guests What does don't wait for your wake up call mean to you.


Don't wait for your wake up call means to me hmm.


Don't put it don't don't put off because of what your parents or


society or the media, social media, whatever, your external


world. Do not wait until it's a crisis moment for you have to


either live or die, basically, for you to choose. I choose


life. Choose life today. You don't have to live it the same


way you're living it right now. Choose life today. That's what


that means to me.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. And so if anybody wants to reach out

Melissa Deally:

to you, at what I know, you've mentioned earlier, a couple of

Melissa Deally:

your social media sites, but please just let everyone know

Melissa Deally:

the best way to reach out to you.


Yeah, so probably the best way to reach out to me or


to get in contact is to go to heart of inspiration.net. And


you can sign up for my free newsletter, which is like chock


full of like, blogs and information and tells you I went


I'm going to be on YouTube at heart of inspiration. And what's


coming up on Instagram and got podcasts. There's a lot going


on. Okay, so I got a lot. I'm everywhere, right?

Melissa Deally:

And what is one last tip that you would like to

Melissa Deally:

leave the audience with so that they can step into their best

Melissa Deally:

version of themselves? Starting today, whatever that might look

Melissa Deally:

like for them.


Yep. So something that I learned from Mel Robbins


actually make when you get that thought that inspirational


thought that drops in, you have five seconds 54321 Before your


mind takes over and says you can't do it. So when you get


that inspirational thought, I want you to move. Don't wait.


Just move.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. I love that wonderful tip. So

Melissa Deally:

thank you so so much for joining me here today. Lisa, I really

Melissa Deally:

appreciate your time and wishing you and the audience a fabulous

Melissa Deally:

week. Thank you to everyone for listening. And we will see you

Melissa Deally:

back here next time.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If

Melissa Deally:

you can take two minutes to share this episode with someone

Melissa Deally:

you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their life.

Melissa Deally:

That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going to your

Melissa Deally:

favorite podcast listening app. And let me know what you enjoy

Melissa Deally:

or would like to hear more of it will support me in my effort to

Melissa Deally:

bring the possibility of natural healing to a wider audience and

Melissa Deally:

help disrupt the sick care system we have today and make

Melissa Deally:

human health a global priority. Health is your true wealth.

Show artwork for Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!

About the Podcast

Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!
with Melissa Deally, Integrative Health Practitioner
As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?

About your host

Profile picture for Melissa Deally

Melissa Deally

Melissa is an Integrative Mind Body Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issue. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures, but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements. Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing, so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.