Episode 62

Published on:

16th Apr 2022

10 Sources Of Inspiration To Raise Your Vibration and Boost Your Health Part II

This episode is part II of episode 60, so if you haven’t listened to episode 60, please go back and do that first, and then listen to episode 61 as well, to be inspired by Tonya Joyce and her story of “From Wheels to  Heels”.  Once back here at episode 62, you’ll hear 10 more sources of inspiration and how they have inspired me in my life, and hope that at least one of them resonates with you.  The connection between living an inspired life and our positive health outcomes is undeniable.  Tune in to be inspired, and please share this series of podcasts with anyone you know that could use a little inspiration in their life right now.  

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About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit, and many more!  She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started. 



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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

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if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be like? What

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would that be worth to you?

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What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your health

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isn't everything. But without it, everything else is nothing.

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And yet too many of us are taking it for granted until

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something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be diagnosed

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with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've never

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been taught how to be proactive in our health through our school

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system, or public health. As a registered health coach and

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integrative health practitioner, I believe it is time this

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information is made available to everyone. Combining new

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knowledge around your health and the ability to do my functional

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medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home will

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allow you to optimize your health for today and all your

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tomorrow's don't wait for your wakeup call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to another episode of The don't wait for your wake

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up call podcast. My name is Melissa Daly and I am your host.

Melissa Deally:

And this episode is a continuation of episode number

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62 episodes ago as I continue to focus on the theme of

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inspiration. And so if you haven't listened to Episode 60,

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I suggest you go back and listen to episode 61st. And then listen

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to episode 61. Because oh my goodness, the story of Tanya

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Joyce, going from wheels to heels is such an incredibly

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inspirational story. And I know you will absolutely love it. And

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once you've listened to those two episodes, come back and join

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me for episode 62. Here as we continue with 10 more sources of

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inspiration in my life and how they impact me. So again, when

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we are living in a place of inspiration, we are feeling

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good, joyful, happy, motivated, we're looking towards the

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future, we're looking at possibility. Instead of feeling

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that things are impossible, can't be done, being afraid,

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being angry, leave behind all of those negative emotions, and

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we're moving towards the positive emotions feeling

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lighter. And so that's why being in a state of inspiration is

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such a wonderful place to be. And honestly, one of the easiest

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ways to get there is to simply go out into nature. And I'm

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very, very fortunate I am surrounded by nature. But I'm

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surrounded by nature by a very conscious choice I made about 32

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years ago, I came to Whistler, British Columbia, in October of

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1990. And when I stood in the village and was surrounded by

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the mountains, I was in awe of the sheer beauty of Mother

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Nature. And I spent that winter here and it was my intent to

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only be here for one winter, and then go on to London, England to

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a career in Merchant banking using my Commerce degree. And

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partway through that season. I have many people telling me all

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you have to stay for summer because summer is amazing here

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you can do even more in the summer. You can kayak and you

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can paddleboard and you can canoe and you can swim in the

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lakes and you can sail and you can hike and you can bike ride,

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whereas winter was skiing or skiing downhill or cross country

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but it was still skiing, right. And so I thought, That sounds

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pretty amazing. I can say because it was just an

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internship, I can push that back six months. And so I did that

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then as it was coming around to the end of that year, and I

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should have been going off to my internship. I also realized I

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know what that life is like ahead of me in London. I've been

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there I have friends in banking, I've seen their stressful life.

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They're long days and then going to the pub at the end of the day

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and eating crappy fried food and drinking and then going to bed

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and getting up and doing it all again the next day. And is that

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what I wanted for my life? Or did I want to be here in this

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place surrounded by nature with all of this beauty? And okay,

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maybe I won't make as much money as I would have made if I went

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into Merchant banking. But what was more important to me, my

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money or my health? And even then I wasn't in health and

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wellness. I had no desire to go into health and wellness at that

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point. I still knew that my health was important to me, and

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more important to me than money. Because after all, what is your

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wealth? What's it good for if you don't have your health,

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right? I made a conscious decision then I have never, ever

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regretted choosing nature. And nature truly is inspirational.

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It lowers our stress the moment that we're in it, we can feel

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our body calm. And when we look around at every everything that

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nature is offers the variety, you know, the different types of

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trees, birds, animals, etc, etc, etc. There's so much mountains,

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lakes, beaches.

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There's so much variety, and it's different every single day.

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And I'm 32 years later, I still wake up and see the mountains in

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the winter covered in snow and have a hard time imagining what

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they look like, in summer. And in summer, they're, you know,

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grass, green, and beautiful. And I have a hard time imagining

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what they like in winter, because I love to just be in the

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moment, and enjoy what nature is offering me in that moment in

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time. hiking in the woods, and leaving, you know, modern day

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life behind the stresses and the worries of the world technology,

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etc, etc. And just going out and being. And so, in that place in

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nature, when we lower our stress levels, and when we find a place

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of calm, when our conscious mind can slow down enough. That's

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where creativity comes in. That's where inspiration

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happens. We can be inspired to, you know, come up with a new

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problem, new solution to a problem, we're trying to solve a

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new plan for what's next in our life. Or we can just be inspired

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to slow down and enjoy the peace and quiet and calm because we

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get those opportunities so rarely in our world today. So I

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am literally in awe of Mother Nature every day, every time I

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go up the mountain skiing. It's beautiful to me, and I just want

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to take photos. And some of my friends laugh at me because

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they're like, you've lived here for 32 years, and you look like

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a tourist. And I'm like, I don't care. I really don't care. I

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want to capture this every time. And what's been really

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interesting over the last 18 months, as I've been doing this

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and sharing this on social. And through this pandemic, when you

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know everybody's we've been staying home and doing less,

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etc. You post these photos, and other people are commenting how

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just looking at my photos brings them calm or inspires them where

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they just appreciate seeing them. And then that inspires me

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to continue posting my photos. And sometimes I think well, it's

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kind of the same photos I posted last time. It doesn't matter

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because somebody else is going to see it somebody who needed to

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see it on that day. Because Mother Nature has so much to

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give whether it's in person, or even through a photograph or a

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picture. And so, those of you who know me, you absolutely know

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I love spending time in nature. Whether it's downhill skiing,

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cross country skiing in the summertime getting out on my

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paddleboard. I actually don't know how many people I lost

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count that I inspired to buy paddleboards in my last two

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summers of paddleboarding and posting about it and I love that

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I love that other people are getting out into nature and

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enjoying that time on the water and the calm and it's so

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healthy, we're letting go of stress in those moments. Hiking,

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I used to always you know, I've done a lot of hiking over my

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years here. But in since the pandemic taking out back country

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hiking with my daughter, something the two of us can do

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together and totally enjoy quiet time memory making just

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relaxing, leaving all the devices behind, or simply

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sitting in nature and enjoying the warmth of the sun coming

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through the trees or what I absolutely love is walking

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through the trees with a canopy above my head and you can't see

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up to the sky. But then every once in a while the sun will

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come through and you can see the rays of the sun coming through

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the trees and hitting the ground ahead of you. It's just

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absolutely beautiful. And what about the changing of the colors

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in the fall? The spring you know that brilliant bright green of

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new leaves and buds in the spring to the beautiful oranges

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and reds of the fall.

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Yes, I love nature. I could probably do a whole show on

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nature. But I'm going to move on to the source of inspiration

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number 12 which is laughter. Right? Who doesn't love the

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sound of laughter think about that baby that new baby laugh

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when you're just going boo at them and they think it's the

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funniest thing ever. And it's just that really cute little

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baby giggle and you can do it Over and over and over again.

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And every time they laugh more, and it's that same little cute

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baby laugh. We've all seen that experience that too, you know,

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comedy shows to, you know, comedy television, just allowing

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us that time to laugh. Those belly laughs are great episode

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that my family and I love. It's called Miranda out of the out of

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the UK, there's only three seasons, there's only five or

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six episodes per season. But it is a laugh out loud hilarious.

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To the point where you're laughing so hard your tummy

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hurts. And that is so healthy for you. Because one minute of

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laughter can boost your immune system for 24 hours. One minute

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of anger or fear or stress, on the other hand can weaken your

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immune system for four hours. So what would you rather laughter

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changes your energy, it shifts your mood, it lightens your

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load. And it's a very quick and powerful way to move into that

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place of feeling lighter. So I absolutely love laughter for

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what it does, because it makes us feel good. It's contagious.

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When my oldest daughter starts laughing, she has an absolutely

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contagious laugh. And I can't help but laugh along with her.

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And sometimes she's you know, playing tricks on her dad and

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laughing at her dad. And then I'm laughing too. And he's like,

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Thanks for the support. And I absolutely can't help it. I just

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start laughing when she starts laughing. And so that contagious

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nature of laughter is really powerful as well, because it

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brings us together as human beings enjoying the moment. So

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laughter is yet another source of inspiration. Where can you

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find laughter in your life? The 13th source of inspiration is

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spirituality. Whether that's meditation, prayer,

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contemplation, all of these can be a quiet source of peace and

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inspiration. Sometimes inspiration comes to us, when we

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slow down, right? I said that, in my last episode, when my

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daughter and I were sitting at the sunset and quiet of the

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morning. In fact, inspiration often comes to us when we slow

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down. And we just don't slow down enough on a regular basis.

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But when we choose to slow down and go within the inspiration

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can reveal itself to us. The problem solving the ideas,

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creative ideas for something we might want to do next. And so

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what does that look like for you, it doesn't have to be a

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make work project to slow down or to meditate or to pray. It

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could be five minutes at a time. And sometimes it's a matter of

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just starting. And initially it might be five minutes. But then

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as you get good at meditating for five minutes, and you're

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really like the peace and the calm and the inspiration that

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comes to you, it's easy to build upon that to 10 minutes or 15

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minutes. For me, yoga is almost like meditation that can be a 45

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minute to an hour long class, of just being calm being within

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closing my eyes to all the external input and the

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bombardment of what's thrown in our eyes all day, every day, to

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just allow the brain time to calm. And from that place, we

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get inspiration. Number 14 Are my clients. My clients are an

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incredible source of inspiration to me. And perhaps for you, it's

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clients, maybe it's colleagues, maybe it's your bosses. But who

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are the people that you work with? That might be a source of

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inspiration for you.

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Very often the clients that come to work with me have been

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looking for solutions to their root cause of their health

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issues for quite some time and not getting answers being told

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nothing's wrong with them, or that we don't know what's wrong

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with you. And they're frustrated. And sometimes

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they've almost given up, they don't think they can heal it all

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and they have to feel like crap for the rest of their life.

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Which is absolutely not true because your dis ease does not

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have to be a life sentence. But sometimes that's what people are

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led to believe. And so when they start working with me, they

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don't have a lot of hope left. They're thinking will this work?

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Won't this work? I'm not sure they have to buy into my belief

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that My programs work. And I know my programs work because

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I've seen them work with hundreds and hundreds of

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different people and get great results for all of them. And so

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I have to share how the programs work with them. And then they

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have to choose to step into that. When we have hope, we can

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continue the healing journey is when we quit, that we've lost

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our hope and nothing happens. So as long as we keep trying,

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there's the chance that will then the body can keep healing,

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right. So they step into that. And then as we create the

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environment for their body to heal, and they start noticing

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the benefits very quickly, usually within the first three

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weeks. Now they develop their own belief that, hey, there's

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something to this, this can work for me, I'm feeling better, I'm

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on the right path. And they're inspired to keep going, and

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their belief blossoms. And when I see them take on their own

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belief, and I see them step into doing the work. That inspires

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me, because it isn't always easy. But they do it. Because

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they start to see the benefits. And that inspires them to keep

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going. And that inspires me to keep doing the work that I'm

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doing, because there's more people out there that need that

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kind of help and support and guidance on their healing

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journey. So I want to say thank you to every single one of my

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clients that trusted in me. Because you inspire me every

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single day and stepping into doing the work that you need to

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do to help your body heal with my guidance. And you inspire me

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to keep doing the work that I do. And it brings me great joy,

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because I love seeing the results that people get. So

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number 15, the 50 source of inspiration, are our friends. We

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have all different kinds of friends, friends in different

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shapes and sizes, that all have different skills and different

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knowledge that we don't have. And so they can do things that

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we can't do or don't do. And this is inspiring, because from

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there, we can learn from each other. And I have a particular

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very good friend who I've actually only known for the last

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six months where accountability partners in a business coaching

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group that we're both in. And we both agree that our coach

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assigned us to be partners together, it was just a perfect

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match. And honestly, this lady is an angel. Recently, she moved

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into the house of neighbors who had a disabled daughter and a

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son. And they hadn't had a vacation since the kids were

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born. And caring for a disabled child is anybody any of you

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would know if you have disabled children, that's 24/7. And

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they've never had a vacation. And so Jackie, who I've

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nicknamed an angel moved into their home leaving her own

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teenage son and husband in their family home in order to care for

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these two kids while their parents got their first ever

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Is it easy looking after a disabled child? Absolutely not.

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This is a disabled teenager, she's you know, got some weight

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to her. So Jackie had to be lifting her, you know, getting

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carrying her into bed and bathing her and getting her to

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eat food and taking her to her brother's Christmas concert. And

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she sent videos of her dancing with this child who's standing

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in her leg braces and holding her up so she could dance and

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playing music. And remember in the last episode, Episode 16

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music was one of the sources of inspiration. And they were

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dancing to this music. And the brilliant smile on this girl's

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face was absolutely incredible. And the gift that Jackie gave to

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this family in moving into their home and caring for their

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children. That inspires me to be a better person. Because to me,

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she is an angel. And I was watching this as she was sharing

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videos of her experience thinking could I do that? What I

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do that? I don't know. But Jackie did it. And now, next

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noon, if there's a time where I'm asked to do that I would

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want to say yes. Because Jackie's inspired me to be that

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better person. So that I can say yes to that. So thank you,

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Jackie, for that inspiration. And then we have affirmations as

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our 16th source of inspiration. And again, there's many

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affirmations out there, you can Google them, you can make up

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your own. And I made up an affirmation that many of you

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have heard many times over, in regard to self care when I first

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started my health coaching certification course, because

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that's where I first learned that self care is the most

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selfless act, and that we should be looking after ourselves

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first, not last, because I always thought I had to look

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after everybody else first. And me last, and then I never really

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got to me. And when I flipped that on its head, it made so

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much sense, you know, we can't serve from an empty cup, put the

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oxygen mask on first in the airplane, etc. Right? Fill your

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cup until it's overflowing and serve from the saucer that made

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so much more sense to me. So I created an affirmation that self

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care is the most selfless act, as it allows you to show up and

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give the world the best of you instead of what's left of you.

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And I say that every single day. As I shifted my habits into

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looking after me first. And as I did that, I noticed a shift in

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me, I noticed a shift in my family. Because I was looking

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after me first. And I was actually more stress resilient.

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I was actually calmer two teenage daughters at time when I

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first implemented this and notice this and one day I had

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this aha that. There, they're not riling me up like they used

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to. I'm not responding and yelling like I used to. They

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still push my buttons, but I respond calmly. And the only

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difference was that I had started looking after myself,

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blocking myself care time in my calendar, making sure I got my

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workouts in or my paddleboarding or my skiing or whatever it was.

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And self care for every single person is different. For me,

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it's some form of exercise, or it's enjoying a bath and the day

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for reading a book. For you, it might be totally different. But

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affirmations really help us to change habits. We're so

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programmed to just be in our comfort zone and do what we've

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always done. And it can be hard to get outside of that and to

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create a new habit because our brain wants to keep us safe in

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our comfort zone. And anytime we step outside of that we start

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doing something differently. It starts sending us messages to

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pull us back, questioning what we're doing, why are you doing

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that? You sure you want to do that? That's hard, this looks

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different. Is it safe? Why don't you come back over here where I

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know I can keep you safe. And that's why so often, when we're

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doing something that has a stepping outside our comfort

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zone, we might even feel butterflies in our stomach, like

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standing on stage to give a speech, a piano recital standing

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at the start line of a marathon. Because our brains like whoa,

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what's going on here. And it's questioning us and we're feeling

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a little bit nervous.

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And when we continue to step in outside of our comfort zone and

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move forward on that path, those affirmations can help us keep

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moving forward. So that is a 16th form of inspiration. The 17

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is exercise. So when we exercise, we have endorphins

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moving through our body, we're feeling good, we're better

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oxygen flow through our body, therefore, you know, more blood

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flowing through our body, etc. We just feel better. And I

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realize if you're used to lying around on the couch, that it

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might be really hard to find that motivation to get up and

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exercise. But when you do you always feel better. I don't

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think anybody's ever gone and done a workout and then said,

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Gee, I wish I didn't do that. And so it's incredibly

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inspirational because we're always feeling better. And again

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we're getting out of our conscious brain when we're

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exercising our brain can calm and you know new thoughts, new

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ideas, new inspirations can come to us. I've recently invested in

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the mirror button Lululemon is partnered with a mirror to

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promote that and so now I have a whole exercise gym in my living

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room with over 10,000 workouts in it from chair, workouts you

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can do in your chair to yoga to stretch Change toning to barre

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Pilates boxing kickboxing, tai chi, cardio competition family

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fun. I, I can't even remember all of them. There's so many to

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choose from. And then from beginner to intermediate to

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advanced to expert, and five minutes to 60 minute classes,

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and some live classes, and then a whole bunch of recorded

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classes. So every single day, at some point, I can go to the

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mirror and I like to do my workouts in the morning, I can

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go to the mirror, and I can do a half hour of this and a half

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hour of that. Or maybe I do an hour of something, try different

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things. And just enjoy that. And I can play my music, play their

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music. And again, remember, music is another source of

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inspiration. I'll often play my energy shifting tunes just

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because they're faster, especially if I'm doing cardio.

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Oh, dance was another one I forgot to tell you, then I have

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to play their music. And I'm totally uncoordinated. And you

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know what, it doesn't matter because I'm at home and no one's

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watching. But I'm moving. And I'm creating that blood flow.

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I'm getting out of my thinking mind and just being in the

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moment and from their source, if that's the source of

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inspiration. So I absolutely love my mirror. And but it

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doesn't matter what exercise do you like to do? Maybe it's just

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getting out and going for a walk. I told you in the two

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episodes ago, about my mom walking the pole to pole without

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even knowing it and getting her Fitbit badge because she was out

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walking her dogs. And then she's getting out and getting close to

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the beach because she's living in Australia. So she's closer to

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nature. So all those benefits from getting outside and doing a

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walk. So what type of exercise do you like, because that's

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what's most important. If you like bike riding, then go ride a

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bike, if you hate bike riding, don't ride a bike, find

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something that you like, because then you're so much more likely

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to do it. And you can start off in baby steps, 15 minute

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increments, and build up. And as you build up and you feel better

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and you feel fitter, you're further inspired to keep going.

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So number 18 is acts of kindness. And love this one,

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because so often acts of kindness don't actually even

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have to cost you anything. Think of it if you're just giving

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someone a compliment. And in this world, how often does that

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happen? Not often enough, to the point where if you do

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acknowledge someone and give them a compliment, they might

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feel uncomfortable. And try to push it off or say it was

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nothing. Because they're not used to receiving compliments,

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because we're not giving them often enough. And giving a

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compliment doesn't cost you anything. But it gives the other

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person so much. And guess what it's actually giving you

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something to because you feel good about giving that

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compliment to the other person. Any act of kindness leaves you

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feeling good. Whether somebody drops something and you pick it

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up for them. Whether you're opening the door for someone,

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whether you're buying someone in front of you a coffee in or

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behind you a coffee and wine just because whatever it is,

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that act of kindness leaves you feeling good.

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And you've made someone else's day, at the same time. And what

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if all of us could just go out and give five compliments today

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to five different people genuine compliments. And notice how you

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feel as a result of doing that. And notice how you've made each

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and every one of those people's day. Now, if that isn't a source

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of inspiration, I don't know what it's making someone else's

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day from a simple act of kindness. Number 19 change

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change as a source of inspiration. I've always said

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the only guarantee in life is change. And yet some people are

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very resistant to change. Because they're in that comfort

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zone where their brain knows they can keep them nice and

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safe. And they don't want to get out of it. But there's no growth

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sitting in your comfort zone. So in order to have growth we have

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to get out of that comfort zone staying in it all the time

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simply gets boring. And boredom can actually lead to depression

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and depression can actually lead to negative health implications.

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And there's no better sign of that then people in retirement.

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They count down the days to retirement and Then retirement

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starts and then they have maybe have a whole month first month

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planned out are going to travel. And then after that they have no

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idea what they're gonna do with all of this time. And if they

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don't make a plan on how they're going to spend that time, it

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gets boring. And that boredom leads to depression and

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depression leads to illness. And too many people die really soon

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after retiring. It's actually tragic, because you work all of

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these years of your life looking forward to retirement. So you

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can do all of these things, and then it doesn't happen. Which is

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why I actually believe in the Japanese approach of IKI guy

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where you find your passion and your purpose. And you do that

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every day for the rest of your life. You don't have to retire

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from it because you love what you do. And so then retirement

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isn't even a thing. You might do it less as you get older, but

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you don't have to actually retire. But if you're living

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life by design, you can take vacation when you want to take

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vacation, you can live your purpose when you want to live

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your purpose. But moving out of our comfort zone, and inviting

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change into our life is inspiring, as we don't know

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where we're going or how it's going to turn out. And that's

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totally why your brain wants to keep you in the comfort zone,

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because it's like, where are you going, I don't know, if I can

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keep you safe over there. Let's come back to the comfort zone.

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But the reality is, when we step outside that comfort zone, it's

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an adventure. And that is inspiring. And we just have to

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gently tell our brain that it'll be okay that we've got this. And

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let's go over here and you'll find a new Comfort Zone later

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on. You see, your brain is your best friend and your worst enemy

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at the same time. It's your best friend when it stops you from

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stepping in front of a bus. But it's your worst enemy when it's

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holding you hostage in your comfort zone. So learn to talk

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back to your brain and bring it with you on your adventure out

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of your comfort zone. And that is inspiring that yourself Be

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inspired simply by not knowing what the outcome is going to be.

Melissa Deally:

But being open to the journey. And the 20th source of

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inspiration is a conscious rethink, slow down, meditate,

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take the time for check ins with yourself. Excuse me, are you in

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alignment in all aspects of your life? Is there anything you need

Melissa Deally:

to shift in order to get into alignment is when you are in

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alignment in all aspects of your life, you will find yourself

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living in peace, harmony, and joy. And there will always be

Melissa Deally:

room for growth, there will be always room to try new things.

Melissa Deally:

And that is a great source of inspiration. When we rethink

Melissa Deally:

when we do check ins with ourselves, check that we're on

Melissa Deally:

the right path. And if we're not, we do a little zig here, a

Melissa Deally:

little zag there. So I hope you've really enjoyed these over

Melissa Deally:

the course of two episodes, these 20 sources of inspiration.

Melissa Deally:

And I truly would love to hear from you whether you email me at

Melissa Deally:

Melissa at your guided health journey.com. post a message on

Melissa Deally:

YouTube underneath these podcasts or send me a message

Melissa Deally:

through my website at your guide to health journey.com through

Melissa Deally:

the contact form. And let me know which of these 20 sources

Melissa Deally:

of inspiration most resonated with you.

Melissa Deally:

When we take the time to just stop and think about all the

Melissa Deally:

ways that we can be inspired in our life, we can truly start to

Melissa Deally:

create a little bit of change, we can start to realize we're

Melissa Deally:

boredom setting in we're bogged down when we're just doing same

Melissa Deally:

old, same old and we can shake it up. And that is inspired. So

Melissa Deally:

thank you for listening to the don't wait for your wake up call

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podcast. And next week I have yet another fabulous guest and

Melissa Deally:

this particular guest has had two near death experiences. And

Melissa Deally:

clearly her work isn't done on this planet because she's here

Melissa Deally:

to share her story with you. Amazing woman so inspirational.

Melissa Deally:

So come back next week and listen to episode number 63.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If

Melissa Deally:

you can take two Two Minutes to share this episode with someone

Melissa Deally:

who you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their

Melissa Deally:

life. That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going

Melissa Deally:

to your favorite podcast listening app. And let me know

Melissa Deally:

what you enjoy or would like to hear more of. It will support me

Melissa Deally:

in my effort to bring the possibility of natural healing

Melissa Deally:

to a wider audience and help disrupt the sick care system we

Melissa Deally:

have today

Melissa Deally:

and make human health the global priority. Health is your true

Show artwork for Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!

About the Podcast

Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!
with Melissa Deally, Integrative Health Practitioner
As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?

About your host

Profile picture for Melissa Deally

Melissa Deally

Melissa is an Integrative Mind Body Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issue. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures, but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements. Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing, so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.